Good morning, Kiri-sama.
Once they finished carrying breakfast to the sitting room, Kiri had just woken up.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Touya immediately replied when he smiled at him. He instantly averted his gaze, ever since yesterday he didnt want to look at Kiris face directly.
(If you become mine, Ill make it so you can stay in this world as an ayakashi, even if youve forgotten your previous self)
Touya was unable to accept his unexpected proposal right away. At the moment, all he could think about wasgoing to the human world, recovering his true self, completing his transformation into an ayakashi, and living as a resident of this world. It took all he could to at least answer, let me think about it for a bit. After that exchange, Natsuki and Akio had just awoken from their nap, so they ended their conversation there. He wondered why Kiri wanted him so much. Actually, didnt become mine mean become his wife from the start? As expected, their lips almost touching yesterday wasnt just grooming, but
You can be impregnatedthe words Kiri told him before, suddenly made it difficult for him to breathe.