What About Us Last Request - 27 The Show

27 The Show

-...(Ringing tone)

-Come on!!- I was no fighter. The guy after me was just few feet away. The only possible way for me to stand my ground was to run and buy Jerry some time. The sound of irony wasn't lost on me. I felt like there was only one person upon whom I could rely to see this through.

-Yes. Dt. Johnson speaking.

-(Heavy breathing)Finally! It's me Layla! Get here, fast! The apartment; we're being chased by two guys, serious guys with guns. Oh G.o.d! He's here! Please Sel,- My pursuer finally caught me. He shoved the people away to get to me just as I was noticed by him. Getting close to him I felt like his physical appearance resembled that of some new breed of giant. I hoped for Selina to get here for all I knew that if Jerry was to face off against this big sack of lipid alone, the result would be fatal.

-What am I thinking! We're on our own here,- I said to myself. "No! No!"- But this came out from my mouth. I was so very scared of him that I forgot to scream. I dropped the receiver and started running.

If Jerry couldn't deal with his guy first there was no chance of discovering anything at all. I went inside. All I could hear was the poor security guard's grunts. I dared not to look back. "I am sorry"- I whispered.

Barry Jefferson


-You're good for a stupid piece of..

-(A knee to the stomach)..

-Gahh!! d.a.m.n you!- After being kicked in the guts my little pursuer lost his cool. I couldn't let myself get taken down, there was no way.

-...,- He took out his knife. The look he gave me was different a moment ago. I wondered why he had chosen to use the knife only then. There was no need for him to hold back. I was chosen as a target the moment they discovered me with Layla.

-f.u.c.k youuu!!,- The guy rushed at me screaming. I wasn't gonna go down but he was good. The obvious result would be a deadly madman with a knife. I had to be precise.

Layla Roy


The people inside began running as soon as they grasped the scene. I couldn't blame them. It was what our little town had taught us. Had I been in their shoes my reaction would be the same.

Getting a head start I was able to get out of his sight. The cafe was compact but there were little stations for private orders. Slipping through those was easy and I finally made it to the back. "Okay, okay. There's the bathroom. Now for that door.."- There was n.o.body in there. "Final..what!? Come on! Open d.a.m.n it! OPEN!!"- The door was locked. I couldn't get out that way.

Barry Jefferson




-...,- I was bleeding. He managed to stab me twice even though I tried blocking him. You don't just walk away unscathed from a knife fight. Specially if your opponent is a trained martial artist. It felt like all of my training was really being tested out.

-Screw you! Just stay still and let me put you out of your misery..(Scream)..


-So silent huh? Listen, these people here, they are here for the show, the show YOU put up. They don't care about the partic.i.p.ants. Your girl, inside that little stand; she will die anyway. YOU WON'T LIVE TO HEAR HER SCREAM!!
