Welcome To The Nightmare Live - Chapter 165

Chapter 165

Chapter 164

Huangmao's two legs kicked in mid-air, and through the metal door, he could hear his screams in tune, echoing in the narrow enclosed space:

"Quick! Pull me back!"

Wen Jianyan was shocked.

He didn't even have time to think about it, and sternly shouted to Lu Si who was supporting Huangmao's other leg: "Pull!"

The two of them exerted their strength together, and the yellow hair, which was not too big in size, was directly pulled back from the gap!

Under the reaction force, the three of them stumbled backwards and hit the baffle on the back side of the elevator, making a "bang" sound, and the iron box that was already suspended in the air was immediately straightened up, as if there was something wrong again. There was a tendency to fall, and the ear-piercing friction sound sounded again outside the metal wall, echoing in the dark elevator shaft, making one's heart tremble.

Everyone subconsciously tensed their bodies and remained motionless, for fear of causing another change in gravity and making the elevator unbalanced.

The short creaking sound ended, and the elevator fell into dead silence again.

The metal box shook, but finally managed to maintain its stability and stopped in the distance.

Everyone let out a long sigh of relief.

Wen Jianyan turned to look at Huangmao who was dragged back.

I saw him sitting on the ground in a daze, his pale face was covered with cold sweat, his eyes were straight, and he was still staring at the narrow gap not far away, as if he hadn't recovered from the shocking moment just now .

"What the **** is out there?"

Luce frowned and asked.

Huang Mao slowly turned his head to look in his direction, swallowed his saliva, and said tremblingly: "It's near the elevator, there is, there is, there is a whole nest..."


Luce frowned even tighter, and he asked, "What's the lair?"

After the fright just now, Huang Mao didn't seem to know how to describe what he saw. While making gestures, he said awkwardly: "Just, that's..."

The next second, he gasped loudly, and his voice changed again.

Huang Mao raised his hand, pointing tremblingly at the gap where he crawled out just now: "Ahhhhhh!"

Several people reflexively looked in the direction of his fingers.

In the narrow, dark gap, a few pale faces could be vaguely seen, slowly moving towards this side, those faces were stunned, without any expression, quietly approaching this side, in the dead silence In the middle, it seems that some weird sticky sounds can barely be heard.

The backup light source in the elevator flickered, printed on these pale faces, reflecting a slight, moist light.

"This, what is this?"

Luce was horrified and took a step back subconsciously.

"I don't know either!!" Huang Mao screamed in despair.

One, two, three...

The facial features are very different, but the expressions are similar. The pale face approached in the darkness, and stuck tightly in front of the narrow gap, as if it was still trying to squeeze in, filling the narrow gap without leaving a single gap. They are pressed against each other, and it seems that no one can enter from the outside.


The sound of sticky water sounded.

Wen Jianyan suddenly realized that outside the elevator was the ground of the first floor.

In other words, these weird "faces" are close to the ground, so how about their bodies...


A sticky and weird sound echoed in the elevator.

Everyone watched helplessly. Those faces were squeezed and deformed. The skulls that should have been hard turned out to be like molluscs, making a disgusting sound of water, and sliding into the elevator like jelly.

Everyone's scalp tingled.

They subconsciously reared their legs, but their heels hit the inner wall of the elevator.

At this time, everyone seemed to realize that in the narrow enclosed space in front of them, they might not be able to retreat.

"It's okay, I have offensive props here,"

After all, he is a senior anchor, Luce quickly calmed down, "I will destroy them, and then everyone will use the fastest speed to"

Before he finished speaking, Wen Jianyan interrupted him: "No."

Luce was stunned: "What?"

"Didn't you listen to what he said?" Wen Jianyan pointed to the yellow hair lying on the ground with a pale face: "There is a whole nest outside, even if you eliminate these few, it won't help."

Another teammate frowned: "It's so dark outside, can he really see clearly? And..."

He glanced at the yellow hair on the ground without any trace, and swallowed the rest of his words.

However, everyone knew what he wanted to say.

Timid people are not to be trusted.

Under the weight of fear, they can do anything, including lying.

Huang Mao's face turned even paler, he opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"he can."

Wen Jianyan said firmly.

Huang Mao was startled, and subconsciously turned to look at Wen Jianyan.

Wen Jianyan didn't look at him: "I'm responsible for this."

Luce looked at Wen Jianyan firmly, took a deep breath, "Okay then."

He put down his hand about to use the prop, and said, "Then what are you going to do?"

In just a dozen seconds, those heads had completely protruded in.

The reason for using "article" is because there is no other quantifier to describe it.

Behind those pale faces, there is a pale "neck" with the same thickness of the head, as soft as noodles, as wet as slugs, squeezing each other, looking particularly disgusting.

Wen Jianyan gritted her teeth: "Jump."



Several people were startled.

"Two." Su Cheng reacted the fastest: "Everyone, hurry up! Jump in place!"


At the same time, several people jumped up and fell down!


The entire metal box shook violently, and the piercing sound of metal friction resounded again.


Huang Mao got up, jumped up with a few people, and fell down heavily.


The precarious elevator suspended in mid-air finally lost its balance. With the sound of something breaking, the steel box fell down again!

The backup power flickered, and the entire narrow space fell into darkness again.

During the fall, people vaguely heard the sound of something being cut off, like a balloon filled with water being squeezed and burst, making a strange and nauseating sound.


The uncontrolled fall ended with a bang.

"Zizi." The backup power came on again, illuminating the space inside the elevator.

A few people crowded at one end of the elevator, looked at each other in shock, and then looked up to the other end


Three pale heads rolled on the ground, cut off in half, splashed with a translucent yellow liquid on all sides, the mouth opened and closed, and the pale, slug-like neck was still shaking. Creeping at a slow speed.

As if not dead yet.

But it's really disgusting.

Several people showed expressions of disgust.

Wen Jianyan bent down and turned its head tentatively with its toes, as if looking for something.

Su Cheng's face was a little green, as if he hadn't recovered from the nausea. ,

He looked at Wen Jianyan and asked:

"Did you find anything?"

Wen Jianyan turned her head to look over, took a deep breath, and said, "Yes."

"These should all be patients in the Ping An Sanatorium." He pointed to the side of the neck, near the artery: "Look here."

On the sticky, pale skin, some small dots were faintly visible.

"The sedatives in the Ping An Sanatorium are injected from here."

He also had a similar wound on his neck.

Luce's complexion is not very good either:

"In other words, is it possible for the anchor to become like this?"

"I don't know." Wen Jianyan said solemnly.



While several people were talking, the elevator door in front of them suddenly opened slowly.

They were all startled, and retreated reflexively.

This time, there were no faces outsideon the contrary, there was only an empty, dead darkness outside.

But no one felt the slightest relief.

Wen Jianyan turned her head to look at the floor display beside her.


In the darkness, this number looked particularly ominous.

You know, the patients detained on the first floor and the second floor below the ground are all high-risk, and even the first floor has become so dangerous, what will happen to the first floor and the second floor...

It's hard for Wen Jianyan to imagine.

The ground inside and outside the elevator is exactly the same level, so there is no need to climb out like before. However, the thick and indissoluble darkness outside brought strong psychological pressure. Compared with the two, even this The elevator hall with three heads in it seemed extraordinarily safe.

Wen Jianyan let out a deep breath, raised his hand to wipe his face, and broke the dead silence first: "We can't stay here either."

According to the degree of damage to the elevator, the internal cable should have been broken, and it can only continue to fall, but cannot go up.

If you want to go to the chapel, you must go to the stairs on the basement floor, and then go to the first floor through the stairs, go back through the small door behind the first floor, leave the main building of the sanatorium, and enter the atrium.

Looking at the pitch-black negative floor in front of him, Wen Jianyan felt the hairs on his back, and his stomach twitched faintly.

He dismissed distracting thoughts and said boldly:

"Go, let's go, I probably know how to go."

Led by Wen Jianyan, the group headed into the darkness.

The light of the flashlight is so weak that it has little effect in the thick ink-like darkness, and can barely illuminate the road a few meters in front of us.

They groped their way in the dark.

The stairs near the elevator cannot be used - if the elevator is near the lair, then going up the stairs here will not change their situation in any way.

That is, they have to venture across an entire floor and up the stairs on the other side.

The layout of this floor is similar to that of the second floor, with long corridors separated by iron doors. However, the distance between each ward is not as long as that of the second floor. The number of patients detained should be far greater than that of the negative second floor.

Soon, they touched the vicinity of the first ward.

Wen Jianyan had the courage to shine a flashlight into the ward. Under the light, only a vague outline could be seen in the ward.

He lowered his voice and asked Huang Mao: "Is there anyone inside?"

Huangmao looked at it for a few seconds, then shook his head: "No."

Although they haven't met any patients yet, Wen Jianyan's heart sank involuntarily.

The last thing he wanted to see happened.

The patients on the first floor can leave the ward freely, which means... the high-risk group on the second floor can also do the same.


The first floor and the second floor are really too close.