When I Saw The Returns, I Invested In My Future Wife First - Chapter 370 - 370 You Have To Listen To Us If You Lose The Bet!

Chapter 370 - 370 You Have To Listen To Us If You Lose The Bet!

Chapter 370 - 370 You Have To Listen To Us If You Lose The Bet!

370 You Have To Listen To Us If You Lose The Bet!

Luo Feng spoke sincerely, making Yang Tianzhen speechless.

The popularity had indeed increased, but it had caused a huge negative impact. There were already many people who were dissatisfied with the idol industry. If this bad influence was spread, wouldnt people scold them?

Boss, you cant say that. What about public relations? Wheres our companys PR? Yang Tianzhen stood up and paced around the table, her forehead covered in sweat. Get the PR to ask questions immediately and express their att.i.tude. We must make sure to hold on to the golden 24 hours!

Old Yang, youre confused, Luo Feng said. Youve always been in charge of our companys public relations.

His words woke him up from his dream.

Yang Tianzhen was so anxious that he was confused. The real PR manager was outside asking for help.

Ill go back to the studio immediately. Boss, are you there? Wait for me.

Yang Tianzhen hung up after saying that.

He did not want to know where Luo Feng was. He just wanted to tell Luo Feng to hurry to the studio. He was really anxious this time. He was so anxious that he did not even have time to put on his shoes.

To everyones surprise, Ji Xiang ran out as well.

Your little boss really doesnt know anything. Ill go with you to take a look. Ji Xiang sat in the front pa.s.senger seat and had already buckled her seatbelt.

Yang Tianzhen was touched, but he didnt forget to step on the accelerator and sped all the way back to the studio. He didnt even have time to look at the illegal message before he strode up the steps and ran into the studio.

Luo Feng was still hugging the tablet and lying on the sofa, maintaining the same posture as when Yang Tianzhen left. The only difference was that he had already chased the experience variety show until the second season.

Boss! Yang Tianzhen was furious!

How could he be so relaxed after such a big thing had happened?!

Youre back? Luo Feng looked up. Have a seat. Ive poured you some tea.

He knew that Yang Tianzhen had a lot to say, so he had prepared everything in advance, except for his humble att.i.tude.

Boss, do you understand? Its a very serious matter for a fight to happen during the broadcast! We have to salvage our reputation as soon as possible! Yang Tianzhen slammed the table and said.

Luo Feng stared at the screen and said unhurriedly, Ive already called to ask. Its just that the contestants were arguing because of the rehearsal. Tingya immediately controlled the scene. Theres no need to be so serious.

The moment the matter happened, Ai Tingya controlled the situation and immediately called Luo Feng to tell him not to worry.

Of course, he trusted Ai Tingya. If she said she was fine, then it was 100% fine.

Even though there were many people watching the fun online, there was no need to worry so much.

In Luo Fengs opinion, it was not the best time to clarify now. It was better to wait for the netizens to be happy for a while. When the discussion reached its peak and he became more famous, he would come out to refute the rumors. Actually, that would be the best effect and spread the news the fastest.

Boss! If we dont correct our att.i.tude now, the tone of our show will change. It will be difficult to salvage the situation in the future. It will become incongruous! Yang Tianzhen was extremely excited.

He had thought of many ways to salvage the situation, but he did not expect Luo Feng to become the greatest obstacle!

Calm down. Tingya will settle it over there. Luo Feng still looked indifferent.

Yang Tianzhen was about to explode in anger, but he couldnt flare up at his benefactor boss.

Hi Boss, youre too naive!

Suddenly, a calm womans voice sounded at the door.

Ji Xiang held onto the door frame and panted. She hadnt caught up to Yang Tianzhen when he ran too quickly. She had just reached the door when she heard a few arguments. This made her even more certain that Luo Feng, the boss, wasnt reliable. In fact, he was very unreliable!

This is? Luo Feng stood up out of habit when facing someone older than him.

This is Teacher Ji Xiang, my senior. Yang Tianzhen seemed to have lost all his strength. This time, I want to ask her for help to lead our show back to the right path.

Thank you, thank you. Luo Feng stretched out his right hand and smiled. Thank you for coming, but our show is developing very well.

Ji Xiang was stunned while Yang Tianzhen held his forehead.

Why was the usually friendly Luo Feng so arbitrary this time? He did not listen to any suggestions.

Ji Xiang shook Luo Fengs hand and quickly let go.

This was the first time she had really met Luo Feng. She sized him up and realized that he was really different from all the bosses she had seen!

Luo Fengs face was very eye-catching. Even though Ji Xiang had been in the entertainment industry for many years and was immune to handsome men and beautiful women, she still had the urge to support Luo Fengs debut because it was such a waste not to be a celebrity!

He would definitely become famous if he became an artiste under her!

Unfortunately, he was a boss now.

Boss Luo, I dont think you know much about the rules of our circle. As someone who has been invited to help, I advise you to listen to Little Yangs suggestion, Ji Xiang said.

I dont think theres a need to go through the trouble. Luo Feng insisted.

Oh? Are you that confident? Arent you afraid that the higher-ups will name you before the show fails? Ji Xiang said calmly. I also heard that you will broadcast the contestants fight on the television station?

Of course not, Luo Feng said. I know that no matter what I say now, you all feel that its inappropriate. Therefore, I can only be stronger. Old Yang, go back and rest. Its been hard on you during this period of time.

He was trying to chase them away.

Yang Tianzhen was speechless. She did not expect Luo Feng to say such things to her one day.

After a long silence, Yang Tianzhen lowered her head and said, Yes

Wait! Ji Xiang stood between the two of them. Since Im here, how can I leave without doing anything!

She had seen many unreasonable bosses, but she was the first one to be as stubborn as Luo Feng! She had to teach him a lesson!

Oh? Teacher Ji Xiang, what advice do you have? Luo Feng smiled.

Ji Xiang said firmly, Little Yang asked me to help. Ive connected him to the right people. I cant let everyone prepare for nothing, right?

Hearing this, Luo Feng thought that she wanted money.

Unexpectedly, Ji Xiang continued, In three days, if your companys variety show popularity increases in three days, well forget about it. However, if it doesnt increase but decreases instead or remains lukewarm, listen to Little Yangs opinion!

She admired Yang Tianzhens ability and character, so she was willing to risk her life to help.

As for whether he could grasp it or not, it would depend on Luo Fengs luck!

Do you want to bet? Ji Xiang raised her chin.

Luo Feng looked at the top of Ji Xiangs head and smiled. Alright, but I have another condition. If I win according to your conditions, you have to be our companys consultant and guide the managers and artists development unconditionally.

Heh, Boss Luo sure knows how to do business. Ji Xiang laughed.

This kid was too good at calculating. He even wanted a retiree like her to come to work.

Luo Feng looked at the potential number above Ji Xiangs head. Her talent was slightly higher than Yang Tianzhens! It proved Ji Xiangs talent as she had stopped developing as she grew older.

Only a fool would not want to keep such ready talent around!