Character Cheat Sheet: For everybody "including me". To help remember all these names and characters.
Minazuki Amane(水無月周 aka あまね) Our protagonist. Ordinary black hair, cut shoulder length. Normal skin, not particularly fair with ordinary eyes. Slightly taller than Alice. And her breast are abit bigger.
Minazuki Alice(ありす) Golden s.h.i.+ny hair, blue eyes. Fair soft skin. She is pretty much really beautiful. one of the two beauties in school.
Takanas.h.i.+ Rinka(高梨凜花)Aka Rin-chan. Black hair styled in twin tails. Eyes more slanted. Gives impression of strong woman. Is a diligent student who is kind with good looks. Very good athletically.
Kiniwa Ena(砂庭江奈) Aka Enchan. Shoulder length chestnut colored hair.Gives off the impression of a gentle kind girl. Poor with physical activities and got big b.o.o.bies.
Yanomiya Sora(夜乃宮蒼穹) Aka Kuu-chan. Looks like a elementary student at first glance but she is a high school senior. Her long black hair goes down to her waist. She has large cute eyes and a really cute appearance in general.
Yurizono Arisu-san(百合園 アリス) She has long silver hair which s.h.i.+nes brightly in the sunlight. With mysterious red eyes and a clear beautiful voice. Other one of the two beauties in school.百合園 also has the kanji for Yuri as in the lesbian kind in it.
"Amane-san,Shouldn't you sit down and not just stand around?"
Yurizono-san walked over and told me that while gently smiling.
This is the first time I have ever seen Yurizono-san so close.
Although her hair is silver and eyes are red.She is j.a.panese, was raised in j.a.pan and born in j.a.pan.
That's all i know. Although naturally I wasn't told by her,I just heard about it.
However she is one of the "two beauties" in our school. And wow,It's like looking at a beautiful painting. Such a transcendent girl is smiling at me. . . .
By the way, the other one of the "two beauties" in our school is Alice-chan.
Both of them have the name "Alice" so they are called the two Alices.(Arisu= Alice in j.a.panese. Both are spelled Arisu but in different alphabets.I can't really translate that meaning into english, so it's just Alice and Arisu.)
I can agree that Yurizono-san is one of the most beautiful in school, but I can't honestly see Alice-chan as one of them.
I feel like it would be better to call Takanas.h.i.+-san the other one.
"Don't talk to my Onee-chan so casually, you female cat."
Alice barked that demand like a dog at Yurizono-san. Then hugged me even tighter.
Alice that's pretty rude. Especially seeing as this is suppose to be the other number one beauty. It's your partner.
"Well Amane-san. Should we go sit down together and "talk".(あまねさん、さあ、座って私と"しりとり"をしましょう)(TN: i have no idea what しりとり means in this context.Its a word game kinda? but I don't understand how it fits in here.)
Yurizono-san completely ignored Alice's glare and bark, like she was a stray dog. Then smiled at me, asked her question, and stretched out her hand to hold mine.
Alice oppose that idea it seems and brushed Yurizono's hand away.
Yurizono continued to smile although it was obvious she was annoyed, seeing as her veins popping with anger.
"You Sis-con."
Yurizono's smile disappeared as she looked down on Alice with a cold glare,Saying that with a iced voice.
Was Yurizono always like this? Because it's actually scaring me.
"Shut up you noisy cat."
Although My little sister didn't back down from Yurizono's scorn and shot back.
The two of them are glaring at each other now, you could feel the sparks in the air.
This is kinda getting dangerous.
"If you guys are going to fight, then do it outside. It will just be annoying if its done here."
It was Yanomiysan who raised her voice.
Although she is small, she stood up against both of them.
"Both of you know that Kuu-chan is Amane's favorite. So you should listen to what she says."
Takanas.h.i.+ raised her voice soon after.
"Did both of you guys forget how harshly you were scolded the last time you made Kuu-chan cry? Hmm? So therefore stop fighting."
With a cheeky smile Kiniwsan told them, they both stiffened in response. They both looked at me while shaking and sweat dripping down their forehead. They looked at each other and then looked away in displeasure.
Both of them don't seem happy about it, but it seems to end in a draw.
We were saved from having to deal with their quarrel.
Hmm, it seems the Kuu-chan aka Yanomiya Sora, is the female version of me's favorite.
Although I could see why. Her cute appearance along with her very masculine personality is just adorable.
"Also home room is about to start. So shouldn't you return to your cla.s.sroom?"
Takanas.h.i.+-san tapped her foot on the ground in impatience when she asked the two of them.
Eh? They're in different cla.s.srooms? I thought we were all in the same cla.s.sroom?
"When this female cat leaves, I will go to my cla.s.sroom. If I leave now who knows what this cat will do to my Onee-chan."
She then embraced me tightly while glaring at Yurizono-san, stuck her tongue out while she was at it.
On the other hand Yurizono shook in anger, her veins visible on her temple while wearing a cold smile.
This is dangerous, very dangerous. Right when we were about to settle this, it got heated again.
"I will leave,Because I am an adult. Unlike this sis-con."
I thought a fight was about to break out,but Yurizono just disengaged. She threw out her words with a smile, an ice cold smile, and then left the cla.s.sroom.
Alice bit her lip in irritation and groaned like a dog.
". . . .I will be back."
She murmured and left the cla.s.sroom.
Well at any rate I am just glad it didn't end up in a fight.
"Oh, Amane-san. Let's "talk" later."
I gave a sigh of relief when all of the sudden Yurizono came back instantly, took both my hands and caressed them with a face full of smiles.
H-hey wait?
"You female Catttttttttttttttttt!"
A loud roar came from the corridor. Yurizono clicked her tongue, sighed and then rushed out of the cla.s.sroom. Then Alice's figure appeared running in the hallway.
I unintentionally covered my face with my hands and gave a huge sigh.
What on earth is happening?
I didn't know anything about this new life and was just barely getting a grasp, but now you are throwing this at me!?
"Amane. You really are feeling bad, aren't you?"
Takanas.h.i.+-san said to me while having a concerned expression.
"Usually when they b.u.t.t heads against each other, Amane manages it well."
Kiniwsan then raised her concern as well, looking at me with a concerned expression as well.
My female version always had this under control?
Well, now I have to deal with her hards.h.i.+ps.
"Should you go rest in the nurse's room? Rin and Ena could take you there. I'll go tell the teacher. I'll also make sure those two stay away, if they find out they'll go to the health department and all of this effort to get her to relax would be wasted."
Yanomiya told them with a confident att.i.tude. Kiniwa and Takanas.h.i.+ looked towards me,then too each other and nodded.
I have never talked to Yanomiya before. She is so small but is so reliable. So cute, I just have this strong urge to pet her.
"Thank you."
I thanked Yanomiysan as she proudly stuck her chest out, well she is flat so there wasn't really an impact to it.
I should just trust her.
Haa~ so cute.
After that,Takanas.h.i.+ and Kiniwa escorted me to the nurse's office.
Thanks to that I could slowly start to relax.
*Sigh~ I wish a girl like Yanomiysan was my sister.
Well now we know. It's the dog vs the cat, and then there is the actual girl she likes. Interesting dynamic with the friends, I wonder how both of them got the hots for Amane, especially Arisu.
Next chapter probably in 2-4 days. There is no new “I was just” chapter yet so it will be a new on of this novel.
Also really big thanks to Morakai33, your generosity astounds me so i really appreciate it. Hope you are enjoying this new novel in the wait for “I was just”.
Also I hope everybody else is enjoying it and thanks for reading.
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