Welcome To The Nightmare Live - Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Chapter Seventeen

Kong Shixing walked downstairs with a livid face.

After realizing that he was being tricked, he immediately realized that the other party was probably an anchor.

A total liar.

Kong Shixing never thought that one day he would be tricked so badly.

And it was played from beginning to end.

Not only didn't he take advantage of it, even the things he had already got were cheated out, and even the blood bag he had been raising disappeared for no apparent reason.

Although he didn't know what happened, Kong Shixing still put the blame on that **** liar.

In any case, he couldn't get away with it.

Not to mention making him so ugly in his live broadcast room.

Thinking of his foolish look of excitement just now, Kong Shixing's expression turned ugly again, and his fingers holding the flashlight also tightened subconsciously, and his knuckles made a rattling sound.

The next time he sees that live broadcaster who is desperate and committing suicide, he must use all his means to make him kneel at his feet and weep bitterly, regretting what he did today.

As Kong Shixing walked down from the fourth floor, he imagined the scene of revenge in the future over and over again in his heart, and his face became distorted due to illusory pleasure.

At this moment, a figure suddenly turned around the corner and slammed into him!

Kong Shixing was taken aback, the flashlight in his palm trembled slightly, and the swaying beam of light passed by, illuminating a very familiar face

Beautiful features, amber eyes, pale face with panic.

After a brief daze, Kong Shixing's eyes suddenly lit up with a fierce light.

It was the liar who made fun of him!

The other party obviously also found out who he had bumped into, his eyes widened slightly, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

Seeing this, Kong Shixing couldn't help but grinned, he hadn't been this excited for a long time.

I thought I would have to go through a few more dungeons before I could meet this liar, but I didn't expect to meet this liar right after I went downstairs. I really had nowhere to go, and it took no effort to get here!

With a pale face, the young man took a few steps back slowly, his lips trembled slightly, as if he hadn't recovered from the shock.

In the next second, the sound of heavy footsteps came from the depths of the corridor, and the strange humming sound echoed in the darkness, making it particularly infiltrating.

The young man took a deep breath, and his face, which was already pale from blood loss, became even more bleak.

He turned around and ran in another direction suddenly!

Seeing this, Kong Shixing immediately understood the current situation.

Although the other party was full of lies before, they should not have lied in terms of the hatred value of the old witch.

Now that he has been reduced to this point, it's hard not to say he deserves it.

Kong Shixing raised his lips and revealed a ferocious smile.

This is a good opportunity for revenge.

In this kind of matter, he has never been stingy with his points.

There was only a sound of "crash", and the sound of metal chains colliding sounded in the dark and narrow corridor. The back of the young man running towards the distance was restrained by some invisible force, and he could no longer move half a step.

Behind her, the voice of the old witch was getting closer and closer, the ground was shaking, and the sound of water as it squirmed gradually became louder.

The space is cramped, the air is tense, and some kind of terror that is on the verge of breaking out settles in the darkness.

The youth struggled desperately, but could not escape at all.

He turned his head to look at Kong Shixing, and said in a weak and trembling tone: "Please... I was wrong, I, I will return your things to you, please, let me go..."


Kong Shixing couldn't help laughing, his expression distorted slightly with excitement and pleasure: "When you are playing with me, you should think of the present and let you go? Impossible!"

The young man's face turned pale again.

He muttered, and said in a very low voice: "Please, please, let me go, it will be good for you and me..."


The smile on Kong Shixing's face deepened.

"I want to watch you tortured to death a little bit with my own eyes, enjoy your wailing and struggling, and see you screaming on the verge of death, but you can keep begging me, maybe I will really let you go Woolen cloth."

Although he said so, in fact, he was not prepared to let him go from the bottom of his heart. Kong Shixing just enjoyed the appearance of the other party struggling to survive under his feet, wailing humblely.

The old hag was very near.

The vague and treacherous humming sound swirled, and the huge figure gradually entered the light.

Compared to the last time I saw her, the old hag's appearance was even more distorted and alienated.

On that deformed face, two **** eye sockets could be vaguely seen. Countless bluish-black sarcoids swelled on the body, squeezed out from the gaps in the ripped clothes, and the skin was cracked, revealing countless dark and gloomy eyeballs. Turn around straight.

The smile on the corner of Kong Shixing's mouth couldn't help but expand, expand, and expand again.

very good.

Scream, howl, beg for mercy, I want to see you die in despair, die in regret


The young man sighed.

Like the thin snow under the sun in winter, the previous expression of fear and despair melted and faded in an instant, leaving only a touch of regret and regret on his face:

"I told you."

Kong Shixing was taken aback, unable to react for a moment.

He didn't quite understand why a person who had already fallen into a desperate situation suddenly became so calm.

Wen Jianyan's lips had a careless light curve, his eyes raised slightly, he smiled, and said lightly: "Let me go, it's good for you and me."

Kong Shixing's heart suddenly rang alarm bells.

Before he could react, the old witch was already close in front of her eyes, her huge body was wriggling, and the countless pairs of eyes on her body were frantically moving, and then

Locked on Kong Shixing's figure.

The humming stopped.

The old hag moved towards him step by step.

What, what's going on?

Kong Shixing's face was pale, and he couldn't help taking a step back, his heart was in a mess.

It shouldn't be.

The person targeted by the NPC hatred is right in front of him, why does the old witch turn a blind eye to him and walk towards him instead?

The young man's calm and smiling voice sounded:

"If I were you, I'd touch my left pocket."

Kong Shixing put his hand into his pocket, and when his fingers touched something hard, he pulled it out

Something fell down with his movements, but Kong Shixing didn't notice at all, he stared at the crudely made puppet in his hand, his pupils constricted instantly.

He recognized the prop.

Stand-in puppet, create a puppet with your breath, which will be invalid for one minute.

Kong Shixing's heart skipped a beat as the scene when he collided with the other party just now flashed before his eyes.

It's over.

It was definitely at that time just now that the other party stuffed the puppet in while he was not paying attention.

He was cheated again! !

Not far away, the eyeballs on the old witch's body rolled, and her gaze slowly fell on the ground

The piece of paper that Kong Shixing took out from his pocket was a yellowed photo.

It landed face-up on the floor, and under the half-bright light, two figures, one big and one small cuddling together, could be vaguely seen, and their smiles seemed vague and far away.


There was a scream of bitter hatred, and the old hag stared at Kong Shixing, her huge and bulky body suddenly moved at an astonishingly fast speed:

"Thief thief thief thief"

Her voice was mad and hateful, and she rushed towards the person in front of her with anger!

not good!

Kong Shixing was startled.

After all, he is also a senior anchor. The moment the opponent pounced on him, he reflexively activated the life-saving props on his body, frantically blocking the opponent's blow, and between dodging, he cast a glance in Wen Jianyan's direction.

The binding props are no longer valid.

At the end of the corridor, the young man put one hand in his pocket and showed him a smile with ease:


After speaking, he turned around and walked into the distance without looking back.

Looking at the opponent's back, Kong Shixing's eyes were about to burst, he wished he could eat his flesh and lay bare his skin.

He gritted his teeth, and his eyes were red with hatred.

If he can survive this time, he must dig deep to find this liar, and use all means to make him pay the price!

In the 789326qwk live broadcast room.

"Grass, scored twice."

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! It's a terrible word in capital letters!"

"It's over, this is settled, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, which is +1"

"Speaking of which, where did that photo come from? I have no memory."

"It's been a long time. At that time, there were not many people in the live broadcast room of the anchor. I remember that it was in that special line. After combing Xiaojie's hair, the anchor took it from the hidden compartment. I didn't expect him to do it now. I still have it on me.

"But I still have to say, the anchor has actually given a lot of face this time. He did put the doll in the opposite pocket, but it has not been activated. If Kong Shixing really let him go, he probably really should The words that the anchor said: It's good for both of them.

"Based on this, it won't work if you don't give a reward [reward points 100]"

"To tell you the truth, I actually came from Kong Shixing next door. I wanted to see what kind of dog it was, but I didn't expect it to become a fan. Come on! [Reward points 500]"

"Say something secretly... When the anchor said please, I really, really got excited!"

"Sihasha is too perverted, I can't stand it ah ah ah ah [reward points 100]"

"strange xp increase (Serenity

Taking advantage of the time when the old witch was lured away by Kong Shixing, Su Cheng came out from the original hiding place: "Successful?"

Wen Jianyan raised the corners of her lips lazily:

"You don't even know who I am."

Su Cheng looked at the other party silently, with a somewhat complicated expression on his face.

After being played around for so long, he really felt resentful.

However, in that mission, the two of them were grasshoppers tied to the same line and had to unite the front. He had to suppress the emotions in his heart and continue to act with each other.

Su Cheng really didn't expect...

When he was attacked from both sides and there was almost no hope of surviving, the other party would let him hide without hesitation, and face the old witch who was chasing him and the senior anchor who held a grudge against him.

When he was hiding in the room just now, he stuck to the door panel and listened nervously to the noise outside.

Su Cheng recalled many previous details.

Although the liar was lying all the time, he never pushed him out to prevent disasters, and even saved his life more than once.

Now, Su Cheng found that unconsciously, he was completely unable to feel bad for Wen Jianyan.

After realizing this, he couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

...this dog liar.

Wen Jianyan looked over: "Let's go?"

Su Cheng looked away, gave a muffled "hmm", nodded and said:


The two left the dormitory building as quickly as possible.

Under the night, the entire campus was shrouded in a layer of impenetrable cold darkness, and there was a ghostly aura floating in the air. Just being in it made people feel creepy.

In the distance, dark and shallow figures are faintly approaching.

He couldn't see the faces, couldn't see the figure clearly, but could only feel the strong malice from those shadows.

"start running."

Wen Jianyan lowered his voice.

Su Cheng nodded.

The two ran wildly in the dark.

Fortunately, they came out of the dormitory in time, and the space outside was not completely occupied by the shadows. After avoiding several dangerous areas without any danger, the two finally came to the artificial lake.

The temperature here is extremely cold.

The surface of the lake is extremely calm, reflecting the dark sky, like a bottomless black water, which makes people feel like they will be swallowed in a trance.

Wen Jianyan took a deep breath, took out the mirror fragment from his pocket, and walked forward slowly.

Su Cheng stood not far away to watch for him, monitoring the movements of those black shadows.

The risk of throwing debris into the lake is too great.

If his initial guess was wrong, there would be no chance to start over.

Wen Jianyan bent down and carefully placed the debris in the shallowest place in the water.

The pitch-black water submerged his palms, and the temperature of the lake was bone-chilling, making him shiver subconsciously.

The mirror shard sank underwater, and an eerie gleam reflected off the shard.

Ding! The ultimate mission of the hidden route in the dungeon of Decai has been completed!

[Points settlement in progress!

Hearing the mechanical sound of the system, Wen Jianyan heaved a sigh of relief. He straightened up and was about to turn around and report the good news to Su Cheng, but in the next second, something happened!

A pale arm stretched out from the lake without warning, and cold fingers tightly grasped Wen Jianyan's wrist!

Wen Jianyan's eyes widened in horror: "!"


More arms emerged from the lake, grabbed his body, arms, calves, waist, and dragged him in together violently!

Wen Jianyan didn't even have time to struggle, and fell into the dark water with a plop.

The cold, foul-smelling lake water poured into his mouth and nose, squeezing the air out of his lungs, and he could only hear the sound of gurgling water, and an irresistible drag from his legs, dragging him to the bottom of the lake.

No, no.

Wen Jianyan struggled to reach out to the lake, but he could only watch the light getting farther and farther away from him...


A faint light is approaching.

Wen Jianyan saw clearly the source of the light.

It's a shard of that mirror.

It fell towards the bottom of the lake together with Wen Jianyan, but the surface of the mirror was still emitting a faint but steady light.

The mirror flips in the water waves.

Through the cold and dark lake water, Wen Jianyan looked into the depths of the mirror

In the dim light of the lens, a phantom is faintly visible.

The man who couldn't see his face clearly and was covered with strange lines all over his body lay quietly in the depths of the mirror, dangerous and peaceful, silent and ominous.

Every cell in the body screamed to flee.

Danger, run!

Accompanied by suffocation and weightlessness, Wen Jianyan felt that his head became heavier and heavier, and his thinking became more and more difficult, as if he was about to fall into eternal sleep in the next second.

He gritted his teeth, and stretched out his hand towards the mirror from the pull of countless pale arms below!

The distance between the finger and the mirror is getting closer and closer...

Finally, the cold and smooth mirror touched the young man's fingertips.

The shrill screams spread through the lake into the numb mind.

It took Wen Jianyan two seconds to realize that the sound came from the arms wrapped around him.

The arm on the body disappeared.

As if they encountered something terrifying, they scrambled to escape, leaving only the young man floating in the depths of the dark lake.

The next second, Wen Jianyan felt an irresistible strong attraction coming from the mirror, dragging him to the depths of the mirror!

He watched helplessly as the phantom got closer and closer.

Before losing consciousness, an enlarged and bold bold font slowly appeared in Wen Jianyan's mind:
