Emotions are flowing heavily in the atmosphere of Peach Tulips Villa today . And someone said truly that "Love & Care of our own people make us more powerful and positive . "
Same happened with Athira too, the unconditional love she is receiving from her family is her strength and the reason to survive in this cruel world .
In last 22 years she has seen everything, the cruel reality of this world, the fake love of their own people, betrayed in friends.h.i.+p and even a fake emotions too . .
But last few months are life changing for her, it changed her perspective about sports many things . .
She learn to rely on others in this few month .
She came back in her sense when her grand father called her, " Little Princess,did you think how will you do further in your life?"
Athira replied him hest.i.tently, " Grand father, I want to focus on my company, and in few months I have to complete the project which company received, because of Sister in law's afford . . I want focus on my work . "
Her grandfather understoos her emotions and her dedicatate towards her work & Company," OKay, we all are here to support you . . "
Athira smiled toward him .
While her Athira & Mr . Jorge is discussing matter related company Hazel speak, " Athira, in this file I gather all the progress and information about your company, you check everything and let me know if you have any doubt . "
Athira smiled and said, "Thank you sister in law for handling my company when I am not around and even for the new project also . "
Hazel replied her, " you don't need to say thank you to me, it's my responsibility and for you I just want to make it more successful . . and now as you came back so take it over again make it more successful . . "
But sister in law,
Hazel cut her words and say, " Athira, I am always here to support you and help you . . but I want that now you focus initially properly and also, i am going to start a new brand in my clothing line, so my schedule will be hectic too . "
Athira understood Hazel's concern and situations and speak, "Thank you sister in-law for your hard work and did you still remember what i said to you before 6 month?"
Hazel smiles and replied, " How can I forget my Arthu's wish, 'Your word, my command'
Athira stood up from her chair go toward Hazel and hugged her and say, " Thank you so much sister in law . " You turn into a fas.h.i.+on designer from jewellery designer just to fulfill my little wish, how will I repay you?
Again tears started to fall from her eyes . .
"Don't say anything more . . you are our Arthu's, we Can do anything
For making you happy . " Hazel remove tears from her eyes and speak happily .
Emotions are flowing heavily in the atmosphere of Peach Tulips Villa today . And someone said truly that "Love & Care of our own people make us more powerful and positive . ".
Same happened with Athira too, the unconditional love she is receiving from her family is her strength and the reason to survive in this cruel world
In last 22 years she has seen everything, the cruel reality of this world, the fake love of their own people, betrayed in friends.h.i.+p and even a fake emotions too .
But last few months are life changing for her, it changed her perspective about sports many things .
She learn to rely on others in this few month
She came back in her sense when her grand father called her, " Little Princess,did you think how will you do further in your life?".
Athira replied him hest.i.tently, " Grand father, I want to focus on my company, and in few months I have to complete the project which company received, because of Sister in law's afford I want focus on my work . ".
Her grandfather understoos her emotions and her dedicatate towards her work & Company," OKay, we all are here to support you ".
Athira smiled toward him
While her Athira & Mr . Jorge is discussing matter related company Hazel speak, " Athira, in this file I gather all the progress and information about your company, you check everything and let me know if you have any doubt . ".
Athira smiled and said, "Thank you sister in law for handling my company when I am not around and even for the new project also . ".
Hazel replied her, " you don't need to say thank you to me, it's my responsibility and for you I just want to make it more successful and now as you came back so take it over again make it more successful " .
But sister in law, .
Hazel cut her words and say, " Athira, I am always here to support you and help you but I want that now you focus initially properly and also, i am going to start a new brand in my clothing line, so my schedule will be hectic too . ".
Athira understood Hazel's concern and situations and speak, "Thank you sister in-law for your hard work and did you still remember what i said to you before 6 month?".
Hazel smiles and replied, " How can I forget my Arthu's wish, 'Your word, my command'.
Athira stood up from her chair go toward Hazel and hugged her and say, " Thank you so much sister in law . " You turn into a fas.h.i.+on designer from jewellery designer just to fulfill my little wish, how will I repay you?.
Again tears started to fall from her eyes .
"Don't say anything more you are our Arthu's, we Can do anything .
For making you happy . " Hazel remove tears from her eyes and speak happily