Weird Wizarding World - Chapter 481

Chapter 481

On the vast ice field, the Nolan continued to move forward.

Back to the territory ruled by wizards, the heavy stone in Bost's heart finally fell to the ground with a clang.

Even if there are many problems to be solved in the future, at least there is no need to worry about the risk of extinction before the destruction of the Siya continent.

Boster walked to the central crystal in the captain's room and canceled the use of the source of the world.

Not only cancels the power consumption of the source of the world, but also cancels the hidden function.

The white Nolan slowly appeared on the ice field, like a huge white whale.

"Your Excellency Mir, I'm afraid I need your guidance." Bost turned his head and said.

Mir nodded slightly, "If you want to go to the nearest Supreme Council Hall in Graham City, it is the city of miracles at the northernmost tip of the Siya Continent."

"We also heard about the pure white ice and snow city when we were in Nuolan Continent." Gard said, looking forward to it.

"I heard that there is very little ice and snow in Nuolan Continent, is that true?" Mir suddenly asked curiously.

"Yes." Gray on the side answered first, and she walked towards the porthole, looking at the pure white world outside with novelty.

"Except for some high mountains in the cold region, there is almost no ice and snow in the Nuolan Continent. This is the first time I have seen a scene like the one in front of me."

"It is indeed a beautiful scenery." Boster admired, and also walked to the edge of the porthole.

Frankly speaking, the scenery of the ice field in front of me is indeed beautiful, but it is more novel in ordinary eyes.

Just escaped from death in front of them, Boster and others naturally see everything pleasing to the eye.

A group of people in the captain's room stood quietly by the window and looked out at the scene outside the window.

However, not long after, Bost suddenly frowned.

"That is?"


Several figures exuding a powerful aura suddenly appeared in front of the Nolan.

"Ahead is the restricted area of the battlefield, stop those who come!"

"Graham City has fallen?"

In Ed City, Colin stood by the street, holding the latest Supreme Council announcement in his hand, his eyes narrowed.

Unexpectedly, in the short period of half a month after he left, a city of miracles fell!

'correct. ' Colin's eyes flashed, and he turned his head to look into the distance, 'Your Excellency Mill probably didn't know that Graham had fallen.

If the Nolan and his party want to contact the Supreme Councilor, they should choose to go to the nearest city of miracles, that is, Graham... I don't know how the situation is now? '

Standing in place for a moment, Colin shook his head, put away the Supreme Council announcement in his hand, and walked towards the teleportation array not far away.

The wizards set up a long and tight line of defense in the south of Graham City. To the south of the line of defense, the remnants of Graham's gods were trapped in the land north of Graham.

Ed City is located behind the battle line, and the Nolan will go to Graham from here. There is a high probability that it will be stopped by the wizard stationed outside Graham, and maybe it will contact the Supreme Council.

If he can't get in touch, he will probably go to another city of miracles... Anyway, it doesn't have much to do with him anymore.

What he wants to do most now is to go back to Tilaimei Plain first, and even go to the Supreme Council to receive mission rewards and so on.

After all, he has successfully broken through to Tier 4 now, and the rewards of the previous invasion plan are no longer that important to him.

Golden Wheat Ear Wizard Tower, study room on the second floor.

"Are you all right, Shelley?"

Lilian looked at the frowning Shelley with concern, only feeling that her complexion seemed to be paler again.

This kind of white is not snow white, nor pale, but more like all colors are fading and becoming gradually transparent.

Compared with the previous appearance, Shelley now looks like an illusory projection.

"I'm fine." Shelley replied shaking his head.

But no matter from which angle she looked at it, she seemed to be trying to be brave.

Lilian pursed her lips, and asked again: "Is there no news from His Excellency Sylvester?"

Shelley's eyes dimmed, and she silently shook her head.

The atmosphere in the study suddenly became solemn.

"There is no news from Junior Colin."

Lilian looked out the window, the blue sky was clear and the white clouds were long. The weather in Tilaimei has been very good recently.

It's just that, compared to the weather, the troubles in the Tilemei Plain are as depressing as dark clouds.

The two people in the study did not speak for a while.

After a long time, Shelley said, "It's okay, everything will be fine."

"Whether it's the mentor or Colin, they're all just temporarily missing..."

Shelley stood up, came to Lilian's side, and hugged her gently.

Lilian raised her head slightly, and her eyes became firm again.

"You're right, Shelley! I have encountered so many difficulties and obstacles in the past, and many times I have given up hope, but Junior Colin still brought me a pleasant surprise. I believe this time will be no exception."

"There is also Your Excellency Sylvester. As a fourth-level wizard, I believe he is only temporarily trapped in the extreme north. After a while, the wizards will eliminate the remaining gods trapped in the extreme north...everything will be fine. !"

Shelley nodded lightly, and sat back at the desk again.

"Is there any useful information from the interrogation of the second-tier wizards captured last night?"

"No." Shelley shook his head, "They have all undergone special training, and conventional interrogation witchcraft is useless to them."

Shelley pressed the center of his brows, pondered for a moment and then said lightly: "Since they can't interrogate anything, then there is no need for them to live."

After Colin left the Tilemei Plain, Shelley was the only third-order wizard in Tilemy, and Colin entrusted her with many affairs.

Now when the undercurrent of Tilaimei is surging, Shelley is the only backbone.

Lilian was slightly taken aback, then nodded immediately.

Second-level wizards, no matter where they are placed, are not insignificant characters.

But in the current situation of Tilaimei, it is necessary to use such cruel means to deter those little people who hide in the dark.

After a while, Shelley got up and walked towards the outside of the wizard tower with Lilian.

After flying for a while.

The two came to the outside of Jinmaisui City.

There are many huge factory buildings here, and the whole is surrounded by a huge witch formation. Everyone who enters here will go through the strictest review.

Of course, this does not include Lilian and Shelley, they only need to pass simple identity verification.

"Master Shelley, Lord Lilian."

Not long after, a gray-haired truth wizard in a white robe received them.

"How's it going, Sezel?" asked Shelley.

"According to the suggestion left by the Lord of Tilaimei, the Golden Wheat Ear Research Base basically produces more than a dozen new products every day!"

Saizel's eyes glowed, and his tone couldn't hide his excitement, "Every product, I can foresee that it will bring about drastic changes in Tilaimei, no, in the entire Siya continent!"

"Like the loom before, and..."

"We have to suspend the development of new technologies." Shelley suddenly interrupted Seizer's words.

"Next week's auction will no longer release new technologies."

Seizer was slightly taken aback, and murmured: "But why, Lord Shelley, promoting those technologies is not only the vision of the Lord of Tilemie, but also the best way to achieve the great goal of the Truth Society!"

Shelley stared at Seizer calmly, paused and said:

"For the future, we can also develop new technologies that can bring changes to the mainland."

"Last night when you were researching new products at the base, I caught three more malicious second-order wizards in the north."

Shelley's eyes were dark, "The mentor is lost in the extreme north, and we have no way to protect this precious knowledge for the time being."

"And if we are wiped out, even if those wizards have fully obtained all the ideas left by Colin, who can guarantee that they will work hard to promote the realization of those technologies.

Even if it will promote the realization of those technologies, there is a high probability that it will not promote its popularization like we do, and promote changes in the entire Siya continent. "

"The situation is already so bad?" Seizer murmured, subconsciously asked:

"The Lord of Tilemei really died outside the strong wall?"

The next moment, he came to his senses and hurriedly said sorry in a low voice.

Shelley and Lilian were silent for a moment, skipped this topic, and continued to learn about the latest developments in the research base.

These days they are busy defending against the intrusions from the outside world, and they haven't come in for a few days.

Fortunately, Atbold and Jennifer were in charge of government affairs, which relieved a lot of pressure.

It's just... As long as Colin doesn't return for a day, the harassment that Tilaimei Plain is facing will probably continue.

The third-order strength that Shelley showed last night may only shock her for a moment.

This piece of land always belongs to that congressman.

If Colin dies, then even if Shelley possesses the strength of the third level, he will still be unable to rule this land justifiably.

If the Tilaimei Plain continues to show greater value, it is hard to say who will rule this land.

Walking around the research base, after some understanding, Shelley was also a little surprised.

Although it is only half a month since Colin left, this research base has developed many new products!

With the blessing of Colin's manuscript, coupled with the research of a large number of wizards of the Truth Society day and night.

Tilamy's technology is exploding.

Every technology and product produced here will bring changes to the Siya Continent!

'It's a pity... need to slow down for the time being. '

These precious knowledge is also the source of the current undercurrent in the Tilaimei Plain.

Shelley shook her head, suddenly frowned, and covered her chest.

"What's the matter?" Lilian's complexion changed slightly, she quickly supported Shelley, and asked with concern.

"It's okay..." Shelley shook her head, but a faint frost suddenly spread from her neck upwards.

The freezing cold even made Lilian's hand attached to Shelley's back painful!

Shelley let out a muffled snort, and frost spread rapidly across her eyebrows and cheeks.

"What's the matter, Shelley!?" Lilian endured the pain, and continued to support Shelley, releasing the most versatile healing witchcraft in her hands.

Saizel on the side was taken aback for a moment, and then panicked.

"What's wrong, Sir Shelley?"


He subconsciously released healing witchcraft on Shelley.

However, although the aura of witchcraft shone on Shelley, it seemed that it failed to bring any substantial effect.

The white frost was still spreading, almost covering Shelley's entire face.

And Shelley's consciousness is gradually sinking.

"Your Excellency Seizer, the Lord of Tilemie is here, you have to go and greet him!"

At the moment when Shelley completely lost consciousness, she vaguely heard a shout, and a young wizard ran into the corner of her vision.

'This is Deman who is on duty at the gate...he came to look for Seizer and said it was...Colin's visit?

Colin is back? '

Shelley's vision gradually dimmed, and a layer of pale frost completely wrapped her body, turning it into a sleeping ice sculpture.

I couldn't wait at the door, and Colin, who came straight in with Atbold and followed Deman, saw the scene in the end.

"What's going on here?" He strode up to Lilian and took Shelley from her arms.

"Be careful, it's very cold." Lilian shivered and subconsciously reminded.

It was just a short moment, before she had time to use defensive witchcraft, her hands were already frozen blue.

"Sister's hand, are you okay?" Colin asked with a frown as he supported Shelley.

He didn't feel much pain. Even though he was supporting Shelley without any protection, he just felt a chill.

"It's just a little bit of frostbite." Lilian shook her head and looked at Colin, with uncontrollable surprise gradually appearing in her eyes at this moment.

But she didn't say much, but continued: "Look at what happened to Your Excellency Shelley."

Colin nodded.

In fact, while he was talking with Lilian, he was also checking Shelley's body.

A moment later, Colin frowned deeply, and like Lilian, he used healing witchcraft.

The reddish light fell on Shelley, but it fell into the lake like water droplets, failing to make any waves.

"How is it?" Lilian asked.

Colin raised his head, then turned to stare at Deman and Seizer beside him.

The two of them understood, and slowly backed away, and soon disappeared.

Colin turned back, looked at Shelley in his arms and said:

"I can feel that Shelley is still alive, but his soul is extremely weak."

"The layer of frost on her body doesn't look bad, it's more like a special shelter."

Colin thought silently for a moment, then raised his head to look at Lilian and the two and asked:

"Did something happen recently that I don't know? About Shelley, since when did she appear abnormal?"

Lilian thought for a while and said: "About a week or so after you left, Shelley suddenly had frost on her body, but that time was far less serious than now, and it subsided quickly."

"Then, Lord Sylvester came the next day. He seemed to want to take Shelley to the extreme north, but at that time something happened in Tilami, and Lord Shelley was worried about the research base. So I rejected His Excellency Sylvester... and then, now."

"Where is Lord Sylvester now?"

"No news." Lilian shook her head, and said with some confusion: "After that, Your Excellency Sylvester went to the extreme north alone, and there was no news after that."

Colin was silent.

Lilian and her mentor didn't know that Shelley's true identity was actually an elf born from the glacier in the eye of the storm in the extreme north.

So a little confused about Sylvester's actions.

But he knew the information, so it was easy to link the two together

Shelley's current situation may be due to some kind of problem with the glacier in the extreme north.

Colin looked down at Shelley with a stern face.

'It seems that I have to go back again. '

'However, before that, there is one more thing to do. '

Colin raised his head, he looked at Lilian and asked again:

"Sister just said that something happened in Tilaimei Plain after I left... What is it?"