Weird Wizarding World - Chapter 475

Chapter 475

Chapter 475 Under the exhibition wall (5k)

If you look down from a high altitude, you can see a solid wall that pierces the sky and the earth, with the seven islands in the south as nodes, dividing the entire sea area into two halves!

But Colin's attention at this moment is not here, but above... above the solid wall, that horrifying figure.

Countless streams of scorching golden-red light surged...

The lord of gold and lava forcibly tore a huge crack in the majestic solid wall!

His body is only the size of an ordinary person. He is at a high altitude at this moment, and in Colin's eyes, he is just a small point.

However, His divine power is inexhaustible, turning into a golden-red turbulent force, forcibly tearing open a huge black gap in the gilded solid wall that pierces through the sky!

Colin looked at this scene, looking at those golden and red turbulence, inexplicably stunned.

"It seems that the collapse of the portal was also due to the attack of the Lord of Gold and Lava." Mir didn't notice Colin's strange behavior, but just looked around with a wry smile.

Perhaps because of the attack of the Lord of Gold and Lava, the defensive shield covering the square has dissipated.

No... It's just that the scope has been greatly reduced. Mir stared at the translucent shield that had just covered the entire solid wall witch formation, and shook his head slightly.

The translucent protective cover just appeared a shallow layer on the surface of the solid wall witch array, and some unimportant corners were not even completely covered.

Obviously, this protective shield can no longer protect them.

However, because the defensive shield still exists, the Fortified Wall Witch Array does not seem to have suffered much damage.

It's just... Almost all the wizards of the exhibition wall project have died, and only two or three are still showing signs of life, but they are also rapidly losing their vitality.

Mir subconsciously performed rescue techniques, but soon, seeing the wounded gradually getting better, she sighed again, only feeling an inexplicable sense of powerlessness welling up in her heart.

Ignored those wizards who were rescued and still had blank eyes.

Mir seemed to have figured out something, and suddenly relaxed.

She stood beside Colin, looking at the huge golden wall behind, and said to herself:

"We are outside the strong wall at the moment, and there is no hope of returning...but at least we have barely completed the strong wall plan."

She looked into the air, forcing a smile on her face.

In mid-air, although the Lord of Gold and Lava tore a black gap in the solid wall in front of him, the huge black gap is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although the gap is large, at this speed, it will completely disappear in less than a minute.

The solid wall in front of you will become complete again.

It is worthy of paying the source of the world to build a successful wall... Mill stood on the golden square, feeling emotional in his heart.

It was precisely because of this that she never thought that she could cross this hard barrier, so she gave up struggling directly.

The believers of the gods gathered outside the square, and even civilians, seemed to have all died because of the grabbing by the Lord of Gold and Lava.

At this moment, the entire Renlai Plaza is extremely quiet.

Mir raised her head, staring at the crack that was torn from the solid wall above... In fact, it was not that she hadn't thought about taking advantage of this time to try to return to the wizard's sea area from that crack.

However, the strands of golden-red turbulence filling the entire gap ruthlessly dispelled her thoughts.

That gap seems to be a weak point, but for them, it is nothing more than another desperate situation.

"The two adults...haven't escaped either?"

Cavenport murmured, he was one of the only survivors at this moment, and he was about to die, but under Mir's treatment, he is still alive.

Actually, Mir rescued a total of three wizards just now, two males and one female, but at this moment, only Cavenport and another round-faced brown-haired female wizard remained.

The other surviving male wizard, after regaining consciousness, looked at the sky-piercing wall, and finally bowed deeply to Mir, but chose to commit suicide.

Mill did not block.

Beyond the strong wall of the gods' rule, these wizards must die.

"The portal was affected by the attack of the Lord of Gold and Lava, and finally shattered. It was our luck that we didn't fall into the space turbulence and returned to Renlai Square."

Listening to Cavenport's muttering, Mir replied softly.


At this moment, there was a slight sound from the solid wall behind him.

Mir turned her head subconsciously, her eyes passed through the extremely thick transparent golden wall in front of her, and she saw a small but familiar figureRayden in the air on the other side of the wall.

Raiden looked much more embarrassed than when he entered the portal, and he was carefully looking at them through the golden wall.

After seeing that both Mir and Colin were still alive, he was slightly relieved.

As long as you are alive, there is still hope!

Mir understood his expression, but only smiled wryly.

Leiden can still be so optimistic, just because he doesn't know what the solid wall in front of him means...

Sure enough, Raiden's face soon became panicked, as if he realized their situation at this time... No, no!

Mir was startled, and suddenly looked up into the sky.


The Lord of Gold and Lava moved suddenly, as if he had realized that it was futile to hold on to the solid wall, and he withdrew from the solid wall.

The golden solid wall closed in an instant, completely forming a continuous, seamless solid wall!

Although he withdrew, he obviously did not give up and continued to try to destroy the wall.

At this moment, they turned around and flew towards the solid wall witch formation on the square!

This is exactly why Raiden panicked.

"It's over... Your Excellency Mir and Colin." Gritting his teeth, Leiden angrily hammered down on the golden solid wall in front of him.

The golden solid wall remained motionless, but the palm of his hand ached from the reaction force.

Leiden sank down to the surface of the sea, his eyes lowered, not daring to look any further.

In Renlai Square, Cavenport and the round-faced witch watched the Lord of Gold and Lava attack, and sat down on the ground, accepting their fate.

Mir also looked miserable, but unlike Cavenport and the round-faced wizard, after she smiled wryly, her eyes became firm again.

"As I said before, the wizard family may eventually perish, but this demise will never be silent!"

The two of Cavenport were startled when they heard the words, and then their eyes lit up.

Especially Cavenport, he looked at the corpses all over the square, gritted his teeth and roared: "Even if it's a god, even if I can't hurt you, at least let you know that I will attack!"

Mir smiled, and looked at Colin who had never made a sound, and said:

"Colin, do you have the courage to fight the enemy with us?"

What answered her question was a little red light, the red light blooming from Colin's chest!

This red light is as weak as a candle.

But the Lord of Gold and Lava who was flying towards him suddenly froze and stopped in place, with a complicated look on his face.

seems to be...surprised?

Mir watched this scene in disbelief.

At this moment, Colin also felt the earth-shaking changes that were taking place in him.

It's just that it seems too late!

The Lord of Gold and Lava paused for a moment, and then continued to fly towards the square.

Not only is the speed faster, but the target has also been changed from the solid witch formation on the square to Colin!

The red light shines more and more, like a coquettish flower slowly blooming in Colin's chest,

Colin was anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

After seeing the torrent of divine power released by the Lord of Gold and Lava, he suddenly entered a mysterious state.

It's like... the epiphany mentioned in the previous life!

First of all, it is divine will, a unique power that is a fusion of spiritual power and will power. It is the first to boil and start to run spontaneously at high speed.

This strange state is indescribable, Colin felt his soul and body at the same time.

This feeling is contradictory, both unified and distinct.

He felt the solidity of the body and the etherealness of the soul at the same time.

And then.

Magic power and blood energy began to flow spontaneously.

The magic power spreads downward from the chest, and the blood energy spreads upwards from the lower abdomen. The two gradually collide and intertwine.

These two irrelevant energies, but under this wonderful touch, Colin grasped the hidden commonality!

A little red glow, and it was born!

That is the product of the interweaving and fusion of magic power and blood energy.

It is higher than magic power, higher than blood energy, and it is a more powerful energy!

The originally blocked road suddenly opened up.

Colin Mingwu, as long as he completely integrates the magic power and blood energy, he can naturally break through the third level and enter the fourth level, and it is not in the category of ordinary fourth level!

It's a's too late.

The golden wall behind him is difficult to break, and the avatar of the **** in front of him is already close at hand.

Colin gritted his teeth, and was about to forcibly interrupt the spontaneous fusion of magic power and blood energy in his body, arouse the last strength, and fight to the death with the Lord of Gold and Lava!



However, at this moment, Colin suddenly heard the sound of surging waves.

Immediately afterwards, Mir's familiar blue figure suddenly stood in front of him, blocking the Lord of Gold and Lava!

"Your Excellency Mir?" Colin was taken aback, and then he realized that he no longer wasted the precious time Mir had bought for him, and settled down to focus on himself!


Perhaps because of the injury, the blue giant Mir condensed at this moment is obviously smaller than before.

Under the fierce offensive of the gods, he was retreating steadily, and soon he had to block left and right, struggling to support.

However, Mir's face showed surprise in addition to being dignified.

"I'm afraid you don't have much divine power left in this avatar!"

He turned a deaf ear to Mir's words, just as indifferent as humans would not care what the ants in front of them were saying.

Gods are like this, Mir already knew it, and he was not surprised.

But in any case, judging from the power displayed by the **** in front of him, he has been much weaker than before!

'Damn it, if I'm in good condition, I might still be able to fight. '

While Mir was delighted, there was a trace of unwillingness in his heart!

Honestly speaking, even if she is in good condition, she will actually have a 20% chance of winning against the half-weakened **** in front of her.

But it is better to have hope than the immediate despair.

Mir sighed, and suddenly thought of Colin again, and thought of the red light on his chest that surprised the gods!

'Perhaps, there is still hope? '

She couldn't help thinking about it in her heart, but after all, this kind of thought was just a ripple on the water surface, slight and fleeting.

Logic told her it was foolish to expect anything from Colin.

Reason also feels that it is not appropriate to have unrealistic expectations in this situation, because that will only call for greater pain.

But she still stepped forward, turned into a blue giant, and bought time for the wizard behind her under the hands of the Lord of Gold and Lava.

Even the two surviving second-tier wizards were doing their best to attack the gods and share the pressure for Mir.

"Come on! Stupid god, if you have the ability to fight me!" Cavenport yelled with a flushed face, and continuously released various attacks in his hands.

The brilliant brilliance of witchcraft continued to flash across the air, but the Lord of Gold and Lava never looked at them from the beginning to the end.

Those attacks that are considered powerful among ordinary wizards are often shattered by the aftermath of his battle with Mir before they get close to the god!

Cavenport wasn't depressed at all, he was always full of anger and shouted, attack!

Beside him, the round-faced sorceress didn't say a word, but her eyes were already red, and the magic power in her body surged rapidly, even causing the slightest pain.

On Renlai Square.

Whether it's Mir, Cavenport, or the round-faced witch, intellectually, none of them had expectations of Colin.

But none of them gave up their resistance, their resistance to the gods!

'Perhaps, a miracle will happen? '

At the other end of the solid wall, Raiden flew up into the sky again at some point. He was engrossed in staring at Renlai Square on the opposite side of the solid wall, his hands were clenched with tension, and his knuckles turned white.

The next second, Leiden was slightly startled, his eyes glowing with excitement.

I don't know when, or it existed.

A red light as thick as blood and as dazzling as a ruby suddenly spread and filled the entire Renlai Square.

The scarlet light did not bring a cold and terrifying feeling.

On the contrary, it is a kind of red light that is noble, warm, blood-soaking, and mind-shaking!

In mid-air, Mir gave an insignificant meal.


The Lord of Gold and Lava keenly seized this opportunity, stretched out his hand, and a sharp spear full of gold with red lava flowing in it suddenly appeared in the center of the palm, and then stabbed towards Mir!

"Not good!" Sensing the terrifying wave from the golden spear, Mir's pupils shrank suddenly.


The next moment, Colin Wei'an's body quietly appeared in front of her, gently stretched out his right hand, and held the thrusting spear.



The red power spread from Colin's palm towards the spear, and the sharp divine spear suddenly turned into powder from the tip, falling down like snowflakes.

Colin didn't say much, nor did he hold back.

Just like this, he took advantage of the situation and threw a punch at the Lord of Gold and Lava!


There was not much movement in the air in front of him, and there was even very little wind.

But the shocking red light lingering around Colin's fist, and the black space crack it wiped out, all speak of the power of this punch!

The Lord of Gold and Lava stood calmly on the spot. Facing Colin's punch, he didn't choose to dodge, or even use any defense.

He just looked at Colin quietly, as if he wanted to firmly engrave his whole person into his mind.

Just as his fist was about to touch the chest of the Lord of Gold and Lava, he finally spoke.

"I will come to you, the ants favored by this world."

The voice is still the voice of Pope Kanilenka, but that strange feeling makes this sentence sound completely different.


Colin's fist finally landed on the Lord of Gold and Lava, and the red light erupted like a flame, devouring the Lord of Gold and Lava in the blink of an eye, turning it into fragments that fell like spears.


Watching the flesh and blood fragments fall, Colin frowned slightly, and looked up at the sky above.

In the dark, he could feel that before the clone was killed, the gods quietly withdrew most of its power.

By the time he passed by, Kanilenka's body was almost an empty shell.

Turn around.

Colin looked at the solid wall behind him.

"The golden wall, unless it has the power of the fifth level, it is absolutely impossible to break it."

caught his gaze, Mir explained.

The sorceress looked at Colin and at the destroyed avatar of the god, still in a daze.

All of this seemed to happen in a dream.

"Fifth level..." Colin's heart suddenly turned cold, but he still clenched his fists and planned to try it.


The red light condensed and hit the golden wall fiercely, but failed to leave any mark...

The joy brought by the miracle of resolving the avatar of the gods gradually faded. Looking at the scene in front of them, all the wizards in Renlai Square fell silent again.

"If you are alive, there is still hope." Colin took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "The most urgent thing now is to hide and avoid the sight of the gods."

"As for how to cross the strong wall, there will always be..." At this point, Colin suddenly paused.

A friendly and familiar atmosphere suddenly enveloped him, and a message came.

After a while, the breath subsided, Colin took a deep breath, subconsciously said:

"Everyone, leave here first, I may have a way to return to the other side of the wall!"

Mir and the three were slightly startled, and looked at him in disbelief.

"After this solid wall is formed, no one can enter or exit..."

"Trust me." Colin said in a deep voice, looking around vigilantly, and continued to urge, "The most urgent thing is to get out of here first!"

Mir and the three stopped talking.

Mir subconsciously took out the World Concealment Orb, but was suddenly startled again.

"What's wrong?" Colin asked.

Milton paused, stroked the ball and explained: "The soul of a fourth-order wizard is too powerful. This hidden ball can only hide the fluctuation of a fourth-order wizard at most..."

Without waiting for Colin to answer, she took a breath, and suddenly stuffed the ball into Colin's hand.

"You guys go first, I just happen to be able to break the back!"

Colin took the hidden orb, but his heart suddenly moved.

The red light shrank around his body, and after a while, Colin withdrew all his strength into his body.

"You haven't advanced to a fourth-order wizard?!" Mir murmured in shock.

"It's a long story." Colin smiled, "But now we can leave together!"

Is there any advanced fourth-order wizard? The answer should be no.

Now he is walking a brand new path that is completely different from that of a wizard!

(end of this chapter)