Welcome To The Nightmare Live - Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Chapter two

"Hello novice anchor, congratulations on starting your first live broadcast."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

The voice was mechanical and calm, which seemed particularly abrupt in the empty dormitory.

"Now it's up to me to tell you the rules."

"This dungeon is an ordinary time-limited dungeon with a duration of 10 hours.

(Now the time in the copy is 7:00 pm, that is, you need to survive until 5:00 am tomorrow to pass the level)

Wen Jianyan: "..."

He looked down at his ID card and fell into a moment of silence.

Good guy.

10 hours and 20 minutes, the gap...

Is it a bit too big?

"The card in your hand is an identity card, and the content of the identity card will be unlocked as the story progresses."

"The basic survival time has been issued for you, and more time can be redeemed through points."

Just listen to the voice continue to broadcast in a tone without emotional ups and downs:

"Anchor Points Acquisition Rules:

1. Real-time settlement is made according to the number of viewers in the live broadcast room. (The next points settlement point is: two hours later.)

2. Complete the live broadcast task.

3. Viewers give rewards. "

More ways to earn points will be unlocked as you explore. "

After explaining the rules, the voice suddenly became passionate:

"The audience is God, and heat is everything!

Please fight for your live broadcast room! "

Fight you big head ghost!

The dormitory returned to silence.

Wen Jianyan took a deep breath and collected himself.

Although the voice relieved a little tension, he could still clearly hear his rapid and irregular heartbeat. Although the breathing rate remained stable habitually, his lungs still screamed for more oxygen. .

He subconsciously clenched his fingers.

The sharp, hard edges of the ID card provide a distinct sting.

Wen Jianyan was able to clearly realize that his life was hanging by a thread, so he was lightly announced the remaining time limit.

twenty minutes.

And he is a very greedy person.

Especially in the matter of "living".

According to the rules, Wen Jianyan must gain enough points within 20 minutes to maintain his life. .

This method of settlement based on the number of people in the live broadcast room is unreliable, after all, he will never survive the first settlement point.

That leaves you with the remaining two options...

Obviously, the audience in the live broadcast room is also clear about this.

The danmaku visibly came alive:

"Oh, the anchor wants to reward you, right? Just show a little sincerity if you want it."

"Kowtow to the audience first, maybe I'm in a good mood and give you tens or hundreds of points."

"By the way, speaking of it, this novice anchor looks very good..."

As lines of words drifted by, unconcealable malice and joy emerged from them, as if watching a commodity that was up for grabs, excitedly speculating on how to chew him from the bones and swallow.

They have seen too many little anchors who are on the verge of life and death.

The anchors watched helplessly as the time limit for survival was approaching, like the noose around their necks tightened little by little, their eyes constricted and trembled, and their faces were distorted under the intense despair and fear.

In this case, as long as there is a chance of survival, they will seize it regardless.

No matter how terrible and excessive demands the audience makes, they will satisfy them without a limit.

Kneeling, kowtowing, self-mutilation, crying, begging for mercy.

Tiny, ugly and pitiful.

Wen Jianyan drooped his eyelashes, and a small crow-blue shadow fell on his fair face, adding a bit of fragility to his upright appearance.

There was no superfluous expression on his face, his lips were slightly pursed, and after a few quick glances up and down on the live broadcast interface

Precisely tap the "hide" button above.

The barrage in the live broadcast room stagnated for a moment.

In the dead silence, a barrage slowly floated by:

"Wait, am I reading that right? Is the anchor hiding his barrage interface?"

In fact, most anchors will hide the barrage interface during the dungeon clearance process.

However, if the anchor is in trouble, or if the time is about to run out, they will often open the barrage.

after all

Although the audience in the live broadcast room cannot spoil the plot that has not yet happened in the barrage, they can offer reward points to initiate tasks and point out the direction for their favorite anchors.

Even if it's just a gift on a whim, it's a timely gift for the anchor.

Audience is God, heat is everything

This kind of rookie anchor who was about to die in ten minutes, actually turned off the barrage interface under such circumstances?

Is there something wrong with your brain?

Or did the anchor actually think that under such circumstances, nobility and pride would still be valuable?

Really laughed out loud.

Although the anchor couldn't see it, the number of people in the live broadcast room had once again increased slightly.

Now, there are more than 80 viewers in the live broadcast room, all of them gloating and waiting for a good show.

After hiding the live broadcast interface, Wen Jianyan took a deep breath slowly.

Moist air mixed with dust and musty smell rushed into the nostrils.

To be honest, after watching those remarks in the live broadcast room, Wen Jianyan actually...

I don't feel anything.

After all, the way he makes his living is a fraud at best, or a professional liar targeting high-end clients at worst. No dignity, pride, morality, or integrity are all worth mentioning to him.

As long as it is to survive, there is nothing he is unwilling to do.

However, in the rules just now, Wen Jianyan accurately and clearly captured a key word.


The way to clear the customs is the survival time, the points are also used to exchange the survival time, and the initial allocation is also the survival time.

Time, time, time.

It can be said that time is the only and absolute measure in this dungeon.

At the same time, it is also what he needs most urgently.

To spend these precious twenty minutes just to wag their tails and beg for the possibility of a handout from the few dozen viewers...

It was the worst deal he could think of.

What's more, Wen Jianyan couldn't be more familiar with what kind of reaction human nature will arouse in this situation.

He knows it, and so does the audience.

These old gourmets are probably already tired of watching this kind of drama, and it is impossible to spend a lot of money just because of it. After all, according to the remarks just now, they don't seem to be such a kind existence.

And the things that come to your door for nothing are of the least value.

As a fraudster, Wen Jianyan is well versed in his reasoning.

Well, now there is one last option left.

Wen Jianyan's eyes moved down and landed on the task bar in front of him.

For the time being, only one of the live broadcast missions has been refreshed:

[Please novice hosts to explore the dungeon and unlock the identity card]

Completion: 0%

Wen Jianyan looked around the room she was in.

Generally speaking, if you want to know your current status, searching for a dormitory is the easiest and most direct way.


Wen Jianyan looked down at his ID card, the countdown on it was only 17 minutes, and it was still decreasing rapidly by the minute.

He has so little time.

That being the case, it can only be a dangerous move.

Succeed or benevolent!

How to catch big fish with zero risk!

Wen Jianyan gritted her teeth, put the ID card in her pocket, and strode out.

The hallway was empty.

The old-fashioned ceiling lamp hangs crookedly on the ceiling, and the dim and pale light flickers slightly, dividing the corridor into several semi-bright areas.

Quiet makes people flustered.

Under one of the lamps, a half map with rust mottled on the wall can be vaguely seen.

Wen Jianyan walked forward quickly and stood still in front of the map.

There are dark and greasy handprints printed on it, and most of the patterns have peeled off, but some vague handwriting can still be barely discerned.

He glanced up and down extremely quickly, then turned his head and trotted away in a certain direction.

In the barrage area of the blocked live broadcast room:

"What is the anchor doing?"

"I don't ask for a reward, and I don't look into the dormitory. I'm afraid I was scared out of my mind?"

"Whatever, there are still fifteen minutes left, hurry up, I can't wait!"

Although it was only a few seconds, Wen Jianyan had already firmly remembered the map in his heart.

He ran down the hallway from memory.

The tightly closed bedroom doors passed by his side one by one, and the windows were all pitch-black, like empty eye sockets.

A pale, smiling face slowly emerged from a window.

The eyeballs rolled and landed on the young man who was running past, and the upward arc of the corner of the mouth was pulled even wider

Wen Jianyan stopped her pace abruptly, almost staggered and tripped herself because of her rapid movements.

His heart was beating wildly, and he turned his head towards the window he had just passed in shock.


There was nothing in the windows but flickering lights.

Through the light layer of gray, Wen Jianyan could vaguely see the outline of his face.

I don't know if it's an illusion...

This time, the face was much closer than last time.

It was as if he was approaching him little by little.

Wen Jianyan felt goosebumps crawling up his arms.

"Hahahahaha, it seems that the time of death is getting closer."

"However, what's the matter with this anchor, seeing this situation, his face didn't even change, and he just continued to run forward..."

"The anchors who were entangled in this dungeon before saw the ghost getting so close, and none of them didn't scream."

"Are you really not scared at all? Impossible?"

Wen Jianyan rushed downstairs as fast as she could.

Although the first floor is a hall, it still looks crooked and cramped. The walls and floor are all greasy, shrouded in a dark shadow.

Through the gray windows, one can vaguely see the boundless darkness outside.

The door was closed, but not locked.

The youth's pace did not slow down.

"What, I thought it would be some potential new anchor, and I secretly looked forward to it..."

"Is the first reaction is to run? It's really boring."

"There is no suspense here, let's go."

The number of people online in the live broadcast room dropped rapidly from over 80.

Before rushing to the door, Wen Jianyan suddenly stopped her pace and turned around suddenly

Stand at the door of the duty room.

Unlike the gate, the duty room is locked.

The young man squatted down, touched the cuff with his slender fingers, and found an iron wire from nowhere. He bent the wire with familiar movements, and gently stirred it in the keyhole.


The latch made a crisp sound.

In just a few seconds, the door of the duty room slid inward.


Wen Jianyan stood up, breathed a sigh of relief, and between the fingers that hung down, the wire magic disappeared.

The number of people who were still declining in the live broadcast room suddenly stagnated and fell into a brief silence.

Wen Jianyan pushed open the door of the duty room and stepped in.

According to the map just now, this is an old-fashioned dormitory building with only three floors. The first floor is the lobby and water room, the second and third floors are dormitories, and the markings on the fourth floor have been blurred, covered by reddish-brown rust. , can't see what's written on it.

However, the number of dormitories on each floor is so limited, the scale of this school must not be very large.

Wen Jianyan understood this kind of old-fashioned school with limited funds.

That is

They must have limited places to store important items.

If there is a place where he can collect the most information in the shortest time, this is his best chance.

Like the style of the entire dormitory building, the duty room is also very shabby.

A narrow bed is leaning against the wall, which can be used for the teacher on duty to rest, a few books are piled up messily on the bookshelf, the dormitory timetable is hung on the wall, a desk is close to the window, and the outer window is usually used for Talk to the students, but it's also locked now.

Wen Jianyan didn't delay for a second, and immediately started searching with a kind of dexterity that ordinary people can't match.

Locked drawers and cabinets were opened one by one, and quickly restored one by one.

Roster of past students.

Teacher duty schedule.

The sound of "information has been obtained" came continuously from the ear.

In the barrage, the audience suddenly realized:

"Oh, this is preparing to brush up the exploration speed."

"Many anchors only realized that they can earn points by using the exploration degree after going through several books. He actually realized it without prompting. He has a future."

"Hey... So, maybe he really exchanged enough time this time!"

"It's better not to draw conclusions so early, and you don't even look at the few minutes left."

The rest of the barrage fell silent.

Time is always cruel, especially when there are only twenty minutes left in the game.

Although Wen Jianyan's movements were really quick, he still couldn't stop a minute and a second from slipping through his fingers.

The remaining survival time of the anchor is marked on the top of the live broadcast room. Unknowingly, that number is less than six minutes left.

In the dungeon, the remaining five minutes of survival time is a decisive hurdle.

If the anchor's survival time is less than five minutes, he will become the target of the entire dungeon, and will attract the attention of all non-human beings in the dungeon without distinctionwhether it is a monster or an NPC.

It's no less than holding a small flag in your hand, waving it wildly and shouting: "Here I am! Come and catch me!"

Once the anchor falls into such a situation, the danger will only increase rapidly like a snowball, and most people may not even last five minutes.

The moment it reached 05:00, the numbers were dyed a dazzling bright red.

Wen Jianyan stood in front of the table and paused slightly when flipping through the documents.

He could clearly feel that the temperature around him had dropped without warning, and the already cold and damp room had become bitingly cold at this moment. The chill was so intense that it was almost terrifying, like a steel knife invading into the skin, penetrating into the skin. Into the bone seam.

A strong feeling of being watched came from behind.

Wen Jianyan slowly turned her head almost uncontrollably

In the vanity mirror on the table, he saw his blurred figure in the dark.

A pale hand silently and slowly stretched out from the half-open cabinet behind it, and pressed it against the wall.

Over his shoulder, Wen Jianyan saw a face emerging from the shadows.

It was a smiling face.

The pale background is like molten wax, and the simple facial features are combined on the smooth surface, like a weird smiling mask, which is silently grinning at Wen Jianyan at this moment.

The pitch-black hair was like a sticky snake, and water droplets fell from the ends of the black hair.

Tick, tick.

It leaned out of the closet little by little, and walked slowly towards the young man.

One step, two steps.

As the distance draws closer, the details on the smiling mask gradually become richer.

more and more like...

Wen Jianyan herself.

At this moment, the sound of heavy and procrastinating footsteps sounded from outside the half-closed door of the duty room. The sound stopped step by step, which seemed particularly abrupt in the dead silent room, bringing an extremely ominous atmosphere. Every step seemed to be stepped on. On the human heart in general.

"boom", "boom", "boom"

A burst of intermittent humming came from far and near.

The melody was weird and cheerful, and it gradually became clearer with the sound of footsteps, and it looked extraordinarily weird in the dead, empty, dark environment.

Upon hearing this iconic voice, the barrage that is familiar with the plot immediately became excited.

"It's the old hag! It's the old hag!"

"This newcomer's luck is amazing. He actually encountered the most difficult monster and the most difficult NPC at once. I haven't seen any anchor who has such treatment."

The footsteps stopped at the door of the duty room.

In the next second, the humming stopped.

An overwhelming dead silence suddenly fell over.

As if waking up from a dream, Wen Jianyan suddenly lowered her body and crawled towards the half-open cabinet under the table.

The barrage that was still deserted just now finally became full of enthusiasm.

"Laughing to death, the newcomer is really naive."

"If it's normal, you can hide in a cabinet and hide under the bed. Although you can't hide from ghosts, the probability of avoiding NPCs is still very high, but now he is 100% attractive to NPCs, and he will definitely be discovered."

"Oh, it's a pity, if it wasn't for such a limitless start, the anchor's development potential is quite great."

"Don't complain, at least it's worth seeing now."


The door of the duty room was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

A tall, strong and fat woman appeared outside the door. The extremely thick lenses couldn't hide the viciousness and gloomyness in those eyes, the thick gray lips were tightly pressed, and white foam oozes from the corners of the drooping mouth. The slender flesh trembled slightly, and a strong sense of coldness filled her domineering face.

"Who's there?"


After a soft sound as if hitting his head, the young man stood up holding the back of his head with grinning teeth.

The glasses on his face were a little crooked, and a little dust was rubbed on the side of his face.


As if seeing a savior, the young man's eyes lit up slightly: "Teacher Yang, you are here!"

The flesh on Teacher Yang's face trembled, and she froze for a moment, obviously she hadn't thought of this direction of development.

"The dean gave me the key and asked me to get the roster of boarding students who just entered this class."

Wen Jianyan scratched his cheeks, and gave the other party a shy smile: "It seems that there is a student who didn't come to report, and the roster needs to be revised. Director Shen is in a hurry, so I came in without permission. Excuse me..."

Looking at the newcomer anchor who was talking nonsense without changing his expression on the screen, the barrage area was dead silent.

The young man was wearing the broken glasses that he just took out from the bottom of the cabinet. Although the legs of the glasses were a little crooked, they didn't look abrupt at all when combined with his actions just now.

The previous alertness and indifference had long since disappeared.

He pursed his lips in embarrassment, his handsome face was covered with a little dust, his glasses gave him a fledgling bookish look, making him look straightforward and youthful, a pair of light brown eyes shone behind the lenses, with With unquestionable sincerity and apology.

Teacher Yang squinted his eyes, his vicious little eyes fixed on the young man in front of him through the thick lenses.

Only then did Wen Jianyan suddenly realize: "Oh, sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet!"

He hurriedly took a step forward and stretched out his hand towards the other party. He seemed to realize something suddenly when he stretched halfway, and hurriedly rubbed his dusty palm on his pants with a shy expression:

"I'm a new trainee teacher here, just call me Xiao Wen."

He reaches out again.

Teacher Yang lowered his head, glanced at the palm extended by the other party, and didn't know whether he believed it or not.

The young man blinked blankly and asked with concern:

"What's the matter? Are you unwell? Do you want to go to the infirmary?"

After finishing speaking just now, he seemed to realize something suddenly, and frowned in embarrassment: "But Teacher Wang Ping should not be here today..."

Finally, the old witch let out a heavy cold snort from her nose.

She stepped forward with agility that belied her size, and pulled out a scrunched and crumpled booklet from a shadow box deep in the cabinet.

The sound of clattering and flipping sounded in the narrow duty room.

The old hag licked her greasy fingers, opened the booklet, and asked:

"Tell me, which student didn't come to report?"

The moment the voice fell, the bullet screen boiled.

"I'm stupid! She believed it! She believed it! She believed it!"

"Good guy can still play like this?"

"I am astonished! How did the anchor know so much information?"

"Didn't he just turn over the staff list, and the duty list and so on. Didn't he just come in at the front?"

"Although, who can make up such smooth nonsense in such a short period of time, absolutely, my God!"

Wen Jianyan had no idea of the audience's reaction.

He lowered his head and leaned over, and tapped one of the pages with his slender fingers with well-defined knuckles, and his fingertips landed on one of the names.

"Cheng Wei" - that was the name on the ID card he drew.

The young man smiled: "This."

The old hag took out a pen from her breast pocket, and wrote three words behind Cheng Wei's name: Not reported.

The barrage that was still in full swing just now fell silent for a few seconds.

"Grass, master of lies."