I.E.F. "D."
I have received the following message from His Imperial Majesty the King-Emperor:--
"March 11th.--It is with greatest satisfaction that I have received the good news that you have occupied Baghdad. I heartily congratulate you and your troops on the success achieved under so many difficulties.--George R.I."
I have sent the following reply:--
"March 12th.--Your Imperial Majesty's gracious message has been communicated to all ranks of the forces serving in Mesopotamia by whom it has been received with feelings of intense grat.i.tude, loyalty and devotion. The difficulties by which we have been confronted have only increased our determination to surmount them."
The following are some of the other messages received and replies sent:--
From His Excellency the Viceroy of India:--
"March 13th.--My most hearty congratulations to yourself and the troops under your command on the capture of Baghdad which has been achieved by their gallantry and devotion to duty."
"March 14th.--Your Excellency's kind message has been received with sincere grat.i.tude by all ranks of the forces in Mesopotamia.
Nothing could have exceeded the valour and endurance of the troops both British and Indian under trying conditions."
From The Grand Duke Nicholas:--
"March 10th.--I and the Caucasus Army send heartiest congratulations on the new success won by the glorious troops under your command. The Caucasus Army will do all in their power to further your developments and successes."
"March 12th.--On behalf of the troops serving in Mesopotamia I beg to thank your Imperial Highness very warmly for kind message which is much appreciated by us all. Our Russian comrades in Caucasus may rest a.s.sured that we shall continue to do our utmost to a.s.sist their operations already so successfully commenced."
From the Right Hon'ble the Secretary of State for War:--
"March 13th.--His Majesty's Government desire me to convey to you and all ranks under your command their cordial congratulations on the n.o.ble feat of arms which has led to your occupation of Baghdad. They fully recognise the difficulties which you have faced and overcome and wish to express their high appreciation of the skilful plan of operations, the careful co-ordination of the administrative work and the courage and endurance of the troops."
"March 14th.--Your message conveying approbation of His Majesty's Government with respect to our efforts has been received with widespread pleasure by all ranks of the forces in Mesopotamia.
The difficulties by which we were met were soon swept aside by the dauntless valour and endurance of the troops ably seconded by the thorough and smooth working of the administrative services."
From His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief in India:--
"March 12th.--To you and your gallant troops I desire to convey my own and the warmest congratulations of all ranks in India on your splendid achievements. The valour, devotion to duty and determination which have defeated a stubborn enemy and culminated in the capture of Baghdad evoke our highest admiration."
"March 14th.--All ranks of the forces in Mesopotamia thank Your Excellency most warmly for your most kind message. It is a particular source of satisfaction to us to feel that our efforts are appreciated so thoroughly by our comrades in India. British and Indian troops have vied with each other in valour and endurance and difficulties met with have only stimulated our determination to surmount them."
From Admiral Sir David Beatty, G.C.B., K.C.V.O., D.S.O.:--
"March 12th.--Please accept, on behalf of the Grand Fleet and myself, our admiration and congratulations upon the magnificent achievement in capturing Baghdad by the gallant forces under your command."
"March 14th.--Your message has been received with widespread pleasure by all ranks of the forces in Mesopotamia. During operations the Navy has, as usual, played its part n.o.bly. We are particularly proud at receiving congratulations from the Grand Fleet, which has itself done much superb work consistently during past two and a half years."
From Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig, G.C.B., G.C.V.O., K.C.I.E., Commander-in-Chief Armies in France:--
"March 16th.--Your brilliant achievements and continued successes are a great delight and a great encouragement to all ranks under my command."
"March 16th.--Most grateful for kind message--much valued."
From Vice-Admiral Sir Rosslyn E. Wemyss, K.C.B., C.M.G., M.V.O., Naval Commander-in-Chief, British East Indies:--
"March 14th.--Please accept hearty congratulations of self and whole of Indian Squadron on your splendid success. I am proud to think that the Royal Navy has been able to co-operate with your troops."
"March 16th.--Most grateful to you and East Indies Squadron for kind message. Royal Navy here have co-operated with our operations brilliantly."
From General Sir Archibald Murray, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., C.V.O., D.S.O., Commander-in-Chief, Egyptian Expeditionary force:--
"Your splendid series of successes are being watched with the profoundest delight and gratification by all ranks of the Egyptian Force. Bridging operations must have been grandly carried out. Once more our heartiest congratulations."
"Most grateful for kind message. All ranks appreciate it, especially coming as it does from a Commander and troops who have themselves done so brilliantly. Our troops here have been quite magnificent."
From Lieut.-General G. F. Milne, C.B., D.S.O., Commander-in-Chief British Forces at Salonika:--
"March 12th.--Hearty congratulations to you and your Army from all ranks of the Salonika Force."
"March 13th.--We all thank you very warmly for kind message."
From Major-General A. R. Hoskins, C.M.G., D.S.O., Commanding East African Force:--
"March 13th.--Hearty congratulations from all ranks East African Force to Mesopotamian Force on brilliant achievements."
"March 16th.--Most grateful for kind message much appreciated by us all."
From the Right Hon'ble the Lord Mayor of London:--