With Me In Seattle: Play With Me - Part 32

Part 32

"Welcome home, baby."

"Hi, handsome." She cups his face in her hands and kisses him deeply as he carries her inside and waves back at us.

"o.r.g.a.s.ms," Brynna sighs and sits back in her seat.

Next stop is Nat and Jules' old house where Brynna and her girls have been living for the past few months. Brynna steps out of the van, but stumbles, and Caleb easily lifts her in his arms and smiles down at her as she wraps her arms around his neck.

"You don't have to carry me," she murmurs to him as he walks to her front door.

"It's okay, sweetheart," he mumbles back and I sigh. Gosh, he's sweet. All the guys are so sweet.

"I like sweet guys," I announce.

"Why?" Jules asks.

"I dunno." I frown and think about it. "They taste good."

Sam nods in agreement. "They do. But they taste good when they're naughty too."

"Oh, yeah." I remember. "Okay. I like sweet, naughty guys."

Caleb climbs back in and we take Sam home. "You okay?" Matt asks her as she climbs out of the van.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I have to go call Brandon."

"Who's Brandon?" Jules asks.

"f.u.c.k buddy. I need to be spanked. 'Night all!" And with that she disappears into her downtown apartment building.

"Atta girl!" I yell at her. "You go get some."

Jules smirks and looks over at me. "I'm so glad we did this."

"So fun," I agree.

"We'll do it again when you get married."

I frown at her and shake my head. "Not getting married."


"Will will leave me before that." I shrug and sigh. "But I'll enjoy him for now."

I look up to find Caleb and Jules both scowling at me, and Matt eyeing me again in the mirror.


"Why would he leave you?" Caleb asks quietly.

"They always leave."

"Who?" Matt asks.

"People I love." I sigh again and look at Jules who is watching me with understanding eyes. She and Nat are the only ones who really know. "I can't tell him, Jules. If I tell him I love him, he'll go."

"No he won't, sweetie." She squeezes my hand and then grins. "He'll f.u.c.k the s.h.i.t out of you."

"No he won't." I shake my head. "He says he never f.u.c.ks me. Even when he f.u.c.ks me."

"What does that mean?" she asks with a frown as the guys up front share a glance.

"I dunno." We pull up to Jules' building. "Go get your apagasms."

"Okay." She smiles widely at the tall, devastatingly handsome man walking out to the curb to claim her. "See you Sat.u.r.day."

Nate lifts her in his arms and waves at us before carrying her back inside out of the cold. They're so pretty together. Their babies will be knock outs.

I snort.

Knock outs. Nate used to fight. Why this is so funny to me, I'm not sure, other than it's still the alcohol talking.

I must fall asleep because suddenly the van door opens again and Will leans in, smiling gently at me. "Hey, lazy girl. Let's get you inside."

He lifts me easily out of the van and I wrap myself around him, so happy to be cradled in his strong arms.

"Thanks guys. Have a good night."

"No problem, man. Good luck with her."

My eyes are closed, but I can hear Caleb's grin.

"Good night, boys. Go find some o.r.g.a.s.ms," I instruct them and can't help but smile at their laughter.

I love these guys.

Will carries me inside and sets me on the kitchen counter. I brace my hands on the edges of the dark granite and dangle my feet, watching him move about, pouring a gla.s.s of water and grabbing pills out of a drawer.

"Here, take these and drink the whole gla.s.s and you won't be hung over tomorrow."

"Did you win tonight?" I ask and do as I'm told.

"Yes." His eyes are happy as he watches me follow his directions. When the gla.s.s is empty, I wipe my mouth with my arm and lick my lips.


"You're welcome." He puts the gla.s.s in the sink and then stands between my legs, his arms wrapped around my a.s.s, and nose even with mine.

"Did you get tackled a lot?" I ask with a frown.

"No, not much," he responds with a soft smile.

"I don't like it when you get bagged."

"That's sacked, sweetheart," he chuckles. "I'm fine."

"You're so tall."

He just smiles at me. "You're so beautiful."

"Nah, I'm just a normal girl. Your groupies are beautiful."

"They're not my groupies. And they're not beautiful. You are. I love your hazel eyes and soft auburn hair. I love your soft skin." He wraps his arms tightly around me and nuzzles my nose with his. "I love you, Megan."

I sigh and wrap myself around him, legs around his hips, arms around his neck, and bury my face in his neck. He lifts me and carries me upstairs like this, and helps me out of my clothes, then tucks me into the bed.

He's standing at the side of the bed, looking down at me with humor and love. I hold my arms out. "Come to bed."

He strips down, and I'm reminded of that first night in my townhouse when he took me home from the engagement party, and how far we've come since then. He slips in behind me and pulls me to him, wrapping his arms around my middle. My eyes are heavy from the alcohol and the dancing.

"Sleep," Will whispers to me.

"But I wanted o.r.g.a.s.ms," I whisper back. Will chuckles softly and brushes my hair back off my face.

"I'll give you lots of o.r.g.a.s.ms tomorrow."

"Okay." I sigh and link my fingers with his. "Love you, too," I whisper so softly, just before I drift to sleep, and don't hear Will's gasp of surprise, or feel the wide smile spread across his face.

I wake to sunshine and the smell of bacon.

Oh, sweet G.o.d, bacon. I lay in the bed, flat on my back, and take stock. Stomach isn't rolling. Room isn't spinning. Head doesn't hurt.

I sit up and run through the same list. All systems are a go. And the bacon is making my mouth water.

I love Monday mornings. Will usually has the day off, which means I get to spend the morning with him.

I hurry to the shower and scrub last night off my body. Face, hair and body are all buffed and washed and scrubbed until I'm squeaky clean and feeling ten times better. I brush the h.e.l.l out of my teeth, comb my wet hair, pull on one of Will's old jerseys and his boxer-briefs and go hunt him down.

He's in the kitchen, adding fruit to two small bowls. He's made pancakes and bacon and he looks delicious himself in faded, torn blue jeans and an old black t-shirt. The arms of the shirt hug the muscles in his biceps and I can't stop myself from walking over and kissing him there, just below the hemline.

"Good morning," I murmur.

"Good morning." He smiles down at me and kisses me chastely. "How do you feel?"

"Better than I expected to."

"No hangover?"

"No. I feel good. The shower helped too."

"Good." He hands me the fruit bowls, grabs the plates and leads me to the dining table where he's set up coffee and juice.

"This is fantastic. Thank you."

"You're welcome, sweetheart." We dig in and oh my G.o.d, it tastes like heaven.

"I had no idea you could cook."

He laughs and shrugs. "I really can't. Breakfast is all you'll really get out of me."

"Mmm." I take another bite of pancakes. "Really good."

"You were hungry," he remarks with a smile.

"Yeah. We didn't eat much last night."

"I figured as much. Do you remember much of it?"

I wrinkle my forehead and think back. "I remember dancing and laughing and drinking a whole lot."

"Do you remember the ride home?" His eyes are dancing with humor.

"I think I talked to you on the phone."

"You did."

"And we were all talking about o.r.g.a.s.ms. I didn't get any, did I?"

He shakes his head and laughs. "Uh, no. You pa.s.sed out on me."

"Typical." I shrug. "It was a lot of fun."

"Good. You deserved it."

"I guess work won't suck too badly today."

"You have to work today?" He asks with raised brows. I finish my meal and sit back, juice in hand.

"Yeah. Some of the others are on vacation and I couldn't rearrange the schedule." I shrug again. "It's okay. I work tonight through Thursday and then I'm off until next Tuesday."

"Four nights this week?" Will asks as he clears the table. I stand to help him, but he waves me off. "I've got this. Just relax."

"Yeah, I picked up an extra shift." I don't tell him it's because I could use the extra money to replace my car. "So, before our drunken stupor last night, Jules offered to help me get ready for the ball on Sat.u.r.day. She has a dress for me to borrow and everything, so that'll be fun. I think Nat and Sam are going to come too."

"That'll be fun. I'm sure you'll look beautiful." He smiles at me, but I feel like something's wrong.

"What is it?"