Weird Wizarding World - Chapter 63

Chapter 63

Chapter 63 The Heart of Vengeance

In the spacious and bright hall of the inspection office, the sun shines in.

The guard in steel armor bowed his head respectfully.

"...Sir, that's what happened."

Regana put away the book in her hand, a little surprised in her eyes.

"You mean... Pigou died? In the house of another of his mistresses?"

"Yes, my lord, not only Pigou, everyone there is dead." The guard responded without hesitation. He happened to recognize Pigou, and he was the one who called Pigou to inquire last time.

"First Lisa, then Pigou... and they're all the same without a trace..."

"What a coincidence!" Colin emphasized in a deep voice.

Regana turned to look at him and murmured, "Yeah, what a coincidence."

Lisa, Pigou, if there is any common connection between these two people, or a common enemy, it can only be...

She inexplicably thought of Colin's speculation just now.

"You're right, Colin... Phil is suspicious no matter what." Regana took a breath and stood up, "It's not too late, go and arrest him now!"

She acted resolutely and was about to take the guards out of the inspection office.

Originally, she would not have suspected Phil. After all, she had asked the guard to investigate once, and he was just an ordinary fisherman.

But now Pigou is also dead.

If only Lisa died, then Phil's suspicion might only be 10%, but now, this suspicion has risen to at least half!

"Wait!" Colin reached out to stop her.

"Pigou is also an intermediate apprentice." He didn't give Regana a chance to refute, and continued:

"I know that Pigou is much weaker as a wild wizard than a wizard of our school.

But to be on the safe side, let's report to Lord Flower first. "

A school wizard who has been systematically educated and a wild wizard who is a half-way monk are two completely different concepts.

Take the study of witchcraft as an example. The wizards of their school can use the knowledge they have learned in the past to understand the principles behind witchcraft, so that they can send and receive freely, and even introduce new ones.

But wild wizards often have an insufficient knowledge system, and it is difficult to fully understand the principles behind witchcraft, and it is difficult to fully master a witchcraft to mastery.

Regana paused and looked at Colin, frowning slightly.

But he released it immediately, nodded and said:

"You're right, Colin."

The two came to Flower's office and reported the situation to him.

"I see."

After a while, Flower sat behind the brown mahogany table and nodded, thinking quietly for a while, and then said, "I will go with you."

"Yes." The two of Colin nodded.

Flower got up and walked towards the door.

But when he reached the door, he stopped a little, and he was a little suspicious.

'If it's really the Flesh and Thorns Sect, I might not be able to handle it alone Do I have to report to Lord Red Flame and Lord Price? '

His brows were furrowed, and his eyes were even smaller under the accumulation of fat.

"What's the matter, Captain Flower?" Regana asked.

"Nothing." Flower loosened his brows, replied lightly, and continued to walk forward.

'Nothing has been determined yet, and rashly reporting to Lord Hongyan and the others... is not a wise move. '

He took Colin and the two to the stairs and was about to go downstairs.

But he shook his head again, turned to Colin and the two said:

"You guys wait here for a while for me."

Both Colin were a little puzzled, but they didn't dare to ask more, just quietly watched Flower return to the office.

In a dimly lit basement.


Bowen pushed open the wooden door, lifted his black hood, looked at Saroyan who was sitting behind the low table in front of him and said angrily:

"A mid-level wizard apprentice died! Are you trying to expose us all?"

"Don't worry, my friend." Saroyan's mouth curled into a smile, and his tone was soothing, "On the whole island, people who can see the scarlet fog of my lord, except for us devout believers,

Maybe it's just that rotten old man Rapp

"Besides, I will pick the heart of revenge later and take back the scarlet fog, and all traces will dissipate in a short time.

By that time, even if Rapp came in person, all he could see was Phil's ordinary corpse. "

Bowen's complexion was slightly darker,

The soul that has not been strengthened and sublimated cannot really feel the scarlet miracle of the Lord...

But his tone was still a little cold, and he continued to ask:

"Before this, revenge is over, why didn't you recover the Crimson Mist in time?"

Saroyan shook his head, his voice rose slightly, and continued in a positive tone:

"Phil's revenge is now complete!"

Saroyan turned to look at Bowen:

"Phil, never resented his wife Lisa."

"Even though... she abandoned him and strangled the young child."

He stroked his cheek with his right hand, rubbed it lightly, and said softly in an aria tone:

"Phil, what I hate is Pigou, the wizard, and the sorcerer on the island!"

Bowen said nothing.

Saroyan chuckled again, put down his right hand that rubbed his cheek, and comforted:

"Don't worry, I'll take back the Crimson Mist right away...

And, looking in the right direction, this one has absorbed the revenge heart of an intermediate wizard apprentice, which is comparable to hundreds of ordinary revenge hearts..."

West of the city, a slum.

It was almost dusk.

In a dilapidated shack.

Phil was lying on the straw mat, looking at the palm-leaf canopy.

Maybe there are wooden racks for drying fish, and the whole shack is filled with the fishy smell of sea fish.

But he was already used to this smell. The rich golden sunlight of the setting sun shot through the hole in the roof and shone on him, but it couldn't bring him the slightest warmth.

Phil's face was blank.

Upon closer inspection, you can find the recollection or aftertaste in his dead eyes.


He slowly raised his right hand, as if to catch the golden beam of light projected in front of him.

... But light, how can I catch it.


In the next second, his rough, dark palms that were probing for the light were instantly transformed into ferocious claws made of invisible scarlet mist.

The sun still shines unobstructed.

Phil's vision became blurred.



At this moment, the sun is setting and the sky is clear.

But he seemed to be in the dark night where the wind and rain fell two years ago!

The greatest happiness in his life

Met Lisa four years ago...the beautiful Lisa.

She is so beautiful that he still can't believe that he has had her.

And, as if by fate, Lisa became pregnant within a few days of being with him, bringing him little Bree.

He loved Lisa very much.

Maybe that's why.

He never let her do any work, he went out fishing every day before dawn, and didn't come back until late at night.

At that time, although life was hard and difficult, it was the happiest time for him...

Until that nightmarish night came.

... That afternoon, he caught a huge sea fish, and while the fish was still fresh, he hurried to the market to sell it.

When night fell, he walked home with a large bag of rosettes that Lisa liked.

He was looking forward to Lisa's surprise appearance...

He is looking forward to coming home

What saw was an empty shack, and a small figure that had lost its temperature...

"Phil, it's time." A familiar voice suddenly came from his ear.

Phil paused, put down his arms, and got up.

He stood beside the bed and looked at Saroyan who walked into the shack with tearful eyes.

He stepped forward and came to Saroyan.

The light penetrated by the window on the left hand split their faces into two sides of light and dark.

Phil's face was calm, but tears kept pouring out.

He never hated Lisa

He only hated the island, and the soaring wizard who took Lisa away!

...just hate, he is an ordinary person.

After half a sound, he moved his lips and murmured in a faint voice:

"My lord... Will my Lord really redeem us?"

Saroyan had a faint smile on his mouth, and his eyes were calm and solemn.

"Of course, flesh and blood are equal, my Lord will redeem this island!"

He paused and sighed:

"One day, the Lord of Flesh and Thorns will return!

He is wrath, He is redemption!

The invisible scarlet fog will ignite the flame of undying vengeance,

The immortal flame of vengeance will burn the whole world in rage!

And we will all be redeemed in the flames..."

in such an aria.


Phil waved the sharp claws made of invisible scarlet mist, inserted it into his chest, took out his beating fiery heart, and slowly handed it to Saroyan.

Then leaned against the wall, slipped, and sat down under the window.

Before the head was lowered and the eyes dimmed,

He raised his head with the last of his strength,

looked at the small skull on the head of the bed and the silver bracelet belonging to Lisa next to it.

(end of this chapter)