When I Saw The Returns, I Invested In My Future Wife First - Chapter 373 - 373 The Boss Has Foresight Indeed!

Chapter 373 - 373 The Boss Has Foresight Indeed!

Chapter 373 - 373 The Boss Has Foresight Indeed!

373 The Boss Has Foresight Indeed!

Actually, I just want to show off my beautiful wife. Luo Feng was smug.

Yes, yes Yang Tianzhen scratched his face awkwardly.

With his understanding of Luo Feng, this was definitely a humble statement. However, according to Luo Fengs personality Yang Tianzhen felt that what he said was true and stuffed another mouthful of dog food into his mouth

For the first time, Yang Tianzhen thought about it seriously. His boss was very capable. Be it in terms of wealth or ability, his grasp of the future, or his grasp of the audience, these abilities were all top-notch.

However, before his ability to show off his affection, these seemed to be childs play, easy.

Luo Feng could really give out a large amount of dog food at any time, place, and time! Even if Ai Tingya was not in front of him, he could still give it to her!

Uh What should we do next? Just let the contestants be free? Yang Tianzhen asked.

Actually, the previous fight had given him an idea.

After all, it was a well-known secret that variety shows had scripts. In order to control the development of the show, the organizers would definitely give the contestants a certain number of tasks to control the direction. Even if there was a fight, it had to be ordered by the production team.

Especially for such talent show programs, the organizers would also have a main target according to the background and family matters.

However, Luo Feng had yet to choose a contestant. Yang Tianzhen thought that he was still observing.

Luo Feng said leisurely, Let them continue to be free. With Tingya watching over them, nothing big will happen.

Mm Yang Tianzhen frowned and thought about his previous experience. Alright, if you say so.

Luo Feng nodded. Dont worry about the show for the time being. I have other missions for you.

Yang Tianzhen leaned forward and listened attentively.

Luo Feng said, When is Teacher Ji Xiang coming back? I think its necessary to gather the companys managers for training.

Yang Tianzhen looked troubled.

Boss, youre too good at using resources. It has to be known that Teacher Ji Xiang is very rare! Typically, managers without connections cant even touch her.

Even he had to kowtow three to five times and pretend to be very humble before he had the chance to drink a cup of tea.

On careful thought, it was all thanks to Luo Feng that he could meet Teacher Ji Xiang so smoothly. As Ji Xiang was very interested in Luo Fengs actions, she was willing to receive Yang Tianzhen.

Even though Ji Xiang had lost the bet and expressed that she was willing to accept her loss, the other party was an old senior after all. He could not really climb up the ladder just because he was given face.

Clearly, Luo Feng was not an ordinary person. He was really prepared to trouble Teacher Ji Xiang.

Whats wrong? Is there a problem? Luo Feng looked at Yang Tianzhen in confusion.

No, Teacher Ji will be back in about a week. I will communicate with her in advance Yang Tianzhen said.

He accepted that. Wasnt that what qualified employees did? Complete some of the bosss whims and make him what the boss wanted him to be.

Its been hard on you, Old Yang. Ill give you a raise later. Luo Feng smiled.

Usually, when the boss says later, it might be at an uncertain time in the future. However, when Luo Feng said later, it might be when Yang Tianzhen stepped out of the door frame.

Luo Feng was still in charge of most important matters while Yang Tianzhen received a high salary, he felt guilty.

Theres no need, Boss. Being able to listen to Teacher Ji Xiangs lecture has already helped me a lot. Yang Tianzhen curled his lips in embarra.s.sment. He was actually looking forward to it.


There was an incredulous shock at the door.

Luo Feng and Yang Tianzhen looked up at the same time. It was Benson.

He was mainly following Huixin as a life-experience blogger now. He did not have to go to the office during working hours. However, he insisted on going to the studio to give a report and summarize every week. He would send the work summary over even if Luo Feng was not in the studio.

He happened to b.u.mp into Luo Feng and Yang Tianzhen talking about Ji Xiang.

Old Yang, are you serious? Teacher Ji Xiang is here for cla.s.s? Benson rushed forward and held Yang Tianzhens hand.

Its not a cla.s.s. To be precise, Shell be here to train our companys managers. Yang Tianzhen smiled and turned to look at Luo Feng. His gaze seemed to be saying, Look, Teacher Ji causes such a commotion.

Bensons performance made Luo Feng truly understand how powerful Teacher Ji Xiang was.

Every industry had a benchmark that belonged to people in the industry, and Teacher Ji Xiang was the pinnacle of managers. Even listening to a training cla.s.s was enough to make people so excited that they couldnt sleep.

Really? Only for our company? Bensons eyes lit up. He looked at Yang Tianzhen and then at Luo Feng, seeking confirmation from the two of them.

After receiving an affirmative extension, Benson was about to suck up when he was immediately interrupted by Yang Tianzhen.

If you want to praise someone, praise the Boss. Its all thanks to Bosss foresight that I had a reason to find Teacher Ji Xiang. Yang Tianzhen smiled. Ji Xiang was willing to accept her loss and would definitely come, even though the process might be a little complicated.

Boss, youre too awesome! Benson ran to Luo Fengs side and praised him eagerly.

He immediately took out his phone and began to call his peers in the contact list.

Hey, hey, hey. Let me share something happy with you. Our boss invited Teacher Ji Xiang to train us!

I knew it. Not only are our companys benefits good, our boss also has a wide network of connections. He can even invite Teacher Ji Xiang!

Why would I lie to you? Ill reveal some secret manuals to you when the time comes.

Hahahaha! Its impossible to freeload lessons. The boss said that its only for our company.

You want to jump s.h.i.+p now? Oh my, didnt you look down on our small company previously?

In just a few minutes, he had already called seven or eight people.

He flaunted their companys strength without exception. They could even invite the retired Teacher Ji Xiang. Without exception, the other party either envied him or felt that he was bragging, but they couldnt help but ask indirectly.

Hehehehehe, when can I see Teacher Ji Xiang? I cant wait! Benson jumped up and down excitedly without stopping for a moment.

Its too early for you to be happy. Teacher Ji is still traveling outside. Yang Tianzhen held his forehead. This guy was too impatient.

In an instant, it was made public.

Its fine, I can wait! Benson puffed out his chest. His gaze landed on the confused Luo Feng and he shook his head.

Whats wrong? Luo Feng was confused.

Boss, I really dont know if I saved the world in my previous life to be able to work under you. He squeezed to Luo Fengs side excitedly. You dont know how much those people looked down on me in the past. They were so envious of me just now! They even wanted to jump s.h.i.+p!

Benson said seriously, If they come over, please dont pick them up. Their abilities are average and will drag down the overall quality of our company.