Welcome To The Nightmare Live - Chapter 191

Chapter 191

Chapter 191

A mechanical system prompt sounded throughout the dungeon:

[Ping An Sanatorium dungeon main task completed, dungeon closing...]

The moment they heard this voice, the remaining anchors who were struggling to survive were all taken aback.

Almost overwhelmed by the unexpected joy in front of them, they all heaved a sigh of relief after hearing the notification that the dungeon was closed.

In the current situation, everyone's tasks are difficult, and it has almost become a luxury to save enough points to leave the dungeon according to the basic method. At this time, someone has completed the ultimate mainline dungeon and forced the dungeon to close early. It is a lifesaver for them!

The system counts down in an emotionless voice.

100, 99, 98...

What? One hundred seconds?

The anchors were all taken aback.

The countdown to the dungeon closing this time may be a bit too long.

However, they thought about it again, although this time was much longer than usual, after all, it was only a hundred seconds after all, and it shouldn't be very difficult to live through this period of time.

In the catacombs, those who knew the inside story were not so relaxed.

To be precise, everyone's expressions changed the moment they heard the 100-second countdown.


You know, the way they complete the main mission this time is the most dangerous of all known options...

This is not simply breaking the balance, but completely destroying the entire scale.

No one knows how the entire dungeon will change after all the conditions are met. Wen Jianyan didn't say anything, and they didn't have a chance to ask.

Under the circumstances at the time, whether intentionally or just unintentionally, that person planted an almost blind sense of trust in all of them.

After all, Wen Jianyan was the only one who really deduced the inside story of the entire dungeon.

Whether it is the information clues in his hands, or the number of props he has obtained, far surpassing each of them, how much information is exposed, and how much information is hidden, it is all in his mind.

They had no choice but to trust Wen Jianyan's judgment.

However, if you want to ask them, do they believe that this ritual can create gods, and... if they really succeed in creating gods, can they still leave this copy alive...

No one can answer these questions.

To a certain extent, "what will happen after the ceremony is completed" has completely exceeded all the knowledge that an ordinary human being can master, so they pinned their hope of surviving on the nightmare mechanism.

Generally speaking, after the ultimate main task is completed, the countdown in the live broadcast room is only ten seconds.

If this time is the same as before, then even if they don't know the answers to the previous questions, they can safely return to the system space, or in other words, they don't need to know.

When they heard the 100-second countdown, everyone's hearts sank suddenly.

This is a signal.

An ominous sign.

It means...they couldn't leave the copy safely and without knowing anything as they had expected beforeand what awaited them next was a complete unknown.

91, 90, 89...

No matter what the surviving anchors have on their minds, time continues icily.

The countdown counted down slowly.

Without warning, the deafening grand bell rang, and the sound wave seemed to have an entity, echoing throughout the dungeon.


Compared with the previous six times, the ringing of the bell this time was so loud that it was almost deafening. The anchors had to raise their hands to cover their ears to resist the terrifying sound that made their hearts tremble.

The bell continued without any pause, and even became louder and more spacious as time went by.


As if affected by the sound, the solid ground also began to vibrate.

what happened?

This... This has never happened before!

The survivors looked at each other in amazement, seeing the exact same panic and confusion in each other's eyes.

They are a little unsteady.

"Crack, click."

The piercing sound of steel and concrete cracking echoed in my ears, and the ground tilted under their eyes, as if it was being bent by some invisible force.

"You, look out the window!!"

Even though it was deliberately concealed, the shuddering panic still emerged from the prompter's voice, almost in a different tone.

Under his guidance, the survivors looked out the window together.

A strange, almost beyond-cognition scene appeared before everyone's eyes.

The blood-red sky is being swallowed up bit by bit, and the place where they are is sticking to the ground with an irresistible trend. They can see the atrium approaching the window, and the pointed roof of the chapel is straight up. Facing the window, it looked like a sharp weapon embedded in the ground, stabbing straight at them.

The countdown is still going on.

81, 80, 79...

The seemingly short tens of seconds have now become almost everyone's nightmare. The hopes that had just been ignited were poured with cold water, and instantly extinguished into ruins.

After the bell rang, all the monsters in the entire dungeon disappeared, leaving only an empty building shell.

There was a deathly silence inside.

A slightly trembling voice sounded:

"Wait, this copy seems to be... bending?"

It's like a straight ruler, bent abruptly, and then bent again until one end connects to the other and becomes a complete circle without a head or an end.

[Integrity First] In the live broadcast room.

The excitement and excitement just now had been swept away, and turned into heavy and depressing.

"I'm going... I felt something was wrong when I heard the countdown. It seems that this wave is really going to let them go the whole way!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh I felt it before! This method of completing the main mission is too extreme! The other methods are not as risky as this... Oh my god, this wave of anchors won't really be over!"

"This is a god-made thing! Who knows what can be made..."

"I think the suspension...the countdown of tens of seconds seems to be very small, but it is actually really long, enough for many things to happen."

At the moment when the bell ended, all the people in the catacombs were thrown away from the dark room by some kind of strong repulsive force!

Everyone was thrown into the distance.

Someone's back hit the wall heavily, and the pain and dizziness came together, making them dizzy, and they could only be pressed against the wall by gravity, unable to move.

All kinds of scalp-numbing sounds echoed above his head.

As the stones were squeezed and shattered, the passage connecting the catacombs was reduced to powder and disappeared. Through the empty door frame, one could see the rotating and floating stones outside, as well as the broken blood outside the circular building. Sky.

There was a whistling wind in his ears, and Su Cheng was falling.

Suddenly, I felt that I was being pulled by something forcibly, and my body was in severe pain as if it was about to be torn apart, but the feeling of weightlessness disappeared.

He managed to open his eyes, and found that he was hanging by the wall close to the door, and if he slid down a step, he would fall directly out of the door and fall into an abyss without boundaries.

And Wen Jianyan protruded half of his body from the edge of the wall, holding the prop net in his palm, his voice was scattered by the wind:


Su Cheng nodded vigorously, grabbed the prop net tightly, and with the veins on the back of his hands, with Wen Jianyan's strength, he slowly crawled back into the catacomb with difficulty and bit by bit.

He was dripping with cold sweat, panting heavily: "Thank you, thank you."

Wen Jianyan stood next to him, shook her head, and was a little out of breath: "It's okay."

Su Cheng raised his eyes and looked in front of him.

His heart sank suddenly.

The direction from the podium to the dark room has all disappeared into the huge scarlet blood-like sphereit doesn't look like a neuron, nor does it look like any existence.

The texture seems to be soft, but it seems to be flowing without interruption.

All the figures of high-risk patients disappeared in it, it was like...

A uterus that is developing.

This concept appeared in Su Cheng's mind, which made him almost frightened by his own thoughts, and his whole body shuddered.

In other words... the so-called **** in this dungeon will be born here?

Su Cheng's scalp was numb, and cold sweat oozes from his palms.

He swallowed, his throat dry as hell, as if it had been scraped by gravel.

And these people...

Just in the front VIP seat.

"Where's that piece of paper? Do you still have it?"

Wen Jianyan shouted in the wind.

Su Cheng nodded, he groped into his pocket, took out the crumpled kraft paper, and handed it to Wen Jianyan: "Take it!"

Su Cheng looked at the other party.

Unexpectedly, Wen Jianyan seemed...not surprised.

Different from the panic and anxiety of other anchors, he lowered his head, and the expression on his face was extraordinarily flat.

The young man's silver-white hair was rolled up by the strong wind, like a hunting banner, his pale face was drooping, and against the strange background, he looked extraordinarily calm, almost to the point of madness.

Soon, he rolled up the brown paper and stuffed it into his pocket.

Su Cheng felt uneasy: "What did you see?"

"Just verified a guess."

Wen Jianyan smiled at him, narrowing her eyes slightly.

"Prove me right."

He raised a finger: "There is only one last step left."

Things are developing in the expected direction.

If possible, Wen Jianyan would choose a safer path.

Extreme, because he has no choice.

Whether it's the "exclusive and sharing" that the six people said, or the unexpected "marriage proposal" of No. 05, under every act, there are horrible hidden meanings.

Cooperating with any party, there is a great possibility of being stopped... being permanently assimilated into this dungeon that will never be opened again, losing self-awareness, and completely becoming a crazy member.

He didn't create gods to complete the main task from the beginning.

Wen Jianyan raised his eyes, his eyes fell on the scarlet sphere in the distance, and he waited.

With the rotation of ouroboros, the gravity gradually shifted to the opposite direction. The few people who were pressed against the wall just now had to use props to stick themselves to the wall so as not to be pulled into the blood-red sphere .

However, when others were sticking him, Wen Jianyan did something that made everyone dumbfounded.

He let go.

"...!" Su Cheng's scream came from behind, but it was all blurred by the wind.

Wen Jianyan didn't look back, but let herself fall into the scarlet sphere, a sharp light shone in the depths of her amber eyes, and the curved lips were hidden in the shadows.

God-making is not the goal.

God of slaughter is.