Josh is wavering in his thoughts, he listen his first brother's voice and comes back to sense.. , " Brother, she is the new CEO of Milestone group, with whom our company sign the next project. I meet her today and she said she is feeling guilty for living without saying anything.. she want to start again.. "
"Oh, Brother you are so frightened and agree just because of this.. I thought she come again and told you that she is pregnant with your child.. " Harry go towards couch and sit near Athira..
"Shut up Harry.. stop your nonsense." Smith shouted and shut the mouth of Harry..
"What do you think? You want to give her a chance again? " Smith asked his brother directly.
"Brother, I don't understand anything.. how can she come from nowhere and asked me about a second chance..? She blocked me on social media, changed her number and leave the country with out uttering a single words too me.. she not even considered about my feelings for a once.. and now she wanted to be with me again.. how can I forget the pain which I felt in past 2 years?" Josh spelling out his emotions to his brother without any hesitation.
While Athira is still focusing on the laptop screen and reading some doc.u.ments.
"Listen Josh, whatever decision you take we will support you. But think twice before you reach the final decision. Because this is about your life.. " Smith show his concern to his brother.
Harry asked Athira, "Sister, you don't want to speak anything? "
"Third Brother, gives me more 5 minits and second brother you just have 5 minit to thinking about it. I want to know the final answer after 5 minor. " Athira's expression is firm and cold. Even 3 brothers of her stunned by his little sisters words..
Smith understand that something is going in her mind, he go towards couch and sit next to her.. while Harry is already speechless... and Josh is suprised by her words.
Harry is staring a wrist watch on his hend, " Arthu's, 5 minute ate over. "
Smith sneered towards Harry and told him to stay quite..
While Athira stood up from the couch and go towards his second brother, " If you still love her, she will be stay by your side 24 hours from today and if you want to move on from her, she will never come again in front of you." Tell me your decision brother."
Harry and smith is surprised by her words, while Josh is frighted by her little sister's cold words.. she is indeed a devilish girl.
"Arthu, what are you saying? Whats going on in your mind? Do you know her? How did you deal with her? " Harry throw bunch of questions towatds Athira.
While Athira turned her gaze towards Harry and say, " Brother, can you please be quite for a minute and second brother can you please speak and answer me? "
Harry understand that her little Arthu is not in a mood to sweet talk and question answer session. He shuts his mouth and just staring his second brother and Little sister.
While Smith understand that what cunning ideas going on his little Arthu's mind, he just focusing on both of his brother & sister.
"Arthu, I am not sure that I still have feelings for her or not?" Josh uttersome words..
"Got it brother, come with me. " she pulled her brother towards couch and told him to sit.. while poured a gla.s.s of water to him.