Sometimes fear is to control your mind and heart . It won't allow you to take a breath normally . And eventually, you find your self in the middle of nowhere .
Same goes for Athira, she is brave enough to face this cruel world . But somewhere and other she has fear . Fear that she has to fight with their own family .
Cold and rude Athira is a human being after all . Her heart doesn't allow her to harm anyone . But time has changed and she knows that the people who harm her deserve the punishment .
She will surely make their life h.e.l.l . She took a deep breath and said, " I am going inside of the room . "
Allen is understood her gaze bit didn't speak anything and let her go in his bedroom .
Athira enters the bedroom, which located on the right side of Allen's working desk . The room is huge and very attractive . But simple and elegant . There is a huge Bed in the middle of the room . A simple coffee table near the large french window and simple but the big black color couch and in front of it a huge television . Right side a huge cabinet is located and there is a huge library set near the couch .
She enters the room and Allen also come and help her to sit on the couch . And then he connects his laptop with a television set and then she can able to listen and watch whatever activities running in Allen's office .
They both didn't speak anything to her . He orders some food for Athira and gives her medicines and water bottle . . And then leave the room .
Athira is touched by his actions and think that ho lucky she is to meet those people in this new phase of life .
But only G.o.d knows how her life will take turns in the future .
Allen comes outside and sit on his chair and call secretary Jim .
Separately Jim come inside and listen to Allen's order and go down to pick up Mr . Shaw .
Inside the room Athira take a deep breath and said to her self .
" Athira just 2 days only . . After that you will be free to take revenge on them" .
But she see in television and realise that Allen is working on his desk . And he is looking much more handsome and focused in his work . . .
There is aright saying, " that a men look much more handsome and attractive, when he was working seriously . "
Sometimes fear is to control your mind and heart . It won't allow you to take a breath normally . And eventually, you find your self in the middle of nowhere
Same goes for Athira, she is brave enough to face this cruel world . But somewhere and other she has fear . Fear that she has to fight with their own family
Cold and rude Athira is a human being after all . Her heart doesn't allow her to harm anyone . But time has changed and she knows that the people who harm her deserve the punishment
She will surely make their life h.e.l.l . She took a deep breath and said, " I am going inside of the room . ".
Allen is understood her gaze bit didn't speak anything and let her go in his bedroom
Athira enters the bedroom, which located on the right side of Allen's working desk . The room is huge and very attractive . But simple and elegant . There is a huge Bed in the middle of the room . A simple coffee table near the large french window and simple but the big black color couch and in front of it a huge television . Right side a huge cabinet is located and there is a huge library set near the couch
She enters the room and Allen also come and help her to sit on the couch . And then he connects his laptop with a television set and then she can able to listen and watch whatever activities running in Allen's office
They both didn't speak anything to her . He orders some food for Athira and gives her medicines and water bottle And then leave the room
Athira is touched by his actions and think that ho lucky she is to meet those people in this new phase of life
But only G.o.d knows how her life will take turns in the future
Allen comes outside and sit on his chair and call secretary Jim
Separately Jim come inside and listen to Allen's order and go down to pick up Mr . Shaw
Inside the room Athira take a deep breath and said to her self
" Athira just 2 days only After that you will be free to take revenge on them"
But she see in television and realise that Allen is working on his desk . And he is looking much more handsome and focused in his work
There is aright saying, " that a men look much more handsome and attractive, when he was working seriously . ".