Natsuki and Akio turned to each other and nodded. Kiri watched the two of their ears droop, then smiled at Touya.
Touya. These children seem to be fond of you.
The reason he was unable to immediately replywell always be together, wasnt because he didnt want to live in this house. He may revert back to a normal cat, and be unable to become a resident of the world of ayakashi. If that happened, he would disappoint Akio and Natsukis expectations, so he couldnt assert anything definitively. He couldnt help being frustrated about being unable to remember his true self.
When it was eventually time for afternoon snacks, Natsuki and Akio carried out the kuzumochi the maid, Kudou-san, made. The soft, chewy kuzumochi was delicious. Since Natsuki and Akio ate too much, they fell asleep, purring on top of he tatami. Once Touya finished eating, he headed toward the kitchen in order to clean up the dishware. He thought perhaps he would be able to meet Kudou-san, but there was already no one in the kitchen. The utensils that seemed to be used to make the kuzumochi had already been cleaned and neatly put away. He had been told Kudou-san was shy and wouldnt let themself be seen until they were used to him, but being taken care of like this everyday without being able to even greet Kudou-san troubled him.