Four of them staring a laptop screen and a beautiful angelic voice begin to utter a words .
Hey My Dear brothers,
First I thought to record a video note, but then I realized if I couldn't control my emotions and tears started to fall from my eyes, my all 3 brothers will smashed the computer screen and hurt their hands . As I know you all become violant when you see tears in my eyes .
You know I am the luckiest person of this world, because I have brothers like you . But this blessings turnes into a curse , because I am not able to stay with you . So that sentence is true that "Happiness lies in the illusion!"
However, I always thought, that why G.o.d gave me with such a beautiful, lovable, caring and supporting maternal family, when I didn't got blessings to stay with them and receive their love from them everyday .
When my own family abodone me and my own mother blacklisted me . You all are still never with me . Why?
Does I deserve your love? Even after being the reason behind our grandmother's death?
Thousands of thoughts cross my mind everyday . That why I am still alive? Why I was not died in the place of our grandmother?
I don't deserve your love brothers, I didn't deserve to be the little princess of Willson's Family .
I am a curse for all the people who stay besides me . So it's always better for me to stay away and receive soo much love from you all from afar .
But seriously I am really happy that, that your love never even faded a little after soocmamy of years . We never spend a week together in last 20 years, but still you all 3 loves me, care for me and most importantly watching each and my every movement .
Brothers, You all are doing too much you know . . but I am still your sister . So I know how to stay away from your sharp eyes . . I hope you get it what I want to say?
Just trust me brothers, Your Athira is surviving last 20 years, just for all of you . she will never leave you till death make her apart from you . She have her own reasons of staying far .
Soo, Don't get impatient if anyone said anything to you . The day when you see my dead body upfront t of you that day believe that I am leaving all behind . Till that day I will always stay by your side .
Relations.h.i.+p doesn't need the presence, it's just need attention, love, trust and bond . And we all ate bind with the Tuffessest thread, so our relations.h.i.+p will stay the same no matter how far we all stay away from each other .
Now, I don't want to get too much emotional .
So First . . I am extremely Sorry that again I am leaving without saying a good bye to all of you . But situation demands it from me .
Specially third brother and second brother, I am sorry that I didnt fulfilled my promise to visit amuzment park together with you both .
And first brother, I am sorry that I didn't tell you that I have to leave before a week .
And told sister in law that, She take care of her self first, Everything else comes after her .
And grandfather, just told him that her little is soo much brave, but she can't be strong enough to take a risk of staying besides him .
And uncles and aunts, just tell them her princess loves them the most . She will comeback one day again to receive the soo much and warmth from them .
And Jacob, just tell him that, I trusted him and his abilities . Zaire hospital is not only mine but this is a dream both of us . So he needs to take care of it . Because world needs a medical genius like him . . and I need my best buddy .
And brothers . Just take care of my Black Bird s.h.i.+ne . . when I leave everything behind . . only black bird s.h.i.+ne will be my hope to move forward in life . Because this is something which has admired in my life thr most . You all know why I established it . So just take care of it .
And at last Your Athira loves her brothers the most, you all are my strength, so just stay safe and happy . I'll be back soon .
And I want to promise you one thing that when I will come back this time, I will stay with you for forever . .
This is the last trip which I done underneath the darkness . .
Your Athira will s.h.i.+ne brightly when she come back again .
I love you all .
Take care .
While listening the audio everyone's eyes are filled with tears of sadness and joy as well . Because this is her Athira, brave girl who always choose her family before everything .
Four of them staring a laptop screen and a beautiful angelic voice begin to utter a words . Hey My Dear brothers, First I thought to record a video note, but then I realized if I couldnt control my emotions and tears started to fall from my eyes, my all 3 brothers will smashed the computer screen and hurt their hands . As I know you all become violant when you see tears in my eyes . You know I am the luckiest person of this world, because I have brothers like you . But this blessings turnes into a curse , because I am not able to stay with you . So that sentence is true that Happiness lies in the illusion! However, I always thought, that why G.o.d gave me with such a beautiful, lovable, caring and supporting maternal family, when I didnt got blessings to stay with them and receive their love from them everyday . When my own family abodone me and my own mother blacklisted me . You all are still never with me . Why? Does I deserve your love? Even after being the reason behind our grandmothers death? Thousands of thoughts cross my mind everyday . That why I am still alive? Why I was not died in the place of our grandmother? I dont deserve your love brothers, I didnt deserve to be the little princess of Willsons Family . I am a curse for all the people who stay besides me . So its always better for me to stay away and receive soo much love from you all from afar . But seriously I am really happy that, that your love never even faded a little after soocmamy of years . We never spend a week together in last 20 years, but still you all 3 loves me, care for me and most importantly watching each and my every movement . Brothers, You all are doing too much you know but I am still your sister . So I know how to stay away from your sharp eyes I hope you get it what I want to say? Just trust me brothers, Your Athira is surviving last 20 years, just for all of you . she will never leave you till death make her apart from you . She have her own reasons of staying far . Soo, Dont get impatient if anyone said anything to you . The day when you see my dead body upfront t of you that day believe that I am leaving all behind . Till that day I will always stay by your side . Relations.h.i.+p doesnt need the presence, its just need attention, love, trust and bond . And we all ate bind with the Tuffessest thread, so our relations.h.i.+p will stay the same no matter how far we all stay away from each other . Now, I dont want to get too much emotional . So First I am extremely Sorry that again I am leaving without saying a good bye to all of you . But situation demands it from me . Specially third brother and second brother, I am sorry that I didnt fulfilled my promise to visit amuzment park together with you both And first brother, I am sorry that I didnt tell you that I have to leave before a week . And told sister in law that, She take care of her self first, Everything else comes after her . And grandfather, just told him that her little is soo much brave, but she cant be strong enough to take a risk of staying besides him . And uncles and aunts, just tell them her princess loves them the most . She will comeback one day again to receive the soo much and warmth from them . And Jacob, just tell him that, I trusted him and his abilities . Zaire hospital is not only mine but this is a dream both of us . So he needs to take care of it . Because world needs a medical genius like him and I need my best buddy . And brothers . Just take care of my Black Bird s.h.i.+ne when I leave everything behind only black bird s.h.i.+ne will be my hope to move forward in life . Because this is something which has admired in my life thr most . You all know why I established it . So just take care of it . And at last Your Athira loves her brothers the most, you all are my strength, so just stay safe and happy . Ill be back soon . And I want to promise you one thing that when I will come back this time, I will stay with you for forever This is the last trip which I done underneath the darkness Your Athira will s.h.i.+ne brightly when she come back again . I love you all . Take care . While listening the audio everyones eyes are filled with tears of sadness and joy as well . Because this is her Athira, brave girl who always choose her family before everything .