When I Saw The Returns, I Invested In My Future Wife First - Chapter 151: Hastilude Festival [4]

Chapter 151: Hastilude Festival [4]

Chapter 151: Hastilude Festival [4]

The sun shone brightly over the festival grounds, casting a warm golden glow on the excited citizens who filled the air with their distinctive clatter.

The atmosphere was alive with antic.i.p.ation as the tournament was about to commence in a grand arena that stood proudly, reminiscent of the majestic Colosseum.

The arena itself was a sight to behold, its towering walls, meticulously decorated with vibrant flowers, flowing ribbons, and ornate tapestries, created a breathtaking backdrop.

Every inch of the arena was adorned with banners and flags, proudly displaying the colors and symbols of the various partic.i.p.ating kingdoms.

As the spectators eagerly awaited the start of the tournament, the air crackled with excitement.

Conversations buzzed throughout the crowd, as people discussed their favorite knights, shared predictions, and exchanged stories of past tournaments.

The festival grounds were abuzz with energy, as families, friends, and strangers alike came together to revel in the festivities.

Suddenly, a triumphant fanfare erupted from a trumpet, its resounding notes cutting through the chatter and signaling the commencement of the festival.

Musicians stationed strategically around the arena began playing lively tunes, their melodies weaving through the crowd, adding to the already festive atmosphere.

The music seemed to dance in harmony with the excited murmurs of the spectators, creating a symphony of antic.i.p.ation.

As the crowd's excitement reached its peak, the giant portcullis slowly began to ascend, revealing the grand entrance.

First emerged the Emperor, resplendent in his regal attire, followed by all the kings and their wives, and a mult.i.tude of n.o.bles.

They rode in a magnificent chariot, their hands raised in greeting to the enthusiastic crowd.

The sight of their presence ignited a wave of applause and cheers that cascaded through the arena, echoing off the walls.

Then came the moment everyone had been waiting forthe knights in s.h.i.+ning armor, representing their respective kingdoms, paraded around the arena.

Their horses, adorned with elaborate trappings, added an extra touch of splendor to the spectacle.

The clinking of armor and the rhythmic beat of hooves reverberated through the air, creating an aura of antic.i.p.ation that seemed to electrify the very atmosphere.

As the knights completed their parade, the Emperor, now standing on a raised platform at the heart of the arena, commanded the attention of all. (f)reewe(b)novel

The spectators, in unison, rose from their seats, their eyes fixed on the regal figure before them.

With a simple gesture, the Emperor silenced the crowd, and a hush fell over the arena as if the entire world had paused to listen.

His voice, strong and commanding, resonated through the air as he began his speech.

"Esteemed citizens of the empire, honored guests, and valiant knights."

Arthur, the Emperor, scanned the sea of citizens, his gaze filled with pride and grat.i.tude.

"Today, we gather not only to revel in the thrill of compet.i.tion but also to honor the traditions and heritage that have shaped us."

He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in, before continuing.

"The knights who will grace this arena are not mere warriors, but symbols of the strength and resilience of our great empire. They represent the diverse kingdoms that have come together to celebrate this tournament, showcasing the unity and camaraderie that bind us all."

The crowd listened intently, captivated by the Emperor's words.

A sense of unity and pride swelled within their hearts as they realized the significance of the moment.

The festival was not just a display of skill and valor, but a celebration of their shared history and the bonds that held them together.

"Let this festival remind us that despite our differences, we are united by a common purpose."

Arthur proclaimed, his voice filled with conviction.

"As we cheer for our favorite knights, let us also celebrate the diversity and richness of our lands. I hereby proclaim the start of the Hastilude festival!"

As the final words left the Emperor's lips, the arena erupted in thunderous applause, the cheers of the citizens reverberating through the grand structure as a testament to the collective excitement and joy that filled the hearts of all present.

With the Emperor's proclamation, the tournament had officially begun.

The citizens settled into their seats, their eyes fixed on the arena, eagerly antic.i.p.ating the exhilarating displays of skill and valor that were about to unfold before their eyes.

Blare! Blare! Blare!

Suddenly, a triumphant fanfare erupted from the trumpet, its resounding notes cutting through the air and capturing the attention of all.

"Let there be brave and fair compet.i.tion in front of our Emperor and Empress!"

The referee's voice reverberated through the grand structure.

"His Highness Prince Adrian of the Aeon Empire will now partic.i.p.ate in the ceremonial match against His Highness Prince Prz of Aiden Knightdom!"

The announcement sent waves of applause and cheers rippling through the arena, the sound echoing off the towering walls.

The citizens were eager to witness the clash between these two n.o.ble princes, representing their respective kingdoms.

Amidst the excitement, Adrian, clad in full plate armor specifically designed for jousting, received a sparrow beak helmet from his head butler, Fredinand, who stood by his side.


"It is my pleasure."

Just as Adrian was preparing himself, a woman's voice p.r.i.c.ked his ears.


He turned and found Aerilyn and Nathaniel, approaching him.

Fredinand hastily bowed respectfully, acknowledging their presence.

Arriving before him, Aerilyn cupped his son's face gently, her eyes filled with concern as she spoke.

"Just relax and take it easy. It's not a real match, just a part of the ceremony. Don't overdo it, okay?"

Well, Adrian understood his mother's worry, but he also felt a burning desire to win this match.

But, he knew it was better to say what she wanted to hear.

With a nod, he rea.s.sured her.

"I understand."

A smile stretched across Aerilyn's face, and she stroked his head affectionately.

"Then, I wish you good luck."

Nathaniel chimed in, offering his support.

"Good luck, Ian."

Adrian nodded gratefully, appreciating their encouragement.

"Thank you. I have to go now."

Both his mother and Nathaniel nodded in understanding, their eyes filled with pride.

Adrian put on his helmet and mounted his armored horse, which was furnished with intricate trappings.

The a.s.signed squire promptly handed him a s.h.i.+eld with the Aeon Empire coat of arms painted on its surface.

"I'm ready."

Adrian declared with determination, his voice m.u.f.fled by the helmet.

Shortly, the portcullis slowly opened, revealing the vast expanse of the arena.

Adrian took a deep breath, steeling himself for the challenge ahead, and urged his horse forward.

The thunderous cheers of the spectators greeted him as he made his grand entrance into the arena.

On the opposite end of the arena, Adrian could see Prz, also clad in full plate armor, riding an armored horse adorned with trappings.

The antic.i.p.ation in the air was palpable as the two princes prepared for their jousting match.

Jousting involved two armored knights on horseback charging at each other with lances.

Their goal was to strike their opponent while maintaining their own balance and avoiding being unhorsed.

Adrian and Prz, each mounted on their magnificent steeds, took their positions at opposite ends of the arena.

Their horses pawed at the ground, their breaths heavy with excitement.

The squires approached, presenting them with long wooden jousting lances.

The lances were equipped with a coronel, a protective covering on the tip, designed to reduce the impact and ensure the safety of the partic.i.p.ants.

Unlike the regular jousting where lists were used as barriers, this match was played in an open-field style, allowing for a more dynamic and thrilling experience.

The heralds, dressed in vibrant tabards, raised their trumpets to their lips, signaling the beginning of the contest.


The tension in the air was palpable as the referee's voice boomed through the arena.

"Let the ceremonial match begin!"

With that command, Adrian and Prz wasted no time, urging their horses forward with a swift kick of their heels.

Gallop Gallop Gallop

The ground beneath them trembled as the powerful steeds thundered towards each other, their hooves kicking up clouds of dust.

The crowd erupted in a cacophony of cheers and applause, their excitement reaching a fever pitch.

With unwavering focus, Adrian released the reins and positioned his s.h.i.+eld in front of his body.

Gripping his lance tightly, he lowered it, aiming for the narrow target on Prz's s.h.i.+eld.

As the distance between them closed, Adrian lunged his lance forward.


The tips of their lances collided with a resounding impact, but they skillfully tilted their s.h.i.+elds, causing the lances to slide harmlessly to the side.

As Adrian and Prz thundered past each other, their horses kicking up clouds of dust.

The crowd erupted in a symphony of cheers, their voices blending with the clattering of armor and the rhythmic pounding of hooves, creating an atmosphere charged with antic.i.p.ation.

The moment the distance between them closed in, Adrian and Prz lowered their lances with precision and thrust them forward.

The tips of their lances grazed against each other's s.h.i.+elds, creating a rasping clash that echoed through the arena.

Bang! .

The crowd held their breath, witnessing the near-miss with bated antic.i.p.ation.

The boys swiftly turned their horses, readying themselves for the next charge.

Undeterred, they galloped towards each other once again, their weapons poised for action.

Locking their eyes in a fierce gaze, they lowered their lances and drove forward.


The impact was thunderous as their lances splintered into fragments, the sound reverberating through the arena.

The crowd gasped in awe, their eyes widening at the sheer power of the collision.

The sheer power of the impact threatened to unseat the riders, but their mastery of balance and riding skill kept them firmly in their saddles.

Their horses, well-trained for this moment, responded to their riders' commands with precision, pivoting effortlessly to prepare for the next round.

Undeterred by the initial clash, Adrian and Prz swiftly discarded their shattered lances to the side of the arena, their eyes locked on each other.

With a fluid motion, they drew their swords, the blades glinting in the sunlight.

Gallop Gallop Gallop

As they circled each other, their horses danced gracefully in the arena.

"Well, you did good!"

Prz exclaimed, his voice m.u.f.fled inside his helmet.

Adrian smiled in response, a mix of exhilaration and determination s.h.i.+ning in his eyes.


"Let's end this!"

Prz declared, his voice resolute.

Adrian nodded in agreement, his focus sharpening.

With a renewed burst of energy, they charged toward each other once again, their swords held high.


The clash of steel rang out, the sound reverberating through the arena, as sparks flew from the collision of their blades.