With a Highland Regiment in Mesopotamia - Part 15

Part 15

_Nominal roll of W.Os., N.C.Os., and men, 2nd Bn., numerically arranged, who have been killed in action, died of wounds, disease, etc., during service in Mesopotamia, from 1st January 1916 to 15th June 1917._

-------+----------------------+-------------+-----------+------------------------- Regtl. | Rank and Name. | Cause of Date of Place of No. | | Death. Death. Death.

| +-------------+-----------+------------------------- | | Place of burial, if known.

-------+----------------------+--------------------------------------------------- 72|Sergt. T. Archer | K. in A. 22-4-16 The Field.

| |Probably Sann-i-yat battlefield (G.R.C.).

AR/116|A/Cpl. D. Dakers | K. in A. 22-4-16 The Field.

| |Probably Sann-i-yat battlefield (G.R.C.).

133|Sergt. T. Murray | K. in A. 7-1-16 The Field.

| |Probably Sheikh-Saad (G.R.C.).

578|A/Cpl. J. Gibb | K. in A. 21-1-16 The Field.

| |Probably Hannah battlefield (G.R.C.).

598|Pte. J. Hogg | K. in A. 21-1-16 The Field.

| |Probably Hannah battlefield (G.R.C.).

622|Pte. J. Lynch | K. in A. 7-1-16 The Field.

| |Probably Sheikh-Saad (G.R.C.).

672|Corpl. R. Pratt | K. in A. 7-1-16 The Field.

| |Probably Sheikh-Saad (G.R.C.).

773|L/Cpl. R. Whyte | K. in A. 6-11-16 The Field.

| |Cemetery near Jullundur St. Sann-i-yat.

781|Corpl. U. Hutchison | K. in A. 21-4-17 The Field.

| |Dujail battlefield, T.C. 97, Sq. G-7, | | 7th Divn., Sketch No. 5, Istabulat.

797|Pte. A. Milne | K. in A. 21-4-17 The Field.

| |Dujail battlefield, T.C. 97, Sq. G-7, | | 7th Divn., Sketch No. 5, Istabulat.

814|Pte. G. McAulay | K. in A. 21-1-16 The Field.

| |Orah battlefield, Map L-2, Rev. Irwin.

896|Sergt. G. Johnston | K. in A. 22-4-16 The Field.

981|Pte. G. Hazeldean | K. in A. 21-1-16 The Field.

| |Orah battlefield, Map L-2, Rev. Irwin.

1020|L/Sgt. J. Mulholland | K. in A. 7-1-16 The Field.

| |Probably Sheikh-Saad (G.R.C.).

1038|Pte. T. McFarlane | K. in A. 7-1-16 The Field.

| |Probably Sheikh-Saad (G.R.C.).

1060|L/Sgt. J. Inglis | K. in A. 7-1-16 The Field.

| |Probably Sheikh-Saad (G.R.C.).

1207|L/Cpl. A. Brown | K. in A. 7-1-16 The Field.

| |Probably Sheikh-Saad (G.R.C.).

1335|L/Cpl. A. Cowie | K. in A. 21-4-17 The Field.

| |Point 40-22, T.C. 97 Sq. G-7, Istabulat.

1346|Pte. A. Whannel | K. in A. 7-1-16 The Field.

| |Probably Sheikh-Saad (G.R.C.).

1418|L/Cpl. W. Mack | K. in A. 22-4-16 The Field.

| |Probably Sann-i-yat battlefield (G.R.C.).

1426|Pte. A. Reoch | K. in A. 7-1-16 The Field.

| |Probably Sheikh-Saad (G.R.C.).

1449|Piper J. Davis | K. in A. 25-9-15 France.

1452|Pte. J. Smith | K. in A. 14-3-17 The Field.

1472|Sergt. R. Madill | K. in A. 7-1-16 The Field.

| |Probably Sheikh-Saad (G.R.C.).

1591|Sergt. D. Hamilton | K. in A. 7-1-16 The Field.

| |Probably Sheikh-Saad (G.R.C.).

1619|L/Cpl. W. n.o.ble | K. in A. 14-3-17 The Field.

1642|A/Sgt. D. Neill | K. in A. 22-4-16 The Field.

| |Probably Sann-i-yat battlefield (G.R.C.).

1701|Sergt. T. Henderson | K. in A. 7-1-16 The Field.

| |Probably Sheikh-Saad (G.R.C.).

1714|L/Cpl. D. Duke | K. in A. 22-4-16 The Field.

1780|Sergt. D. Finlay, V.C.| K. in A. 21-1-16 The Field.

| |Probably Hannah battlefield (G.R.C.).

1791|Pte. G. Burness | K. in A. 7-1-16 The Field.

| |Probably Sheikh-Saad (G.R.C.).

1856|A/Cpl. D. Hughes | K. in A. 21-1-16 The Field.

| |Probably Hannah battlefield (G.R.C.).

1859|A/C. S.M.T. Bissett | K. in A. 14-3-17 The Field.

1884|Corpl. R. Speed | K. in A. 21-4-17 The Field.

| |Point 40-22 T.C. 97 Sq. G-7 Istabulat.

1899|Pte. Craig, R. | K. in A. 14-3-17 The Field.

2003|Pte. T. Teirney | K. in A. 23-6-16 The Field.

2029|A/Sgt. A. Kiddle | K. in A. 21-1-16 The Field.

| |Probably Hannah battlefield (G.R.C.).

2084|Sergt. J. Barrie | K. in A. 14-3-17 The Field.

3/2160|Corpl. W. Gow | K. in A. 20-4-16 The Field.

| |Probably Sann-i-yat battlefield (G.R.C.).

2185|Dmr. G. Bullion | K. in A. 6-4-16 The Field.

| |Probably Sann-i-yat battlefield (G.R.C.).

2277|L/Cpl. W. Grimmond | K. in A. 22-4-16 The Field.

| |Probably Sann-i-yat battlefield (G.R.C.).

2316|A/Sergt. T. Marshall | K. in A. 21-1-16 The Field.

| |Probably Hannah battlefield (G.R.C.).

2451|L/Cpl. N. Campbell | K. in A. 7-1-16 The Field.

| |Probably Sheikh-Saad (G.R.C.).

3/2496|Pte. H. Duffy | K. in A. 22-4-16 The Field.

| |Probably Sann-i-yat battlefield (G.R.C.).

3/2508|Pte. S. Mowat | K. in A. 22-1-16 The Field.

| |Orah battlefield, Map L-2, Rev. Irwin.

2511|A/Cpl. D. Simpson | K. in A. 14-3-17 The Field.

3/2519|Pte. J Downie | K. in A. 7-1-16 The Field.

| |Probably Sheikh-Saad Battlefield (G.R.C.).

3/2520|L/Cpl. C. Low | K. in A. 7-1-16 The Field.