Weird Wizarding World - Chapter 450

Chapter 450

One week after Naxi became a first-level knight, another piece of good news came

After taking his improved cave factor potion, Demi also successfully broke through to a first-order knight!

Actually, Demi had already broken through to the peak of the knight apprentice when he went to the Miracle Meeting, but she couldn't break through for a long time.

Because of his busy schedule, Colin never knew about it.

After Naxi broke through this time, he found out about it.

After deliberation, Colin gave Demi the previously improved catacomb factor potion to take.

Under his care, Demi really broke through to the first-order knight by relying on the power of the potion.

From this point of view, Naxi seems to have a unique talent in knight training.

After all, the elf didn't take any medicine, so he broke through to the first-level knight naturally.

As for sister Renee, her talent in knighthood is not outstanding. Even with his help, it may take a year and a half to reach the peak of knight apprenticeship.

After breaking through to the first-order knight, Demi's blood is more similar to that of Colin.

But perhaps because the blood gas has not yet been compressed, and the difference in his own constitution, it is still very different from Colin's blood gas when he looks closely. The color is lighter and much thinner.

First-tier knights, after all, mainly develop willpower. Although blood will also be improved, it is not a qualitative change.

In addition, Naxi and Demi have also developed willpower and comprehended the knight halo, but the intensity is far less than him.

But no matter what, it's always something to celebrate.

First-order knights are not inferior to first-order wizards in terms of close-range combat power!

However, the cost of cultivating the two is a world of difference!

In addition to the catacomb factor potion, the resources needed to train a first-order knight are many times less than that of a first-order wizard!

Colin was excited, but soon sighed again.

'It's a pity... no matter how much low-level combat power is, it will not help the entire battle situation much. '

Of course, this doesn't mean that it's meaningless to promote the knight's path, it's just that what he should do most right now is to improve his own strength.

Especially after being attacked and killed by Calvin, Colin felt a sense of crisis out of thin air. This time he could escape by relying on the burrow, but what about next time?

What's more, now is not the right time to promote the road of knights.

As for when is the right time... I'm afraid it will have to wait at least until the fourth level of advancement.

Fourth order... Colin sighed.

Compared to the improvement in strength of Naxi, Demi, and Shelley who went back to the extreme north, his cultivation speed these days is not satisfactory.

The knights have reached their limit. Even though they have worked hard these days, they have made no progress in terms of blood or will.

Although the speed of wizard training is not slow, and has almost reached the third-level intermediate level, it will take at least a year to reach the third-level peak.

The only consolation there is in witchcraft.

Robert's explosive technique has been optimized and improved by him on the basis of the previous one.

Today's Robert Explosion Technique is far more powerful than the third-level witchcraft, reaching the fourth-level primary, and the radiation pollution released can also be controlled to a limited extent, giving Colin more flexible choices.

However, if you want to rely on it to deal with fourth-order wizards, you are still unable to do so.

On the one hand, Colin is still only a third-tier wizard, and on the other hand, the energy released by Robert's explosive technique is not concentrated enough, which is not a big threat to the highly mobile fourth-tier wizards, and is more suitable for dealing with weaker multiple targets.

In addition, he also has some preliminary ideas about the development of nuclear energy.

But these are long-term plans... I don't know if the gods will give him a chance to develop.

The war lasted for a day, and Colin always had a sharp sword hanging in his heart...

Taking a deep breath, he suppressed his numerous thoughts and entered meditation.

Half a month passed quietly.

Shelley had already returned and became a third-tier wizard.

"In another month, my strength should be completely stabilized."

In the study, Shelley held black tea and said to Colin in front of him.

"If you read correctly, your current strength is already at the third-level intermediate level, what will it be after one month?"

"Should reach the third advanced level." Shelley smiled.

Colin was a little speechless. When Shelley went back this time, it turned out that he was not promoted from a second-level advanced wizard to a third-level junior wizard as he thought, but was directly promoted to a third-level advanced wizard!

"This speed of improvement... is really shocking." He couldn't help but sigh.

"Before this, I had stayed at the second level for many years." Shelley shook his head, "Really, the speed of strength improvement is far slower than yours."

"What's more, as you know, I am different from ordinary wizards. When I was born, I already possessed the strength of almost the fourth level."

"That's true..."

"It looks like you're going to advance too, don't you?" Shelley asked him suddenly after looking him over.

"Yes." Colin nodded, "It should be within two days."

Shelley shook his head, "To be honest, in terms of cultivation speed, you are the real pervert."

"The main reason is that the Supreme Council bestowed the blood of the gods. Otherwise, even if I want to advance to the third-level intermediate level, it will take a long time." Colin explained with a smile, thought for a while and said:

"But now that you have advanced to the third level, I can do some things with confidence."

"What's up?"

"Exploring the Catacombs." Colin said briefly, "I will tell you the specific reasons when I come out."

Shelley paused, "Do you want me to accompany you?"

"No, I have been to the crypt many times, and I won't go too deep. If something is wrong, I will return immediately, and I won't put myself in danger."

Shelley didn't say much anymore, but only instructed: "Be careful, the spring harvest will come soon, and you will be required to preside over the overall situation."

"I will." Colin nodded.

Tilaimei's spring harvest this year has attracted the attention of many forces.

Recently, most of the wheat has eared.

Although there is no time to use high-yielding wheat varieties this year, after optimizing the planting process and details, the yield of wheat has also increased significantly.

In fact, because of this, representatives of many forces and caravans have come to discuss the purchase of grain in recent days.

I believe that when the subsequent spring harvest, the appearance of wheat harvesting agricultural machinery and rough processing related machines will set off another wave.

But that's all for later... Colin thought silently.

I'm afraid he won't be too interested in further developing the territory until he advances to the fourth level.

One's own strength is the guarantee of everything.

The next morning.

Colin successfully advanced to the third-level intermediate wizard.

Compared to the elementary level, his magic power has increased by 50%, the strength of his soul has also increased, and his strength has been further improved.

Not in a hurry to set off to explore the crypt immediately, he rested for a day and arranged all the affairs in the Tilemei Plain.

In the early morning of the second day, I came to the Catacombs area with full preparations.

Except for Atbold, Lilian and Shelley, he didn't tell anyone about his actions this time.

Jennifer didn't either... After all, as the Queen of Loen, the crowd around her was much more complicated than the three of Atbold, and it was easy to leak information.

After he fought Calvin that day, the entire catacomb area had become a huge irregular sinkhole, and many entrances to the catacombs had been buried.

It's just that not only has it not become deserted here, but it has become more lively because of the drastic reduction of creatures in the crypt and such a wonderful scene.

It seems to be a new tourist attraction!

People are even willing to travel thousands of miles to watch the spectacle created by the great Lord Tilemai!

But Colin's destination is not here.

At that time, he cast a total of three Robert explosions, of which the first two explosions created this huge sinkhole in the original cave area.

The latter explosion created a smaller sinkhole about two hundred meters away from here.

And Colin's destination this time is the slightly smaller sinkhole.

Landing with his body hidden, Colin came to the entrance of a pothole in the middle.

"Hiss... the Lord of Tilemie is really too strong, can such a big pothole really be made by humans?"

"The power of a wizard is really powerful."

The tourists beside them couldn't stop talking, but they didn't realize that a person quietly entered the cave in front of them.

Walking quickly along the pitch-black passage of the crypt, the entrance of the crypt that Colin chose was the one he opened up by himself at the end, although it has been completely changed under the influence of the battle.

But that was only a short section close to the surface. After walking deep for a while, the surrounding environment gradually became familiar.

With the help of Ultrain, it didn't take long for Colin to come to the cave where he was healed.

Taking a deep breath, he exhaled golden blood, standing in the center of the cave, concentrating on perception.

Not long after, Colin caught an extremely weak strange fluctuation.

When he first came to the burrow here, he didn't feel anything strange, but the mutation of the blood of the gods made him subconsciously feel the direction of the blood of the gods rushing, and then he captured this strangeness. fluctuations.


Colin turned his palm into a knife, and went straight to the source of the fluctuation.

The rock wall was penetrated quickly. Colin came to a passage, looked around, and continued to drill down.

In this way, half an hour passed in a blink of an eye. Colin did not detour at all, and rushed straight to the source of the fluctuations. During the period, he encountered several attacks by crypt creatures, and he solved them one by one.

'It has reached the boundary between the shallow and deep layers of the catacombs. '

Colin stared at the channel in front of him that had become darker in color, and muttered to himself.

The fluctuation has become more and more obvious, and it is estimated that the distance is not far away.

After taking a short rest for a few minutes, Colin continued to walk until his condition recovered to his best.


He continued to break through the wall of the cave under his feet, heading straight for the source of the fluctuation.

However a few minutes later.


Colin's figure reappeared in the passage here, and he turned his head and frowned at the newly opened tunnel under his feet.

The gray-black gravel falling around is melting into the cave wall under the feet at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the tunnel that was broken just now has healed more than half of it unknowingly!

'It seems that the method of breaking through the cave wall directly to the source is not feasible in the deep layer of the cave. '

Colin frowned, not just because the cave walls in the deep layers of the crypt had weird properties of healing.

It's because shortly after going deep into the cave wall, he will gradually lose his perception of that strange fluctuation, and even lose his sense of direction.

And there is one more point... Although only a few minutes passed, he had advanced at least several hundred meters, but the cave wall under his feet did not see the end at all.

If you go any further, the cave will continue to heal, and you will lose your sense of direction again. He might be trapped in it!

'Deep in the really isn't that simple. '

Colin discerned the direction, and walked obediently along the gray-black passage.

After going through a tortuous half-day and detouring countless times, he finally came to a huge circular cave.

During the period, Colin also tried to pass through the wall several times, but he was still unable to cross to the other side of the rock wall, and almost got him lost inside.

It can be seen that it is not a coincidence that he has crossed the rock wall for a few minutes for the first time but has not yet penetrated the rock wall.

This should also be one of the characteristics of the deep cave walls.

When we arrived at the huge cave in front of us, the strange fluctuations seemed to have real substance, and even the ubiquitous cave pollution moved with it.

It's just that Colin scanned back and forth several times, but he still failed to find anything suspicious in the circular cave.

The strange fluctuations were evenly distributed in the circular cave, and no particularly strong point could be found.

'What is it that is constantly emitting waves... Is it these rock walls? '

Colin approached the rock wall on his right.

Grey-black, irregular... This rock wall is very unusual, and gray-black rock walls like this can be seen everywhere in the catacombs.

Suspending quietly in mid-air, Colin settled down, and once again carefully felt the strange fluctuations around him.

After an unknown amount of time, Colin's eyes suddenly lit up.

'found it! '

He quickly came to the southeast corner of the cave.

The ground here is empty, and there is nothing special about the rock wall, but Colin is keenly aware that the strange fluctuations here are faintly stronger than other places!


Wrapping his palm with the power of will, he continued to dig towards the ground and the rock wall next to him.


A moment later, there was a sound like a clash of gold and iron, and Colin looked happy, looking at the newly dug hole under his feet.

In the very center of the pit, lay a broken skeleton. It didn't look like a human bone, but was triangular in shape as a whole, more like the skull of some kind of insect...

"This is"

Just when Colin was wondering.


A thunderous sound suddenly came from behind.

Colin turned his head suddenly, only to see a huge long and narrow crack suddenly opened in the dome of the cave.

Plop! Plop!

Two or three golden worm-shaped monsters with triangular heads, slender bodies, and six slender jointed limbs and long legs suddenly fell down.

At the same time, Colin was startled suddenly. He felt a familiar aura from the golden arthropod monster.

"They contain the blood of the gods?!"

Colin murmured in disbelief.