MOUZON. A telegram for me?
DOORKEEPER. Yes, your honor.
MOUZON. Give it me. Right. [_The doorkeeper goes out. Mouzon reads_]
"Diane is detained under arrest. The report of yesterday's affair sent to the Attorney-General.--Lucien." That's nice for me! [_He is silent, pacing to and fro_] Oh, the accursed women! [_Silence_] Come, I must get to work. [_He goes to the door at the back and calls his recorder_]
SCENE V:--_Mouzon, the recorder, and then Bridet._
MOUZON [_seated, gives a brief to the recorder_] Make out an order of non-lieu in the Labastide case and the order for his immediate release.
You can do that during the interrogatories. Now, let us begin! It is two o'clock already and we have done nothing. Make haste--Let's see--What are you waiting for? Give me the list of witnesses--the list of witnesses. Don't you understand? What's the matter with you to-day?
That's right. Now bring in this famous witness for the defence and let us get rid of him. Is Etchepare there?
RECORDER. Yes, your honor.
MOUZON. His wife too?
RECORDER. Yes, your honor.
MOUZON. Well, then! What's the matter with you that you look at me like that? Bring him in.
RECORDER. Which first? Etchepare?
MOUZON. No!--the witness for the defence. The wit-ness for the de-fence--do you understand?
RECORDER [_outside, angrily_] Bridet! Come, Bridet, are you deaf? Come in! [_Roughly_] Stir yourself!
_Bridet enters._
BRIDET. Your worship, I am going to tell you--
MOUZON. Hold your tongue. You will speak when you are questioned. Name, surname, age, profession, and place of domicile.
BRIDET. Bridet, Jean-Pierre, thirty-eight, maker of _alpargates_ at Faigorry.
MOUZON [_in a single breath_] You swear to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Say, "I swear." You are neither a blood relative nor a relation by marriage of the accused, you are not in his service and he is not in yours. [_To the recorder_] Has he said, "I swear"?
RECORDER. Yes, your worship.
MOUZON [_to Bridet_] Speak! [_Silence_] Go on--speak!
BRIDET. I am waiting for you to ask me questions.
MOUZON. Just now one couldn't keep you quiet; now when I ask you to speak you have nothing to say. What interest have you in defending Etchepare?
BRIDET. What interest?
MOUZON. Yes. Don't you understand your own language?
BRIDET. Yes, Monsieur. Why, no interest.
MOUZON. No interest? Is that the truth? Eh? None? Come, I want very much to believe you. [_Very sternly_] However, I remind you that Article 361 of the Penal Code punishes false evidence with imprisonment. Now that you know the risk you run in not telling the truth I will listen to you.
BRIDET [_confused_] I was going to say that old Goyetche was murdered by gipsies who came from over the frontier, down the mountain.
MOUZON. You are sure of that?
BRIDET. I believe it's so.
MOUZON. You are not here to say what you believe. Tell me what you saw or heard. That is all that's asked of you.
BRIDET. But one's always meeting them, these gipsies. The other day they robbed a tobacconist's shop. There were three of them. Two of them went inside. I must tell you they had looked the place over during the day--
MOUZON. Did you come here to laugh at the law? Eh?
BRIDET. I?--But, Monsieur--
MOUZON. I ask if you came here to mock at the law?
BRIDET. No, Monsieur.
MOUZON. That's as well, for such a thing won't answer--you understand?
Do you hear?
BRIDET. Yes, Monsieur.
MOUZON. Is that all you have to say?
BRIDET. No, Monsieur.
MOUZON. Well, then, go on! Confound it! Don't waste my time in this way!
Do you think I've nothing to do but listen to your gossip? Come now, tell me.
BRIDET. Well, the day after Ascension Day--that is, on the Monday--no, on the Friday--
MOUZON. Was it Monday or Friday?
BRIDET. Friday--it was like a Monday, you see, because it was the day after the holiday. Well, the day they found old Goyetche murdered I saw a troop of gipsies leaving his house.
MOUZON. Then you were quite close to the house?
BRIDET. No, I was pa.s.sing on the road.
MOUZON. Did they close the door behind them?
BRIDET. I don't know, Monsieur.
MOUZON. Then why do you say you saw them come out of the house?