Weird Wizarding World - Chapter 435

Chapter 435

Chapter 435 The Favor of the World

After the vision blurred, the dim secret room in front of my eyes turned into a familiar sea of clouds and a familiar magnificent auditorium.

Colin stepped in.

The vague figures of the six supreme councilors also quietly emerged.

"I have met all the Supreme Councilors." Colin bowed and saluted.

"Good morning, Councilor Colin." An undetectable fluctuation flashed by, and the blurred bodies of the six supreme councilors seemed to be more vivid. The councilor on the left in the center and the one who spoke the most often spoke slowly.

"I have called you here this time, in addition to giving you the blood of the gods, it is also taking you to complete a ceremony."

Ceremony... Colin looked up suspiciously, but was surprised to see the six supreme councilors standing up in unison and walking towards him slowly!

"Don't be afraid, child." The Supreme Councilor still left in the middle said.

This time, his voice lost its sense of grandeur and indifference, and was extraordinarily vivid and clear... From the sound of it, it sounded like an ordinary kind old man.

Colin settled down and stood there calmly.

"Remember when we said that you are the person favored by the world?"

The six supreme councilors said at the same time, the voices were male and female, old and young, with roughness mixed with mildness, immaturity contained in oldness, like bells and drums, echoing in the tall auditorium, endlessly.

"I remember." Colin answered with some difficulty, trying to raise his head.

Under this majestic voice, he only felt that his vision was gradually blurring, and everything in front of him was being pulled away quickly, the smooth matte floor tiles, the tall carved pillars, the supreme councilor in front of him... everything was stretching rapidly, and everything was stretched out in the blink of an eye. become a messy stream of light.

Before completely losing consciousness, Colin heard the councilors finally say:

"Just remember, the next thing you will see is the world..."

'here it is'

There was no light, no wind, and he couldn't even feel gravity. Colin slowly opened his eyes, but what he saw was nothingness.

He tried to swing his arm, but suddenly realized that he didn't seem to feel the existence of his arm.

Tried to move his feet, but what came was nothingness.

Not only is there no vision, hearing, touch, and even the perception of the physical body are all gone, except for consciousness, everything else is chaos.

However, Colin in this situation did not feel the slightest panic or fear, a warm force enveloped him.

Fu Ling was heartbroken, and he looked behind him.

How to describe the scene you "see"?

When Colin turned his head and looked behind him, endless light filled the entire "vision" like flowing water, occupying all his mind in an instant.

This light can't tell the color, it seems to be white, and it seems to be colorful.

And when he tried to distinguish the specific color, all the light suddenly disappeared... Only a ball of light remained in front of him.

A... unimaginably magnificent ball of light!

On its constantly flowing surface, Colin seemed to see the consciousness of all creatures in the entire Yanan world, not only human beings, monsters, and even mountains, rivers and plants...

And the most special thing is the six thin rays of light spreading from above the light sphere, each of which is connected to a dim light spot.

Before Colin could figure out what those six light spots represented, the light ball in front of him suddenly trembled, and a strange feeling enveloped him immediately.

It was as if his wife was whispering softly beside him in the quiet night, or as if an old monk in a mountain temple was knocking on a wooden fish to give a lecture... Colin's consciousness quickly became trance.

The synagogue on the cloud.

The bright sun shines on it, and the sea of clouds billows below.

In the empty council hall, Colin rubbed his head and sat up blankly.

'I'm... what happened? '

He looked to his left hand, where there stood a transparent diamond-shaped crystal bottle, which contained a crystal clear red liquid, and bits of gold appeared in it from time to time, which was very magnificent.

Colin picked up the crystal bottle, and a message was transmitted to his brain at the same time.

'This is...the blood of the gods, use one drop every three days...Yes, I came to the Yunshang Synagogue to receive the blood of the gods, and then the Supreme Councilor came to me, and then...they asked me if I still remembered the praise... Then What you will see when you come down is the world..."

Colin was thinking hard, and the memory in his mind quickly recovered. He remembered the feeling of nothingness and chaos, and the unique warmth that enveloped him.

'Is thatthe world consciousness of the Yharnam world? ' He thought with some uncertainty, And those six light spots represent the six supreme councilors?

Is there only six light spots... It seems that there are some light sticking out from below. "

'What happened after that... what happened after that? '

Colin frowned. He found that no matter how he recalled, he couldn't remember what happened after the light ball trembled... It seemed that he had some conversations with him?

This is an experience I have never had after obtaining Ultrain...

After standing quietly in the auditorium on the cloud for a long time, Colin finally shook his head and returned to the auditorium in Neustadt.

After returning to the secret room where the teleportation array was located, Colin had a thought and called out the golden paper.

Looking at the ten lines at a glance, Colin suddenly froze for a moment.

In the column of different spells, the characters of Anando's Dice were gradually blurred, and then condensed into a new line of small charactersworld perception.

This unique strange art was confused when it was first obtained. In the days since then, Colin has tried to inquire about the strange art more than once.

But he still found nothing, and he has not been able to find any information about the abnormal art.

Knowing that now, his limited understanding of Anando's dice and different spells all come from the information that was sent at the same time when he obtained Anando's dice.

Just when Colin was thinking this way... the black characters in the column of strange arts were completely formed, and a message appeared out of thin air in his mind

"World Perception: The ability brought by the favor of the world, which can perceive weather, natural disasters, treasures... and even the maliciousness of people's hearts.

Note: It will be interfered by the power of the gods. "

After carefully chewing the information sent, Colin was stunned. Can he detect weather disasters, treasures, and even malicious people?

This ability is too perverted... He couldn't help but smile.

And a conjecture also emerged in his mind

From this point of view, the different arts are probably inseparable from the world consciousness.

The secret room of the teleportation array is not a place to stay for a long time. Colin checked himself briefly, and after confirming that there was nothing unusual, he walked out of the room and went to Noyce's study.

He intends to bid farewell to Noyce before returning home.

But when he came to Noyce's study with ease, he frowned subconsciously. In the study in front of him, besides him, there was another acquaintanceNickler, the elder of the Tate family.

(end of this chapter)