Jed snorted. "Mayhap you will at that. Provided she's half blind and all foolish. Now for the love of Barl, it be ten minutes till closing time. If you don't get out of here now you'll be leavin' with an audience."
Which was the last thing he needed. With a smile and a wave Asher turned and hurried up the street, away from his friend and the pub and the only life he'd ever known. If he walked all night, fast, he'd reach the village of Schoomer in time to hitch a ride on one of the potato wagons heading for Colford. From Col-ford he could hitch to Jerring, from Jerring to Sapslo, and in Sapslo he could buy a seat on one of the wagons traveling to Dorana.
No way would his sinkin' brothers ever work out that plan.
As he strode up the hill towards the Coast Road he looked out to the left, where Restharven Harbor shone like a newly minted trin beneath the full-bellied moon. The warm night was full of salt and sound. A rising breeze blew spray in his face and his ears echoed with the pounding boom of waves crashing against the cliffs on either side of the keyhole harbor.
He felt his heart knock against his ribs. A year in dry Dorana. A year without the ocean. No screaming gulls, no skin-scouring surf. No pitching deck beneath his feet, no snapping sails above his head. No racing the tide and his brothers back to port, or diving off Dolphin Head into surging blue water, or scoffing grease and vinegar fresh-fried fish for dinner with Jed and the other lads.
Could he stand it?
Ha. "Could" didn't come into it. He had to. There were dreams to fulfil and a promise to keep, and he couldn't do either without leaving his heart and soul behind him. Without leaving home.
Head up, whistling and unafraid, Asher hurried towards his future.
By Karen Miller.
Kingmaker, Kingbreaker.
The Innocent Mage.
The Awakened Mage.
The G.o.dspeaker Trilogy.
The Riven Kingdom Hammer of G.o.d.
The Fisherman's Children.
The Prodigal Mage Writing as K. E. Mills.
Rogue Agent trilogy The Accidental Sorcerer.
Witches Incorporated.
Wizard Squared.