Wholly Undead - 173 The Riddle Of... Currency

173 The Riddle Of... Currency

"I didn't get a chance to ask... How is the city?"

"...Half of it is in ruins... That's to be nice about it, but no undead were injured. Everyone is safe."

"Good... My Citizen's unlife is greater than simple buildings, even if those buildings are their unlife. We can always rebuild."

Jack rubbed his chin a few times in thought.

"How are the people taking the damages, and who is in charge of recovery?" Jack asked.

"This... Well, a lot of sorrow over the businesses lost and homes. Also, Our chief engineer was executed during your purge of the court..."

Jack facepalmed, "His skull is in that pile?"

"Yup." Leslie felt some laughter in her throat.

"...Is there anyone that is qualified for the position...?" Jack asked.

"I expect there to be undead ready to step up, but honestly, I don't normally deal with construction."

"Wait... Lucius was working on getting my new city built... He should already know some..."

"Ah, yes... Bellum."

"Hey, how do you know about that?" Jack looked down at his sweetheart's face.

"Haha, if it concerns you, I know."

"I've been thinking... I wanted the City to house a hundred thousand undead... But I feel that's too small... And now with the Destruction of the City... I'm thinking about building Bellum larger, and moving there."

"Moving to Bellum? What about Saigunrai?"

"We, of course, can keep it, but... I feel that We should restore this City, but the might of Bellum will be indomitable." Jack said with a bit of pa.s.sion.

Leslie pushed forward on her knees and wrapped her arms around Jack, as she spoke, "Where ever you go, I will follow."

"Then will you always follow me?"

"Always," Leslie whispered again.

As much as the atmosphere was right, and Jack wanted to indulge in his sweet Consort... For the first time, Jack thought about his people... The people of his Kingdom and his City... Not as just random numbers or just in name, but undead that dwelled, that had feelings and that wors.h.i.+pped him... His City was in pain, and the hearts of his people weighed on his mind, now.

"We need to go out and comfort the citizens."

Leslie sunk back into Jack's lap with only her hands now resting on Jack's ribcage, "MmmmHmmm." Leslie murmured, as she agreed reluctantly.


Jack without the approval of anyone... Without contacting Julia or Lucius. He left the Holy Palace with Leslie, as he held her and ascended into the sky to overlook his distraught city.

Jack could see a path of destruction that carved through the city... It was, also unexpectantly to Jack, full of craters. As he looked down at the darkness and the few glow stone lamps that littered the streets... It appeared gloomy without the Sun Skull's dim light of the night to illuminate the night.

Jack looked to the east, where he felt the skull was and did not see it in the distance, even with his great sight.

[Seems that it's really far gone.] Jack thought in his mind.

Leslie found Jack had fallen into silence, as she spoke, "It is pretty bad, huh."

"Indeed, it is." Jack agreed.

Despite the darkness, he could see the tiny ant looking undead leaving the shelters, that opened with large black doors around the various parts of the city.

Jack spoke again, "I'm going to speak to you, Julia, and Lucius at the same time, alright?"

"Alright." Leslie nodded while holding on to Jack in the sky, as she gave full trust in him.

[Lucius, Julia, Leslie... Do you hear me?]



Three voices were heard within Jack's mind.

[Lucius. I wish to restore the City, but it doesn't need to be to the level it was previously. This City... I wish to make it a historical city. We can move everything else business and church-related to the new City Bellum when it's completed.]

[Yes, my Lord, but... Bellum will not be large enough... I take it you will make it larger?]


[Then... It will be even harder to build it in the time you wish.]

[I have an idea about that; I will tell you later.] Jack a.s.sured.

[Of course.] Lucius agreed without further hesitation.


[How can I be of service?] Verruca responded in the manner of a Warmarshal, at this moment.

[Have the soldiers remove the rubble, and clear the streets... Keep the peace.]

[Your will be done.] Verruca answered, and the connection broke soon after, as she seemed extremely serious.

Jack mentally furrowed his brows but didn't make comment.


[Hmmmm?] Leslie responded, as Jack took a moment to articulate his thoughts aloud to Leslie and Lucius.

[I have a need for a large collection of Glowstone... A lot of Glowstone.] Jack spoke aloud his thoughts. He had already worked out a large amount of work on Tux now and only needed Tux to a.s.semble his thoughts into reality.

[...The reconstruction will take a ma.s.sive amount of Glowstone and furthermore, it will be even more Glowstone to build Bellum.] Leslie replied, as a Lucius agreed.

[What is more powerful than Glowstone... Currency. Money if you will?] Jack spoke as he continued to drift over the skies of Saigunrai with Leslie in his arms, as he oversaw the destruction that had been wrought.

[I... Uhhh... Faith...?] Lucius studdered out, as he wasn't sure. Faith was the only other power he knew...

Leslie didn't dwell on it, knowing that was going to answer his own questions, as she asked, [What is it?]

[Faith... That right Lucius, but let me be more specific. My will. My will is more powerful than money. My people's faith in me as the G.o.d-King is more powerful. Things will happen now because I say they will. 'Because I said so...' This is power!] Jack spoke to this point to let it sink in for Leslie and Lucius.

[I understand faith... But I don't completely understand.] Lucius mentally messaged after a bit of thought.

[Why is Glowstone the currency?] Jack decided to change a bit of the topic.

[Because it's precious, and it can't be replicated.] Lucius answered quickly, as Leslie's silver bell laughter rang out beside Jack, unknown to Lucius.

[I see. I need all the Glowstone, not as money, but as material for my project Militus Obitus. It's time we introduced a new currency. One of my making, by my hand. No one will be able to copy it. We will issue this currency.]

[But... What makes you think that other kingdoms and third parties will accept a hand made currency?] Leslie questioned this time. She was after all the Treasurer of the Kingdom.

[Because We will call this currency Favents. These will be a type of coins I will make. They will be backed by my word. If enough Favents are collected, then the undead can turn that into the Kingdom, and I will grant them a personal favor. There will be rules of what can't be asked, but I will guarantee this will happen.] Jack explained slowly, as Lucius standing silently by the Archbishop of Zitergall... It almost seemed as something gleamed in his eye sockets.

[This... What if it is a citizen from outside of the Kingdom?] Leslie couldn't help but ask.

[I will grant them their favor, as long as it fits the rules I have established...] Jack said naturally, but then a Jack's voice rang throughout both Leslie and Lucius mind, as it turned to a chilling and sinister vibe, [All the lands, all the Kingdoms, and all the undead will be mine in time... In time, they will be mine, HahAhAHhhAh] Jack laughed to himself, as Leslie looked up in his arms with an infatuated expression, while Lucius nodded his head.

[As it should be, my lord.] Lucius responded.

[Lucius I will a.s.sist Leslie with making this currency, and through her and the Church I wish for Boss Crag, who will now be t.i.tled as Minister of Commerce Crag. He will be building something called a Bank. At this bank with the backing of the Kingdom and the Church... People will exchange for this new currency. We will also pay the workers of Bellum with Favents.] Jack finished.

[Your will be done, my lord.] Lucius broke his connection, leaving only Jack and Leslie now. They both broke the connection, as they were next to each other.

"Let's go walk among the people. We need to comfort them during these times, but more than comfort... It is time to stir the hearts of Our people." Jack's heroic voice echoed, as he began to descend with Leslie in arms to the center of the City, where the most Undead could be seen.