Weird Wizarding World - Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Chapter 40 The Curse

After seeing the scene clearly, the heart that he raised slowly fell again.

Under Holt's attack, the Black-maned Giant Pig King was being bound by countless strange vines in place. He was already dripping with blood, and he was obviously at a disadvantage.

"Help me!" Holt added, continuing to cast the magic.

Only then did Colin notice that the vines that were entangling the Black Mane Giant Pig King were breaking one by one!

Mallory casts a spell quickly!

But Blackmane Pig King was quicker than him.


It suddenly roared wildly, and his basketball-sized eyes flashed a burst of red light, the black mane on his body instantly stood up like a steel needle, and his muscles suddenly swelled.

I saw it dashed hard and stabbed, and the few remaining vines suddenly collapsed.

Perhaps he realized that he was powerless to return to the sky, the black mane giant pig king just glanced at Holt and others with hatred eyes, then stopped fighting, and turned around and ran away in an instant!

The speed is extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, a distance of more than ten meters has been opened.

"Chase! Don't let it run away, or there will be endless trouble!" Holt hurriedly greeted Mallory.

"After you finish dealing with the remaining black-bristled giant boars, wait for us to come back."

Mallory didn't hesitate, just gave a quick command to the other apprentices, and followed up with Holt.

The situation in the hall is now clear, even without him, the remaining intermediate apprentices can solve the few remaining black mane giant pigs.

On the other side, the dark forest has complex terrain and dangers, and it is dealing with a fierce beast whose strength is no weaker than that of an ordinary senior wizard apprentice.

Holt obviously needs his support more.

As for letting it escape, it is obviously impossible.

Not to mention that this black-maned boar king is a rare high-level beast that is very valuable.

Just because of the last hateful look of the Black Mane Giant Pig King, they have to chase down... No one wants to be remembered by a fierce beast with the strength of a senior wizard apprentice.

Soon, Mallory followed Holt's figure and gradually disappeared in the far corner of the passage.

The cave was quiet for a while, and the remaining apprentices looked at each other.

But in an instant, the silence was broken by the roar of the remaining black-bristle boars.

They stopped thinking about it and continued to encircle the remaining black-bristled giant boars.

After a while, Colin slowly exhaled and put the shuttle dart in his hand back into the pocket on his waist.

At this time, in the cave hall, there was only the last black mane giant pig left. It was being attacked by an apprentice of the Chiwen Gang.

According to the tacit understanding, this giant pig belongs to him, no one interferes, he just watches quietly.

But Colin seemed to think of something, and glanced at Catherine not far away.

But he hadn't turned his head completely.

"Roar!" A familiar roar suddenly came.

His heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly turned his head to look behind him.

A very familiar black-bristled wild boar appeared at the corner of the distant passage.

"How come it's back! Lord Mallory, aren't they chasing it!?" A member of the Chiwen Gang asked in a subconscious panic.

"What to do? It has the strength of a senior wizard apprentice, we can't deal with it!"

"Not the same head!" Someone retorted next to him.

' is indeed not the same head. ' Colin judged after careful observation.

The appearance of this black-maned giant pig is very similar to the previous black-maned giant pig king, but the size is smaller.


At this moment, the last giant pig in the cave was also killed and fell.

Now everyone has turned to face the new black maned boar.

A look of fear appeared on their faces.

During the apprenticeship period, it is a hurdle to advance to a senior apprenticeship.

Generally speaking, maybe a dozen or twenty junior wizard apprentices can deal with intermediate wizard apprentices.

But a dozen or twenty intermediate wizard apprentices were not able to deal with senior wizard apprentices.

Even encountering some stronger senior wizard apprentices, doubling the number of intermediate apprentices may not be able to deal with it!

At this moment, the passage from where he came was blocked by the huge body of the new black mane giant pig king who was slightly smaller.

Looking back, there is no exit in the cave behind him, only a water hole in the corner.

And the slightly smaller black-maned giant pig king in front of them is obviously no weaker than the black-maned giant pig king who was comparable to a senior wizard apprentice just now!

has come to a dead end.

No time to think too much!

If everyone does not unite, they will only be defeated one by one, and it will only be a dead end!

Colin's lips moved slightly, and he was about to propose everyone to fight together...

"Whether it's the same one or not! No matter if we can deal with it or not, we have no way out. We will only have hope if we prepare to fight together! Don't hide it, and bring out whatever you can!"

Someone made a proposal ahead of him.

looked up and saw that he was still an acquaintance, the fat man Orlando who was not very good-looking with the team.

A tinge of pain flashed across his face, he gritted his teeth and took out a yellow sorcery crystal from his arms and activated it with magic power, squeezed it in his hand, and waved it with one hand.

A bucket-thick soil thorn suddenly emerged from the ground in front of the black-bristle giant pig!


The black-bristled giant pig was caught off guard and directly bumped into it, and the huge body was forced to stop.

But the soil thorn was blocked by its thick outer skin and failed to do much damage.


The apprentices present took this opportunity to attack with all their strength!

Many people, like Orlando, took out the magic crystal at the bottom of the press box.

Those who can become second-class apprentices are not fools, and none of them do not understand the current situation.

If you have such a good opportunity now, you are still stingy with the magic stone, and hide your hole cards. If you can't deal with the black mane giant boar later, it will be too late to use your hole cards!

Fireball, Ice Spike, Acid, Shuttle Dart, Wind Blade

Countless magical attacks of various shapes continued to shoot at the black mane giant pig that was temporarily fixed in place like a wave, and exploded on it.

The shock wave rolled up the dust on the ground, and the smoke and dust billowed for a while. The figure of the black-maned giant pig could not be clearly seen.

After a while, the magic crystals are used up, and the attack slows down.

The smoke and dust in the distance gradually faded, and a pair of eyes like blood red flames quietly emerged in the smoke and dust.


A violent cry suddenly sounded, blowing away the remaining smoke!

The figure of the black-bristled giant pig became clearly visible, and at this time, its body was covered with strange lines.

In the next second, it was panting heavily and bent its legs slightly.

"It's over..."

All the apprentices turned pale.

Colin's pupils also shrank slightly, as if an invisible big hand was holding his heart!

He didn't have time to think, and jumped to the right.

But the speed of the black-bristled wild boar is so fast that one second it was still in the smoke, and the next second it was already rushing forward!

Even the speed of his great knight could not be completely avoided.


's field of vision suddenly flashed, and when he reacted, he was already flying in the air, and the next second he fell heavily into the slaughterhouse-like cave in the back.

There were three other people who had the same experience as him, all of whom were members of the Red Book Gang.

This should be because he was standing right next to the Chiwen Gang on the far left of his team.

The three of the Chiwen Gang looked much worse than Colin, and basically lost their ability to move.

The tonnage of the black-bristled giant pig is no lighter than that of the heavy-duty card in the previous life, and the speed of the red pattern blessing at that moment is even faster than the heavy-duty card.

The defensive magic of an ordinary intermediate wizard apprentice cannot resist such a shock at all.

Those apprentices of the Chiwen Gang only had half a breath left.

But Colin was only slightly injured by virtue of Hope's defensive force field, steel armor and the blood armor of the great knight.


He fell to the ground and quickly turned over.

Looking at the black mane boar again, after it made this collision, its action was obviously slow, and it seemed to consume a lot of money.

There is no time to hesitate, this is a good time to fight back!

"It's dying, attack!" Colin shouted at Katherine and the others while taking out the shuttle dart.

On the other hand, Catherine and the others just recovered from the shock.

The impact of the black mane giant pig just now was far more powerful than they could handle, and it was no less than a full-strength blow from a senior wizard apprentice.

They were very fortunate that the direction of the collision was not on their side.

At this time, Orlando heard Colin's cry, and subconsciously wanted to step forward to help.

Willard and the rest of the emaciated wizards from the Chiwen Gang followed.


But just as they took a step, they heard a rumbling sound, and the cave passage behind them began to collapse.

Orlando and the others changed their expressions instantly, and hurriedly turned back and rushed behind them.

Colin also reacted at this moment, and he was shocked when he looked at the tunnel that collapsed for some reason.

hurried to the passage.

Unfortunately, he was too far away from the passage.


Before he could reach the passage, the huge rock fell to the ground, making a deafening sound.

Colin could only slowly stop in front of the gravel with a gloomy expression.

at this time.


The roar of the black mane giant pig came from behind again!

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(end of this chapter)