Carolyn didn't look away from the window as she spoke. "Someone should tell Amy."
Angelique watched her. "Carolyn, I'm sorry if my being here is a painful reminder -"
"No, it's not. I never blamed you for what Sky did. You and he had already separated when he killed Jeb."
Any further conversation on the subject was lost as Amy came into the room, stopping warily as she noticed all eyes on her. "What's going on?"
Angelique smiled, then looked at Elizabeth. "I think it might be best if I speak to her alone."
"Of course. The study is empty."
Amy followed her into the room, watching the blonde woman closely. Once the door was closed, she said, "You know who you are now, don't you?"
"Yes, Amy. I remembered last night."
"Does Barnabas know?"
"He was there."
"Are you going to marry him?"
"Do you think I should?"
Amy answered without hesitation. "Yes. Barnabas loves you. And you love him. I saw that when you were here before."
"You did?"
"It was obvious. Every time you looked at him. And when two people love each other, they should get married."
"I agree," Angelique said, amused by the matter of fact statement. But there was something bothering the girl, and she understood the cause. "You're worried about what it will mean to you, aren't you?"
"Well, Barnabas is my guardian, and his marrying will affect me."
"Of course it will. I have to admit, Amy, that I never expected to take even partial responsibility for an adolescent, but the more I think about it, the more I like the idea. Especially if that adolescent is you."
"Do you mean that?"
"You'll learn very quickly that I seldom say anything that I don't mean, Amy. Think of the fun we can have together: shop-
ping, making plans to semi-modernize the Old House -"
"Will Barnabas agree to that?"
"I'm sure he will. The plumbing is practically non-existent, and the kitchen needs modernization."
"There's already a gas-powered generator for the kitchen."
"I know, but I'd rather leave the rest of the house as it is, candles, lamps -"
Amy was in complete agreement. "The house wasn't meant for electricity." Her features fell. "It'll take for ever to finish."
"Not if we start immediately. Let's make our plans, and we can talk to Barnabas about them this evening."
Amy caught Barnabas at the door. We have to talk."
"About what?"
"About the Old House. Angelique and I have talked about it -"
"And what did you decide?" he asked.
"You admitted when I first arrived that some work needed to be done, do you remember?"
"I do."
"Well, Angelique and I have drawn up some plans for that work."
"I'm sure they'll be fine, Amy," he a.s.sured her with an indulgent smile. "May I a.s.sume from this conversation that you approve of my plans?"
"Marrying Angelique? Of course. We're going to Bangor tomorrow to do some shopping."
"I see."
She gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I have some school work to finish. Goodnight."
"Goodnight." He turned and went into the drawing room, finding Angelique sitting beside Elizabeth. Under the family's approving eyes, he bent to give her a very chaste kiss. "Good-evening."
Her eyes told him how much she'd missed him as Roger spoke, offering him a sherry. "I would have brought up some73.
champagne, but Liz convinced me to wait until the wedding. Congratulations, Barnabas."
"Thank you, Roger. I'm a very lucky man."
"Yes, indeed. Second chances don't come along every day, do they? I know my second chance at marriage - " he broke off, looking closely at Angelique.
"Is something wrong, Uncle Roger?"
"I was just thinking about Ca.s.sandra - my last wife," he explained to Angelique, "and it suddenly struck me how much you resemble her." Barnabas moved nearer Angelique's side, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Don't any of you see it? Except for the colour and style of her hair, they could be twins."
"You're right, Roger," Elizabeth said in agreement. "That's who you reminded me of when we first met, Angelique: Ca.s.sandra."
Barnabas, concerned for Angelique, began to speak, but she cut him off. "There's no reason to hide it any longer, darling. I should have known that the truth would out sooner or later."
"Angelique -"
Her eyes met his. "I can handle it, Barnabas." She looked at Roger and Elizabeth. "There is a reason why I look like Ca.s.sandra. She and I are twins, regrettably. In fact, I'm somewhat responsible for her ever coming to Collinwood."