Weird Wizarding World - Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Chapter 42 Rich Mana


In the cave hall, Colin plunged into the deep pool like a sharp arrow.


The black mane giant pig king followed closely, his huge body rushed into the pool, causing high water splashes.

But soon, it stopped. The water pool in the cave hall is a long and narrow oval. Although it is not big, it is only a dozen meters wide, but it is very deep.

After just a few steps, it felt like it was about to fall into the water.

Although its huge size gives it great strength, it also makes it difficult to swim.

But it was not in a hurry, standing beside Tan carefully observing.


Colin paled.

The water in the pond was bone-chilling, but not as cold as his heart.

This is the second time he has entered the water...I don't know how long he can take a short rest this time.

It stands to reason that the physical fitness of the Great Knight can allow him to hold his breath underwater for half an hour.

The black mane giant pig king has extraordinary vision.

It usually doesn't take long for him to be found in the water pool, and then he uses that trick to slam into him at a high speed, like a torpedo, and hit him hard in the water.

Colin took advantage of this moment of respite to circle the pool again.

In the constant pursuit before, he has been trying to find out if there is another way out in the cave.

The cave hall has been searched several times, and the water pool is the second time, but no trace of life has been found.

The whole cave is like a closed Colosseum.

Colin felt his remaining magic power, and his heart sank.

In the normal state of the Black Mane Giant Pig King, he can usually dodge collisions or bites by reacting.

But when it has dark red patterns all over it.

The speed of the Black Mane Giant Pig King will increase suddenly, and the increase will be huge!

Colin has yet to successfully escape a collision under this kind of augmentation.

Great speed brings great kinetic energy.

If it weren't for his own three-layer defense, he was sheltered like a steel bean, I'm afraid he would have followed in the footsteps of the Chiwen Gang apprentice.

How can it be like now, although it is embarrassed every time, it is only slightly injured.

But this situation is only temporary.

Under the extraordinary collision of the Blackmane Giant Pig King, his magic power was rapidly being consumed, and now only half of it remains at most.

has fallen into a real desperate situation...

Colin gritted his teeth, he still hasn't given up!

Although the waterhole has now been searched for the second time.

But in fact, the lighting of the light spell has been lost, and now the cave is already dark, and even the five fingers can't be seen underwater.

So he searched in the dark for the first time, and it was normal that he didn't get anything.

But he firmly believes that there will always be a way out of the waterhole.

Before jumping into the pool, he had observed it carefully.

The water in the pool is clear, not like stagnant water.

instead of stagnant water, means that there may be a connecting channel.

This may be the only life


The roar of the black-bristled giant pig king was slightly distorted from the air into the water.


It kept stirring the pool water, and the pool water that was still clear at the Tan side is now cloudy.

Colin pondered for a moment, swung his arms, and turned his direction. Then he kicked his legs and swam deeper into the pool.

After a while, he slowly stopped, closed his eyes, and relaxed his body, from head to toe. Like feathers floating in the air.

Colin carefully felt the fluctuation of the current.


The is as fast as the rain hitting the pipa, and there is no regularity. It is obviously the fluctuation caused by the giant pig.

He concentrated and slowly filtered the fluctuations.

The world is getting quieter and quieter, and the roar of the giant pig in the distance seems to be from another world. Gradually, he felt that even his heartbeat started to slow down.

After an unknown amount of time, Colin finally captured the surging undercurrent under the pool.

He opened his eyes, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then without any hesitation, he immediately swam in the direction of the undercurrent.

After a while, he felt that his whole body had been enveloped by an undercurrent.

'It's time... there's no way to pinpoint the location of the channel anymore. '

He got ready, his heartbeat gradually accelerated, and then his mind moved.

A bright light group lights up at the bottom of the tan!

For a while, the bottom of the water was as bright as day. Colin quickly glanced around, trying to find a possible undercurrent channel.

The black mane giant pig king at Tanbian was startled.


Its eyes flashed a crimson light, and the rough air exhaled from its mouth and nose caused ripples on the water.

Shoo! !

It rushed towards Colin's position.

Puff! ! !

Like a torpedo explosion, the water surface stirred up white spray several meters high, hitting the top of the cave heavily, and then falling back into the pool.

At this time, the figure of the Black Mane Giant Pig King has completely submerged in the water, and shot at Colin like a sharp arrow. The speed is so fast that a long white trace is dragged behind him.

On the other hand, Colin didn't have time to pay attention to the impending crisis behind him. He widened his eyes and searched around hard!

The Black Mane Giant Pig King has not yet arrived, but the impact of the water has already arrived. In an instant, he was like a lone boat in a storm, entrapped by the current and forced to rush forward.

The black mane giant pig king behind will reach his back in the next second!

Just at this critical moment, Colin's eyes lit up suddenly, and he kicked his legs with the greatest strength in his life, and swam as fast as a swordfish toward the left front not far away.

The giant pig collided with the stone wall at the bottom of Tandi and made a dull sound.

"Roar" The Black Mane Giant Pig King shook his head.

In the narrow dark passage the size of a person in front of it, Colin buckled on both sides of the cave wall and turned around.

The light group summoned by the light spell is suspended between him and the Blackmane Giant Pig King.

Through the translucent light group, he could clearly see that the Black Mane Giant Pig King was staring at him with his red eyes that were more than one meter in diameter.

The black mane giant pig king suddenly retreated, and then slammed into the dark passage, his hard fangs smashed a few pieces of gravel.


The water surged, and Colin reflexively retreated slightly, but stopped quickly.

The stone walls under the water are hard, and the black-bristled giant pig king has nowhere to exert his strength... It seems that it is impossible to chase in.

He looked at the giant black mane pig king outside the passage, and suddenly his mind changed. Quietly took out a few shuttle darts from behind his waist, held them in his hands, and waited quietly for the opportunity.

The Black Mane Giant Pig King was still banging in vain.

Colin's expression was calm, and he squeezed the shuttle dart even tighter.

After a while, the black mane giant pig king seemed to know that he was doing this in vain, so he gradually stopped.

It wiggled awkwardly and looked at Colin in the passage again with big red eyes.

'It's now! ! '

Colin's eyes narrowed.

Shoo! ! !

Three shuttle darts shot towards the giant pig outside the channel like lightning.

Pooh! !

At such a close distance, the Black Mane Giant Pig King had no chance to react at all.

The shuttle dart shot straight into its huge left eye.

"Roar!!" The black mane giant pig king neighed in pain!

Blood spurted out, spread out in the water, and instantly dyed a large area of red.

Shoo! !

Colin didn't stop, he continued to use the arrow shooting technique to shoot the shuttle dart towards the black mane giant pig king.

Unfortunately, there is only one chance like that.

This time, the shuttle dart only hit the neck of the black mane giant pig king, and did not cause much damage to it.

The next second, when Colin wanted to continue his attack.

The Black Mane Giant Pig King dived down sharply and disappeared from Colin's field of vision.

Colin sighed.

Being in a dark passage, although his own safety can be guaranteed, the scope of vision and attack angle are very limited.

A large number of thoughts flashed in his heart, he hesitated for a moment, and he slowly swam towards the dark passage.

He was going to confirm the status of the Blackmane Giant Pig King.

...hope the attack just now was deadly enough to kill it.

He didn't want to rush to escape along the secret passage behind him... Who knows where it leads?

...The best way is always to deal with the black mane giant pig king in front of him, and then wait for Holt and others to return in the cave.

In the cave hall, there are dozens of corpses of the black mane giant pig king and the corpses of several wizard apprentices. Therefore, even if the passage to the outside world is buried by gravel, Holt and the others will return with a high probability and will find a way to open the passage.

As he swam out of the passage, he felt the movement outside.

At first, there was still water surging, and the unique painful neigh of the Black Mane Giant Pig King, but as he got closer and closer to the passage, it gradually weakened.

When he swam to the entrance of the dark passage, everything calmed down.

Colin carefully probed out of the dark passage, but found nothing. Tan Bi is uneven, blocking his sight and forming many blind spots.

Seeing this, his mind moved.


A ball of light flew out quickly.

Colin watched the outside world carefully.

nothing happened.

Everything is calm.

(end of this chapter)