no, wait. Sorry. Im sorry. Im not going take what belongs to Kiri. I dont want to be a pervert like him. Im not a man who goes against morality.
Then stop cornering Touya!
well, when theres prey in front of me, my wild instincts kick in.
Natsuki and Akio faced each other.
He really is an idiot.
They started to swing their fists once again. Feeling bad for him, Touya stopped them.
Now, now.
Touya belongs to Kiri-sama.
Natsuki and Akio muttered as they hugged him. Touya wasnt sure what he should say to them. The actual personhad never said a word to him about any of this.
Kiri came home a few days later past noon.
Im home.
Kiri-sama, welcome back.
Natsuki and Akio jumped at Kiri happily when they ran out to greet him, but Touyas head was still full with what Mimizuku and the children had told him, giving him complex feelings.