SCENE: _Same as Act I._
_Rheou discovered alone. After a few moments the Steward enters through the gates._
RHEOU. What have you seen?
STEWARD. The preparations for the festival continue.
RHEOU. At the Temple?
STEWARD. At the Temple.
RHEOU. For the Feast of Prodigies?
STEWARD. For the Feast of Prodigies.
RHEOU. And the priests believe they can celebrate it to-morrow?
STEWARD. I have seen no reason to doubt of it.
RHEOU. Without Yaouma?
STEWARD. I do not know.
RHEOU. You are mistaken perhaps. Did you go down as far as the Nile?
STEWARD. Yes, master.
RHEOU. Well?
STEWARD. They have finished the decoration of the sacred barge.
RHEOU. I do not understand it.
STEWARD. Nor I, for I know that a certain number of the soldiers have refused to renew the attempt of yesterday--
RHEOU. They have refused?
RHEOU. What did they say?
STEWARD. That they were afraid.
RHEOU. Of what--of whom?
STEWARD. Of Satni.
RHEOU. Of Satni?
STEWARD. Yes. They say it was he who caused the miracle of yesterday.
RHEOU. What--what do they say? Their words--tell me?
STEWARD. That it was he--
RHEOU. He, Satni?--
RHEOU. Who caused the miracle of yesterday?
RHEOU. The miracle that prevented them from carrying out the order of the High Priest?
RHEOU. The order to come here and seize Yaouma?
RHEOU. So that is what they say?
STEWARD. Every one says it.
RHEOU [_after some reflection_] Come, it is time you learned the truth, that you may repeat it all. In the countries whither he went Satni learned many things--great things. Come hither, lend your ear. He declares there be other G.o.ds than the G.o.ds of Egypt--and more powerful.
If you remember, my father and the Pharaoh Amenotep likewise declared this, and would have made these G.o.ds known to us. How they were frustrated you know. It seems--for my own part I know not, 'tis Satni says so, ceaselessly, these two months since his return--it seems then, the time is come when these G.o.ds would make them known to us. They have endowed Satni with superhuman power. That I _know_, and none may doubt it now. Satni is resolved to keep his betrothed, and the Lybian Guards were not deceived, it was he who yesterday called down the thunder and the floods from Heaven upon the soldiers sent here to seize Yaouma.
STEWARD. The oldest remember but one such prodigy.
RHEOU. What I have told you, tell to all; and this, besides, say to them: each time that any would cross the will of Satni--they who dare the attempt will be scattered, even as the guards were scattered yesterday. Add this, that Satni is guided by the spirit of the dead Pharaoh, that I last night beheld my father's spirit, and that great events will come to pa.s.s in Egypt.
STEWARD. I shall tell them.
RHEOU. Behold, the envoy of the new G.o.ds! Leave me to speak with him.
Go, repeat my words.
_The Steward goes out._
_Satni enters from the back. Rheou prostrates himself before Satni._
SATNI [_looking behind him_] Before which G.o.d do you still bow down?
RHEOU. Before you. If you be not a G.o.d, you are the spirit of a G.o.d.