Witcher: I Can Extract Everything - Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Chapter 25: After the Event


Dragon Boat Translation


Dragon Boat Translation

Then, Heath pretended that nothing had happened and continued to carry out the mission he had received, hunting high-level demonized beasts.

After the hunt, Heath continued to wander in the forest for a few days until he returned to the tower a week later.

Walking into the tower, Heath turned his head and carefully observed the expressions of the people passing by, but he saw that everyone was still in a hurry and looked the same as usual.

‘It seems that the tower didn’t have any special reaction. That’s true. After all, they are just two insignificant unofficial Apprentices. Wizards don’t have the time to care about their lives.’

Heath felt slightly relieved.

Although he had preliminarily confirmed the attitude of the tower, Heath, who was still worried, still wanted to understand the situation in more detail.


Therefore, after handing in the mission, he bought a bunch of ingredients and invited a few Apprentices from the same period to his house for a barbecue.

The fact that Heath, who was a loner, suddenly treating everyone to a meal obviously surprised everyone. However, each of the invited Apprentices gave him face. After all, he was one of the five Apprentices who had already meditated on runes.

The few Apprentices that Heath invited were of the gossipy type. There was no need for him to deliberately guide them at the dinner table. Someone had already brought up the matter regarding Karina.

A girl said, “Oh right, Heath, I remember that Karina came from the same place as you, right?”

Heath nodded. “Yes, why?”

The girl looked surprised. “You still don’t know, right? She murdered the Grimm Brothers and defected from the tower.”

Heath pretended to be shocked. “Is that true?”

A girl next to him added, “Of course it’s true. Now the whole tower is talking about it. It’s said that even Wizards have asked about it.”

Heath frowned. Wizards had also asked about it? It couldn’t be that serious, right?

He quickly asked, “What about the result?”

The girl said, “What other result can there be? That’s it. Those two scumbags, the Grimm Brothers, deserve to die. Who would waste their energy for them?”

“It’s not completely impossible, right? Hasn’t the tower strengthened the registration of students to the mission area?”

“There’s no time to take care of it. There are so many Apprentices who go missing every year. I don’t believe that all of them encountered high-level demonized beasts while doing missions…”

Everyone quickly began to discuss, and Heath smoothly learned more details from it.

It was more or less the same as his previous judgment. The death of the Grimm Brothers did not cause much of a stir in the tower. It only added a bit of gossip to the Apprentices.

Some people might have been angry, such as the official Apprentice that the Grimm Brothers were loyal to, but it was not enough to stand up for them. In the end, they were just two dogs. After they died, they could just find two more. Who would have the leisure to avenge them!

In short, the matter passed just like that. The Wizards issued a symbolic notice warning the Apprentices to follow the rules and register formally. Nothing else happened. Everything was the same as before.

Heath’s worried heart finally relaxed completely.

At this time, a girl asked, “Heath, I heard that you killed a high-level demonized beast. Is this true?”

After the problem was solved, Heath was in a good mood. He smiled and pointed at the delicious food on the table. “Then why do you think I invited you to dinner?”

The Apprentices immediately burst into an uproar. They were amazed and envious.

“It’s too amazing. Although it’s a beast, it’s said that its strength is comparable to that of a high-level Knight!”

“It must have earned a lot of Magic Stones.”

“I really envy you for having the strength of a Knight. You can do hunting missions as soon as you come. You don’t have to go to the plantation and the gathering area every day like us…”

Because they did not have the slightest fighting strength, they could only accept the missions of gathering and planting. This part of the mission was also the most tiring. Not only was the reward given little, but it was also very tiring. It was no different from the serfs outside.

In comparison, although the hunting mission was a little dangerous, it was much easier. The reward was also high. Moreover, they could hone their spells during battle. It was more than one level higher than gathering and planting.

“I really hope that I can meditate and produce runes as soon as possible. When I learn spells, I can go and accept hunting missions.”

“Have you accumulated enough Magic Stones to buy spells? 800 Magic Stones. It will take more than half a year if I don’t eat or drink…”

“When the time comes, lend me some. Once I learn spells and accept hunting missions, I will pay you back very soon.”

“What if you don’t pay me back? Hehehe, is it a flesh-and-blood repayment?”

“Bah, shameless…”

After eating and drinking, everyone began to