"I knew that Julia had to have a reason for still being at Collinwood. She's not one to back down from a challenge. As a hematologist, she would consider curing a vampire as a true challenge to her abilities in that field."44.
"You really believe that there was a vampire?"
"I had a look at the slides of Maggie's blood that Dave Woodward sent Julia. I agreed with the conclusions that she obviously came to. Maggie had been attacked by a vampire - and managed to escape. Julia's an expert hypnotist. Even better than I am. She used it to discover where Maggie was during that time, then, suspecting a vampire, went to Collinwood. I a.s.sume she found him, and has been trying to find a cure. A permanent cure."
"You sound, Lee, as if you know who this - vampire is."
Lee made his move, both on the board - and off. "I do, Barnabas."
Barnabas looked up then, meeting that grey gaze head on. "And what do you intend to do with that knowledge?"
"I don't intend to go to the authorities."
The chess game was momentarily forgotten. "You don't? May I ask why?"
"Oh, several reasons. Since I never went to the police originally with my suspicions, I suppose I was as fascinated as Julia, I could be considered an accessory after the fact in Maggie's kidnapping. When I last saw her, she seemed to be suffering no ill effects. Then, there's my suspect. I've had ample chance to get to know him recently, and he would seem to be anything but a monster. I don't believe he's unredeemable. Finally, there's Julia to consider."
"She's spent the last four years protecting him. She's covered for him, lied for him, done who knows what else. So if I were to expose him, it would cause trouble for her."
"It might - unless he denied her voluntary involvement."
"Do you really think she would let him do that, considering the way she feels about him?"
"You're right, of course."
"Once she cures him, I'm hopeful she'll decide to come back here. And even if
she doesn't, I can always go where she is.
Barnabas, I'd prefer Julia not to know about
any of this. Not right now. Later, perhaps,
when it's all over."
"You do love her, don't you?"
"Very much. Why don't we finish our
game? it's your move, I believe."
Julia was just coming from the lab when she heard Lee call her name. He was standing at the nurses station with a young man and a wheel-chair bound girl. It was she who drew Julia's attention. Young, she had red hair, but from this angle Julia was unable to see her features. Julia found herself reminded of Amy Jennings. "Yes, Lee?"
"This is Mark Danvers. Dr. Julia Hoffman, head of Wyndecliffe."
"Mr. Danvers."
"Dr. Hoffman. I'm glad you're here. When I called this morning and couldn't reach you -"
Julia frowned. "You tried to call me this morning?"
"You were busy in the lab and asked me to handle the call," Lee reminded her.
"Oh, of course. I'm doing some research," she explained, kneeling before the girl. Her impression had been correct, Julia realized with a soft gasp. It was Chris Jennings' little sister. "AMY," she said quietly. But Amy didn't move, and there was no physical or facial response. "Amy, it's Dr. Hoffman." Looking up at Mark Danvers, she asked, "What's happened to her?"
"She's been like that for a week now. Not a word. She dresses herself, feeds herself if it's put before her, but she won't talk and seems not to hear what's being said." He shook his head. "I was hoping that she might respond to someone here."
Lee handed Julia a folder with Amy's name. "Traumatic shock."
"Evidently. Paula -"
"Yes, Dr. Hoffman?"
"Take Amy to a room and get her settled in. I'll be there in a few minutes."45.
"All right." She pushed the wheelchair down the corridor.
Julia saw Mark Danver's concerned expression. "She's in good hands, Mr. Dan-vers. Paula was here the last time Amy was admitted. Why don't we go to my office?" Julia suggested. Once there, she turned to Mark Danvers. "Where are Chris and Sabrina, Mr. Danvers?"
"They're both dead. This isn't easy for me to talk about, Doctor. I was more than their lawyer. I was a friend."
"What happened?"
"A week ago, Amy and Sabrina were out for a walk. Their house was pretty isolated, set in some woods. Now, you have to understand that this is what Amy told a neighbor. Apparently a large wolf appeared, and when she and Sabrina started to run, Sabrina twisted her ankle badly. She sent Amy to get help. Amy ran as fast as she could to the nearest neighbor's, a quarter of a mile away. After telling them what happened, she took them back to where she'd left Sabrina. They were too late. Sabrina was dead. Her throat had been torn -" He closed his eyes, ran a hand over his face. "I'm sorry. I took care of the arrangements and saw her. The doctor wanted Amy to stay with the neighbors until Chris got in. Unfortunately, I was unavailable as well. Maybe if I'd been there -"
"Where was Chris?"
"He spent two days a month out of town, on business, he said. He hadn't mentioned going to me, but Amy told the neighbors that he had been working late at his office in town. There was a note on his door that he'd gone into Portland to see a client and would be back the next morning. Amy insisted on staying at the house so she could tell him about Sabrina's death herself. The doctor stayed until the sedative took effect, then had to go to the hospital on an emergency. From here on, it's purely conjecture." "Go on, Mr. Danyers." "Chris must've come in, woke Amy. I guess she told him about Sabrina, and he probably told her to go back to sleep. Then
he went out into the other room, wrote two letters. One was his will. The other was a sealed letter to Barnabas Collins, Collinsport, Maine. After that was done, he got a pistol from the desk. I had finally called my answering service, gotten the message about Sabrina and took off for the Jennings place. As I was getting out of my car, I heard a gunshot, and a scream simultaneously. It was the last sound I heard Amy make. She was standing in the doorway, and Chris was slumped over the desk, dead. The will stated that he couldn't go on without Sabrina, asked Amy to forgive him for not being stronger. He left everything to her and requested that she be sent to Barnabas Collins. That Mr. Collins had agreed to be Amy's guardian if anything were to happen to him or Sabrina. He also said that if her condition warranted, she was to be sent to Wyndecliffe Sanitarium."
Julia was aware that Lee had met Chris during his short time here, and that he was still Joe Haskell's doctor. He very possibly suspected the truth. She placed an iron control on her emotions. "I need to see Amy."
"Do you know how I can contact Mr. Collins?"
"He's here, actually, but unavailable until the evening. In the meantime, I'm going to run some tests on Amy. Why don't you show Mr. Danvers around, Lee?"
Barnabas sensed something was wrong the moment he saw his friend's face. "What is it?"
"Amy is over at the hospital," she told him.
"Amy? If she is there - then where is Chris?"
"Sabrina was killed - in Amy's words - by a 'giant wolf. Chris killed himself the next morning. Amy saw him do it."
"Good Lord."