SATNI. Why do you fear them?
SOKITI. Because they are chasing us.
STEWARD. And why are they chasing you?
_The three men look at each other._
SATNI. Bitiou, answer.
BITIOU. Bitiou knows not.
STEWARD [_to the others_] You know it, you.
NOURM. They took us for the others.
SATNI. What others?
NOURM. Perhaps they took us for the servants of the neighboring master.
STEWARD. They have done mischief, then, the servants of the neighboring master? [_Pause_] Answer--you!
NOURM [_to Satni_] They did that at his house, that you made us do at yours.
STEWARD. The priests heard of it?
NOURM. No, but the master sent for the soldiers.
SATNI. Only for that!
NOURM. I know not.
SATNI. Had there been nothing else, he would not have sent for the Lybian soldiers. He knew our projects--he is with us. There is something else, eh!--
_Bitiou yawns loudly._
SATNI. What?
SOKITI [_to Nourm_] Tell.
NOURM. They were angered with the master. He was bad, the master.
STEWARD. He is hard, but he gives much to those who have nothing.
SOKITI. He gave here, that he might receive hereafter.
NOURM. After his death.
SATNI. And now he gives no more?
NOURM. Nothing.
BITIOU. Nothing--and so, all stomachs empty, very much. [_He laughs_].
NOURM. He gives only blows of the stick now.
SOKITI [_with conviction_] One cannot live on that alone.
NOURM. And so his servants asked him for corn?
BITIOU. No good--only blows of the stick.
STEWARD. They _took_ the corn that was refused them?
BITIOU [_laughing_] Hunger! [_A gesture_].
SATNI. You knew they were going to do that?
SATNI. It was for that you went to join them?
NOURM. It came into our heads like this: better not take corn from the good master, but take it from the bad one.
SOKITI. Justice!
BITIOU [_to the Steward_] You content. You still got all your corn.
_He laughs, his comrades laugh with him._
NOURM. You, we like you.
BITIOU. You--good! We--good!
BITIOU [_collecting two ideas_] Wait: neighboring master bad. They bad.
[_To the others_] Heh?--Heh?--you see--Heh? Heh? [_All three draw themselves up proudly and laugh_] And the steward he bad, he dead--well done!
SATNI. What would he say?
SOKITI [_laughing_] They took the steward and then--[_Chokes with laughter_].