Weird Wizarding World - Chapter 385

Chapter 385

Chapter 385 Autobiography

"Are you sure that this book in my hand is indeed the original of the giant mountain breathing method? Is it the breathing method that your ancestors obtained back then?"

Rubbing the giant mountain breathing method in his hand, Colin asked again.

"My lord, the time is too long, I'm not sure..."

Commance's face showed embarrassment, it was more than three hundred years ago, how could he be sure.

Colin lowered his head and turned over the breathing method in his hand again.

Whether the ancestors of the Wood family made up a story or it was true, it is indeed difficult to tell today three hundred years later.

He couldn't help feeling a little frustrated, but he still didn't give up completely in his heart, so he said to Commons:

"Tell me about the demon tide three hundred years ago."

"Okay, my lord." Commons nodded, paused to organize his words and said:

"About three hundred and twenty-six years ago, without any reason, the overwhelming underground monsters suddenly flocked to Into City like a black wave, and rushed to the Kingdom of Loenthis is what we usually call catacombs. tide."

"On that day, the defenseless Into City only resisted for two minutes before the city gate was breached."

"Fortunately, after fifteen minutes, the wizards of the Kingdom came to support. Not long after that, the wizards of Neustadt City also came to support. Together, it only took more than an hour for them to complete the task. All future crypt monsters will be wiped out."

Speaking of this, Commons paused and sighed: "Unfortunately, in just fifteen minutes, Into City was declared destroyed, and the cave monsters occupied the entire city, and less than 20% of the people survived. .

The kingdom wizards who came first could only stop most of them, and some remaining crypt monsters continued to move forward, destroying most of the neighboring cities of Balk and Buco. "

"That is to say, the current Into City was rebuilt?"

"Yes, my lord."

Colin nodded slightly, slightly shocked.

Although more than three hundred years have passed, just listening to Commons' description is enough to imagine the tragic scene at that time.

"But that day was only the first wave of the catastrophe." However, Commons went on to say.

"In the next three years, catastrophic tides appeared frequently. According to historical records, including the first time, there were nearly 300 times in total. The scale was large or small, and some even surpassed the first attack. scale.

In the past three years, countless people died, even wizards were not spared, and three wizards of the royal family of Loen died! "

"Ancestor Alec was only a high-ranking knight at the time, and was forcibly recruited by the royal family, and had to defend the frontline against the catacomb monsters.

But it is precisely because of this that during these three years, the ancestors were not only lucky enough to obtain the giant mountain breathing method, but also successfully advanced to become a great knight! "

"Afterwards, the tide of evil gradually ended, and the city of Into was rebuilt. With the strength and outstanding military exploits of the great knights, our ancestors won many battles and created our Wood family."

Having said this, Commons turned around and went to the bookshelf behind to take down a new book and handed it to Colin.

"This is the autobiography written by my ancestors back then. It may be helpful to you."

The words "Biography of Alec Wood" are written in large letters on the golden book, and there is a line of small words underneath - "From the day the magic tide happened, I realized that I am unique and extraordinary."

Colin raised his eyebrows and reached out to take the biography.

The biography is not short, full of the thickness of a palm, and Commons suggested a more comfortable place for him to sit and read.

But Colin refused.

For him today, even if such a book is so thick, it only takes ten minutes to read it intensively.

The sound insulation of the Wood family's back room is excellent.

When Colin started to read, the only sound left in the secret room was the rustling of his fingers turning the pages, and the breathing of the people around him.

O'Neill stood aside silently, staring at the spear behind Alcott out of the corner of his eye, feeling depressed.

Colin's indifference made him heave a sigh of relief, but for some reason, it also made him feel a little more uncomfortable, as if some heavy stones were being pressed down again.

"Martina..." O'Neill murmured in his heart, complex emotions poured out from the cracks in his hard heart, full of bitterness.

He would not have lost the spear.

In fact, after getting the spear, O'Neill carried it with him almost day and night, even when he was sleeping, he held it tightly in his arms.

He would never bet on such a precious spear!

"Your ancestors lived to be 142 years old?"

At this moment, Colin suddenly spoke, his tone full of doubts.

"Yes, my lord." Commons nodded.

Colin frowned involuntarily, "You should know the disadvantages of the giant mountain breathing method?"

"I know, my lord." Commons nodded, "Although the great knights in the family are unparalleled in combat power, most of them died at the age of a hundred due to the flaws in the giant mountain breathing method.

Ancestor Alec is indeed the longest living grand knight recorded in family history. "

Common paused, "But it is generally believed in the family that this is because Alec's ancestor switched to the giant mountain breathing method halfway through."

"Any other examples?"

Commance was slightly taken aback, "There are indeed some people in the family who have tried to change their cultivation, but no one has succeeded until now, so the ancestor of Alec is the only example."

Commance didn't feel anything unusual.

Although the requirements for switching to the knight breathing method are not as harsh as switching to the wizard meditation method, the difficulty is also extremely high.

It is normal for him not to be able to break through the Great Knight after transferring to another training.

But Colin didn't think it would be so simple, he flipped through the autobiography in his hand again.

Before he got the giant mountain breathing method, Alec's life experience was very ordinary. Although he tried his best to describe it as extraordinary in his autobiography, he still couldn't conceal the ordinary inside.

But after getting the giant mountain breathing method, the knight's life took off like a hang-up.

Three years of purgatory-like battle against monsters in the crypt, the casualties of ordinary knights were extremely high, it can be said that none of them survived.

Alec not only survived successfully, but also made meritorious deeds repeatedly, and was even lucky enough to save a noble knight.

And this knight from the royal family also brought rich rewards to Alec afterwards.

And then, after the three years of evil tide, Alec is like a duck to water in the life of the aristocrats, and his favorite thing to do is fighting.

Moreover, it is almost invincible.

Of course, the most abnormal thing is Alec's lifespan.

An ordinary great knight can live for more than 150 years without any problem.

But if you practice the giant mountain breathing method, this is not the case. As Commons said, it is normal to live to about a hundred years old.

This is mainly due to the endless enlargement brought about by the giant mountain breathing method.

No matter how much delay there is, most of the great knights who practice the giant mountain breathing method will suddenly collapse and die on a certain day when they are around a hundred years old.

Moreover, even if you switch to Giant Mountain Breathing Method halfway like Alec, it will not change the final result in any way!

Colin closed Alec's autobiography, confident in his heart

'Alec Wood, there are definitely some secrets hidden! '

'Or, everyone in the Wood family in front of them is hiding something from themselves...'

He calmly swept across the people of the Wood family in front of him, and said softly:

"I need a guide to take me to the battlefield that year, can you arrange one for me?"

Update one chapter first, and adjust the update time tomorrow, it should be earlier.

In the new year, keep moving forward and upward!

Let's start with the update!

(end of this chapter)