Who Is The Real Daughter: Miss Lin Takes No Nonsense After Her Rebirth - Chapter 874: Huaqiang Cup

Chapter 874: Huaqiang Cup

Chapter 874: Huaqiang Cup

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Su Su was still awkwardly thinking if she should go celebrate Wei Jis birthday, but she planned to buy a gift to apologize for her overboard words.

The dormitory fell into a quiet atmosphere. Under the orange table lamp, the years were peaceful. Suddenly, a ringtone sounded. Feng Yu picked up her phone and saw that it was a call from her mother.

She had thought that they were just chatting about family matters, but as soon as Feng Yu picked up the call, she heard her mother ask worriedly, Ah Yu, have you contacted your sister recently?

Feng Yu thought for a moment. Her sister really didnt seem to have contacted her recently. She asked worriedly, Whats wrong with Ah Rong? Is it because her studies in Year Three are heavy and she doesnt have time to contact her family?

Mom Feng said on the other end of the line, I dont know either. Ive called her many times in the past three days, but she didnt pick up. I dont feel at ease. Then have you asked Ah Rongs teacher? Feng Yu asked with a frown.

I did. The teacher said that your sister is fine, but I asked the teacher to ask Ah Rong to talk to me. The teacher said that your sister has been undergoing training recently and said that shes going to partic.i.p.ate in some compet.i.tion. I thought that if there was really a compet.i.tion, your sister would definitely tell me in advance, so I dont feel at ease, Mom Feng said worriedly.

Feng Yu was also worried. Her sister was indeed not the kind of person who would suddenly cut ties without telling anyone.

Feng Yu comforted her. Mom, dont be anxious. Ill call Ah Rongs teacher and ask.

Feng Yu hung up and heard Su Sus voice. Ah Yu, whats wrong? Did something happen? You sound very anxious.

Feng Yu nodded and said, My sister hasnt contacted our family these past few days. My mother is worried.

As Feng Yu spoke, she called Feng Rong first. No one picked up.

Feng Yu called Feng Rongs form teacher directly. h.e.l.lo, Teacher. Im Feng Rongs sister, Feng Yu. I just called Feng Rong, but she didnt pick up. I want to borrow your phone so my sister can answer the call and report that shes safe. This way, my parents can be at ease, okay?

The voice on the other end of the phone clearly snorted, then a casual voice sounded. Feng Rongs family, right?

Feng Yu, who did not get the answer she wanted, smiled patiently and said, Teacher, I know. Its just that parents are worried about their children. This is inevitable. Tell me what training my sister is partic.i.p.ating in. I know a little.

Also, let my sister talk to me. Ill just confirm it. Ill have to trouble you, okay?

Its the Huaqiang Cup in the capital. You know that although this is not a huge award, if she can win this award, not only will your sister receive a huge bonus, she wont have to pay for her university fees in the future.

This is an important period of your sisters training. Even if Im a teacher, I cant disturb her. Dont worry. Your sister is in school. Nothing will happen. The teacher continued to s.h.i.+rk.

Huaqiang Cup? Feng Yu read it out in confusion. She had never heard of this Huaqiang Cup.

Su Su said, I know about the Huaqiang Cup. Its led by the Yue Corporation in the capital. They joined forces with many companies to set up an award to support poor girls. Its said that the bonus for winning the award is very high.

When Lin Yin heard the Yue Corporation, she put down what she was doing and turned to look at the worried Feng Yu.

Even though Su Su had explained, Feng Yu was still a little worried. She insisted, Teacher, I know Im troubling you, but if I dont get my sisters answer today, Ill go to school to look for her later.

Since its the Huaqiang Cup, the training venue must be in the capital, right?

Coincidentally, Im also in the capital, so its not troublesome. The Yue

Corporations Huaqiang Cup, right? It just so happens that my roommate Imows Yue Han from the Yue Corporation. I thought that if I cant find her, Ill ask Yue Han directly.

Feng Yus almost threatening tone made the teacher pause for a moment. Then, there was a rustling sound. Feng Yu could not hear it clearly, but she could roughly tell what the other party was discussing..