Allen is also curious to know how she will handle her life .
While another side Athira is excitedly preparing for the surprise . Her health is recovering fastly and now she is able to take a baby step . Now just four days left and she is a little bit scared that how will she complete her task .
Aibek enters in the room while Athira is checking some doc.u.ments .
Hey Dear Little Sis . What you are doing?
Athira is shocked for a while and put aside her doc.u.ment on the coffee table and replied, " Hi, Aibek . Nothing just reading some hospital's papers . You say . How are you? Is everything prepared the way i said to you?
Aibek smiled weirdly and said, "Yeah . Don't worry little sister, everything else will be prepared on time"
Athira replied, Thank you Aibek . I just don't know, what good deeds i did in my past life that . When my family almost wants kill me, i find both of you and you guys treat me like family . And tears started to falling from her eyes .
Aibek put her hand and said . Hey dear little sister, don't think too much and don't cry . "You know G.o.d only give the hard tasks to those who are capable to fight head to head . " .
So you are the fighter, and you will surely going to change your destiny .
Athira smiled and said . "Thank you for your words . It always inspired me . "
Aibek smiled and say . Now, i am feeling very hungry . So let's go into the dining room . Mrs . Rozy has already prepared lunch for us .
Okay .
At Alkuzina Group .
Allen orders Secretary Jim to find about more information about Shaw family's current situation .
Jim nodded and said, yes boss .
Allen took her phone and called to Athira . . .
Allen is also curious to know how she will handle her life
While another side Athira is excitedly preparing for the surprise . Her health is recovering fastly and now she is able to take a baby step . Now just four days left and she is a little bit scared that how will she complete her task
Aibek enters in the room while Athira is checking some doc.u.ments
Hey Dear Little Sis . What you are doing?.
Athira is shocked for a while and put aside her doc.u.ment on the coffee table and replied, " Hi, Aibek . Nothing just reading some hospital's papers . You say . How are you? Is everything prepared the way i said to you?.
Aibek smiled weirdly and said, "Yeah . Don't worry little sister, everything else will be prepared on time".
Athira replied, Thank you Aibek . I just don't know, what good deeds i did in my past life that . When my family almost wants kill me, i find both of you and you guys treat me like family . And tears started to falling from her eyes
Aibek put her hand and said . Hey dear little sister, don't think too much and don't cry . "You know G.o.d only give the hard tasks to those who are capable to fight head to head . "
So you are the fighter, and you will surely going to change your destiny
Athira smiled and said . "Thank you for your words . It always inspired me . ".
Aibek smiled and say . Now, i am feeling very hungry . So let's go into the dining room . Mrs . Rozy has already prepared lunch for us
At Alkuzina Group
Allen orders Secretary Jim to find about more information about Shaw family's current situation
Jim nodded and said, yes boss
Allen took her phone and called to Athira