When I Saw The Returns, I Invested In My Future Wife First - Chapter 70: Era Runs Wild!

Chapter 70: Era Runs Wild!

Chapter 70: Era Runs Wild!


Feeling the increasing rowdiness among the G.o.ds Helios suddenly shouted shutting them up

"Why didn't the both of you stop Edward or capture him after the fight" Asked Helios as he looked towards the angels

"Your highness! It's not that we didn't want to stop him, but you ordered us to act only when we saw abyss demons!"

"Yes! yes!"

Sensing the anger in Helios gaze, the angel who had just shown them Edward's fight rushed to explain while the other beside him just kept saying yes and nodding his head

Looking at two of them like this, Helios couldn't help but sigh after all these were two angels he had personally dispatched from his kingdom of G.o.d earlier

Thinking of this, it wouldn't really save him much face if he scolded them in front of the G.o.ds

"Alright Gabriel, Lucifer, you may go down now!

Calling their names Helios sent them away, Gabriel still stayed as he looked towards Helios with a bit of hesitation on his face.

"What is it now Gabriel?"

Looking at Gabriel who had this same expression just before he showed him Edward's video, Helios felt like there was still more bad news

"Um. Your Highness, Edward isn't the only case of mortals getting power"

"On our way back, similar cases were happening all over Elias"

"A lion man ate a strange fruit and gained the ability to make anything he touched float, with his extraordinary swordsmans.h.i.+p and strength he beheaded the divine sense of A G.o.d"

"Now with a floating island under him and a group of henchmen, he calls himself the golden lion wreaking havoc everywhere"

*A group of goblins who I don't know where they got the knowledge suddenly started building metal contraptions capable of destroying small mountains and wiping out whole countries"

*According to them what they're doing is called science and they're the ancestors of goblin technology"

"With their new-found knowledge, goblins one of the weakest races have begun to look down on other races for their lack of intelligence"

"A human in the far north accidentally met a dying Dragon'

"He bathed in its blood for three days and three nights, and on the last day he successfully absorbed the dragons' power"

"With the body of a mortal and the blood of a dragon, he calls himself Arthur the dragon knight breathing fire and flying everywhere doing as he pleases"

"And these are just the ones we saw and heard"

"According to my guess, a lot more similar cases are occurring all around Elias"

Saying all this in one breath, Gabriel turned towards Helios with a look of hesitation on his face.

Although he didn't know if Helios would get angry with him, after all, he felt it was his duty to inform Helios of everything that was going on in Elias right now.

Thankfully, Helios didn't look angry, but rather seemed to have expected this

*Sigh. It seems this era has officially kicked off* . com

*In this era of G.o.d's fall*

*There is no sleep*

Recalling those two lines from the prophecy, Helios already knew that there was no escaping, however unlike all the G.o.ds, Helios was actually looking forward to it

*Ancient G.o.ds are also part of the G.o.ds, doesn't that mean it's possible for the ancient G.o.d of light to fall and for me to replace him*

As a G.o.d who has been a G.o.d-king for countless years, Helios knows a lot of secrets such as, under normal circ.u.mstances ancient G.o.ds can be said to be Immortal and live and die with the world

However, whenever there is a catastrophe such as what is going on now, even Ancient G.o.ds may fall, thinking of this, Helios knew this was his only opportunity to usurp power stronger than a G.o.d-king

*However, we can't make any moves yet in order not to be suspected by the G.o.ds not the current ancient G.o.ds after all if all the G.o.ds knew there was an opportunity to ascend the sky in one step and become an ancient G.o.d in one step, Elias knows what would happen*

*First pretend to be calm and try to find the hideout of that old loach the ancient G.o.d of light"

Putting away his thoughts, Helios quickly pretended to be angry while listening to Gabriel's story, thankfully it seemed either because the G.o.ds also felt similar emotions, but no one doubted Helios at this moment

"G.o.ds of Elias! as you can see, this era has begun to run wild!"

"Although we can't directly interfere on the main plane, we have the help of our believers!"

"Now the time has come for us to prove our strength as G.o.ds! If we don't want to become remnants of the old era and still want to dominate the new era, it's up to us to prevent that prophecy from coming true"

With a sonorous voice, Helios's words seemed to stir up the G.o.d's emotions as their earlier fear for the feature had started to transform into fighting intent as they couldn't wait to confront the ent.i.ty called fate

"Hahaha! May it be human, Giant, G.o.d slayer, or Demon G.o.d!"

"I Kratos am always ready to fight!"

Holding two broadswords in his arms, Kratos's fighting intent looked to have reached the sky

In Fact not only him felt this way as most of the G.o.ds present couldn't wait to go back and arrange orders to their followers in order to cope with the oncoming era

Seeing their reactions, Helios knew his plan had been successfully

"Haha Good!"

"Venti remember you're in charge of handling future disputes"

"Now G.o.ds of Elias remember, it wasn't easy for any of us to become what we are today"

"Let's go now and find a way to end this so-called era of G.o.d's fall"

Waving his hand Helios called for the end of the meeting while also disappearing with Gabriel and Lucifer

*Ancient G.o.d of light, are you ready?*

With an infinite yearning for the future Helios's body completely disappeared