He observed his surroundings, and as the view filtered in... A never-ending obsidian stone floor, and a sky filled with floating black rocks in various shapes and sizes.
[h.e.l.lo dreamscape, or would I call it a] Jack thought to himself, as another thought hit him, [I wonder if time is slower here than the real world?]
It was not.
Jack, however, could not tell the pa.s.sage of time in this Soulscape. As for if it was fast, slow, or normal he was completely unable to tell. The more he thought about it, the more he figured it must be like that movie he saw where they moved from dream to dream, as time slowed down... So that means he had time!
Jack checked his 'body,' the form his soul took in this souls.p.a.ce. He looked to his hands, and unlike his normal body, he was completely gold and gave off a dim light.
[So, G.o.d-soul?] Jack squeezed both his hands until a gold fluid dripped from between his bony fingers. As the radiate fluid dripped it formed into his familiar skeletal cherubs.
With his thought, these seven cherubs he made began to fly out in all directions searching for anything and everything of note.
[How is this different than Soul-Bonding??? Unless... Unless I'm INSIDE Emily's soul and not just her soul s.p.a.ce.] Jack thought and stumbled onto the truth. He would later confirm this with Tux.
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"h.e.l.lo?" Jack's voice long into the distance, but unlike what he expected it did not echo.
Jack began to float noting that most of his powers that he had in the real world worked here, as he floated along at a rapid pace. His cherubs faster than he was, keeping along still searching for anything, as several pairs of eyes.
As Jack covered a vast distance of nothing, he could feel that now... Now, something was watching him.
Jack mentally frowned, as he directed his three of his cherubs into the floating rocks above.
With a flash of light, one of the cherubs cleaved a creature in two, as he fell from high above.
As he landed heavily on the ground Jack could see that it was some type of demonic looking spider. A big one... Large as a small car.
He then shouted, "So, Spider G.o.ddess. You are here after all. Come on out for me, so that I can smash you like a bug. No one told you to take up residence in my wife!"
A burst of shrill laughter sounded from above the floating rocks. Soon many of these rocks were pushed to the side, and the ma.s.sive form of that same G.o.d-Soul Jack saw previously decided to the ground, with ma.s.sive spider webs left in her wake.
Jack wondered why she was so much bigger here than he was...
"Little G.o.d, you have my respect. You completed your mission as it was supposed to be." The Spider G.o.ddess laughed as she spoke harsh hisses.
"Oh? And what mission is that." [She seems villain enough... Time to have her monologue and have her tell me everything she knows.] Jack spoke, and then thought.
The half-spider, half-human looking woman folded her arms, and she laughed again.
"Retrieving my real body, and placing my soul be into its vessel, of course."
Jack floated up into a reclining position and put his hands behind his head. His cherubs surrounded him.
The Spider G.o.ddess furrowed her brows watching the young G.o.d in front of her.
"I'm glad I was of help, but tell me... Is it possible for you to leave my Emily's body, and bug off?"
"Then what becomes of her soul?"
"I will absorb it into myself, and she will cease to be, as she becomes me."
"Well, then I have to ask, just how is it that you knew I was going to get your body. I mean I don't even know you. Is it possible that you are a prophet?" Jack spoke in an almost carefree tone.
"Ha, nosey little G.o.d. I can hear the mumblings of the beyond."
"Yeah, yeah... The Blind Idiot G.o.d talks a lot in his sleep. So, did he predict this?"
"Oh!?" The Spider G.o.ddess made a mouth with an "O."
"What? I thought it was common knowledge." Jack spoke again still carefree.
One of the Spider G.o.ddess' legs twitched, as she spoke, "No. That's not common knowledge. How dare you slander Elder G.o.ds!"
"You little G.o.d! I am an Elder G.o.ddess! I know the mechanics of this world! I am the wife of Alucard, First Elder G.o.d of the Underworld!"
"Thank you for your introduction. If there is a next time, please start with that. With that in mind, I'm the G.o.d of Deagoth."
"Liar. You are the little G.o.d of Light!"
"Oh? How come I didn't know that?" Jack chuckled as he spoke, he wondered what other information he could badger out of this stupid G.o.ddess... Perhaps being sealed for so long made her muddleheaded.
"How can you not know that, Stupid G.o.d!?" The Spider G.o.ddess clicked and hissed her voice in mild annoyance.
"Now tell me how you know of the Blind Idiot G.o.d!"
"Oh? Why should I? If I'm not wrong." Jack stopped reclining in the air and took firm steps.
"You plan to absorb my power, regain control of your former body, and rise to become the premiere G.o.ddess of the Underworld. Somewhere during that, you will look for or already know how to resurrect Alucard."
"...Did you hear that from the Blind Idiot G.o.d..."
"If you want to think so, that's fine too." Jack spoke laughing as well, as he guessed this all with his line of thinking being 'If this was an anime.'
"Because you don't have enough believers!"
"My faith is spread across my kingdom, so how is that hard to believe. Does having more believers unlock more power, or am I missing something?"
The Spider G.o.ddess facepalmed, "How can you possibly listen to the Blind Idiot G.o.d, as a G.o.d and not lose your mind! You need more believers! MORE POWER! So that you can listen and not lose your mind... Wait! That's it... You lost your mind, that's why you're so stupid."
"Is that why prophets are so... You know... Loopy?"
The Spider G.o.ddess became more increasingly vexed by this little G.o.d in front of her, "I use to be wors.h.i.+pped by hundreds of Trillions!"
As she hatefully spat, many spiders spilled forth from the rocks that floated above, as they descended down on white threads of web.
[Are there that many undead in the underworld?!? Just how big is this world!??!] Jack was shocked inwardly but didn't speak.
"In awe? You should be."
"Actually, one last question."
"Hmmm???" The Spider G.o.ddess wondered when this little G.o.d was the one asking questions.
"Is there a tome on how to be a G.o.d or something? Or is this just word of mouth. I just became a G.o.d not long ago, and honestly, I have no idea what I'm doing. It would be nice if you just tell me everything I need. If you do, maybe I won't sell your soul to my friend."
The Spider G.o.ddess remained silent as she stared evilly at the little G.o.d in front of her.
Jack was now surrounded by hundreds of large demonic looking Spiders. Large as the one his cherubs killed earlier.
"Seriously, is there a tome?" As Jack questioned his Cherubs drew back their scythes in arcs above their skull heads, as they took places on Jack's seven sides, ready to reap these spiders.
"No. Answer my last question before I snuff your stupid little unlife and absorb your power."
"Unlikely but go on." Jack's flaming eyes crackled, as he returned the glare.
"I already know the memories of your little lover. You don't know any other G.o.ds, so who would you sell my soul too... Hmmm?"
"To death."
The Spider G.o.ddess laughed almost uncontrollably, "Your friend is the G.o.d of Death. That's funny. I'm sure he could use a G.o.d-Soul."
"No. He's not the G.o.d of Death, he is the personification of Death."
"Hahah What?" The Spider G.o.ddess laughter apparently ended, as she was startled and asked.
Jack nodded, "We can be considered good friends. See my big, beautiful, bouncing, baby G.o.ddess... The thing is, as I've said before... The wheel of death has spun many times for me. How could I not see death?"
"...You don't even know his name!" The Spider G.o.ddess protested, as he clicked and hissed out, though now her voice betrayed some fear. What was the one thing that the Spider G.o.ddess feared? Death.
Jack now laughed uncontrollably, that villainous laugh, as the Spider G.o.ddess felt a chill run down her spine.
"He knows the gate." Jack quoted.
"He is the gate."
"NO! NO!"
"He is the key and the guardian of the gate."
"I do, and I know something, even if he didn't tell me that day."
The Spider G.o.ddess shook her head, as she felt this was a nightmare! This wasn't the plan; this wasn't the vision she saw!
"He doesn't like it when souls don't pa.s.s by him, and it seems to me that you have been ducking and dodging him for a very... Very... Long time."
The Spider G.o.ddess screamed in anger and hate, as she drew her finger to point out the little G.o.d, ordering her spiders to attack.