Harry took his laptop bag from pa.s.senger sits and looking for a pan drive .
While Jacob didn't understand that why he is rus.h.i.+ngly looking in his bag .
"Got it . " Harry took it, connected it with laptop and looking on it .
"Hey brother, where is My Buddy . I also want to say something to him too . " and on video ma.s.sage starts to play on screen .
She is wearing a flower print light green gown .
"Look on screen Jacob, she want to say something to both of us . " Harry speak .
"Okay . " Jacob replied .
Harry put the laptop on middle of the sits and they both starting to see it .
Hey, buddies . . I know you both will surely blaming each other after I leave the country . So I want to say .
You remember third brother when you both wear in the first year of your collage . Once your other cla.s.smates. .h.i.tted Jacob and you fought back with them and end up in hospital for 10 days . .
Even your princ.i.p.al suspended you for a month . But still you never felt guilty about it . And you said that, " How can you allow others to hit your friends, it doesn't matter he is right or wrong . I will always choose his side . " that words define your friends.h.i.+p .
And even Jacob when The G.o.ddess of your Cla.s.s cheated third brother, how miserable you make her life . . even she turns into a laughing stock for whole cla.s.s . . just because he rejected third brother . You broke her ego and save brother's reputation .
I think this is how your bond is strong . then how can a girl, a shameless and crazy girl can broke your friends.h.i.+p .
She is selfish, she used both of you . She never loved anyone of you .
I attached one video in the other folder brother, just check it once and you both realize her true intentions .
Hope you both realized your mistakes and forget everything .
Now . just take care of yourselves . We will meet soon . .
Love you Buddies .
And the video ended, and Jacob and Harrybqre still gazing towards the screen .
Yeah this her little princess, she always care about others first . She even always there for them .
They both forgot everything for a while and Harry speaks . , " She is always like this Jacob, do you remember when I was hospitalized beacause of that basterds, he hitted them and make their lives miserable . Even they are suspended from collage and their family business suffer huge loss . Everything is deeds of our Athira . . "
They both smiled, and then Jacob said, " Let's check another video note . I am sure she hide it till yet so there were a reason behind it .
Harry took his laptop bag from pa.s.senger sits and looking for a pan drive . While Jacob didnt understand that why he is rus.h.i.+ngly looking in his bag . Got it . Harry took it, connected it with laptop and looking on it . Hey brother, where is My Buddy . I also want to say something to him too . and on video ma.s.sage starts to play on screen . She is wearing a flower print light green gown . Look on screen Jacob, she want to say something to both of us . Harry speak . Okay . Jacob replied . Harry put the laptop on middle of the sits and they both starting to see it . Hey, buddies I know you both will surely blaming each other after I leave the country . So I want to say . You remember third brother when you both wear in the first year of your collage . Once your other cla.s.smates. .h.i.tted Jacob and you fought back with them and end up in hospital for 10 days Even your princ.i.p.al suspended you for a month . But still you never felt guilty about it . And you said that, How can you allow others to hit your friends, it doesnt matter he is right or wrong . I will always choose his side . that words define your friends.h.i.+p . And even Jacob when The G.o.ddess of your Cla.s.s cheated third brother, how miserable you make her life even she turns into a laughing stock for whole cla.s.s just because he rejected third brother . You broke her ego and save brothers reputation . I think this is how your bond is strong . then how can a girl, a shameless and crazy girl can broke your friends.h.i.+p . She is selfish, she used both of you . She never loved anyone of you . I attached one video in the other folder brother, just check it once and you both realize her true intentions . Hope you both realized your mistakes and forget everything . Now . just take care of yourselves . We will meet soon Love you Buddies . And the video ended, and Jacob and Harrybqre still gazing towards the screen . Yeah this her little princess, she always care about others first . She even always there for them . They both forgot everything for a while and Harry speaks . , She is always like this Jacob, do you remember when I was hospitalized beacause of that basterds, he hitted them and make their lives miserable . Even they are suspended from collage and their family business suffer huge loss . Everything is deeds of our Athira They both smiled, and then Jacob said, Lets check another video note . I am sure she hide it till yet so there were a reason behind it .