Weird Wizarding World - Chapter 358

Chapter 358

Chapter 358 Witchcraft Miracle

The next morning, the sun was shining brightly.

At about nine o'clock in the morning, Colin came to Darren Commission.

He wore a simple white mask on his face, only his eyes and nose were exposed, and invisible power enveloped his whole body, making it impossible for others to see his true appearance and aura.

The female wizard of the entrustment office led him towards the outside of the stronghold, and got into a black carriage.

The location of this meeting is not at this stronghold, but elsewhere.

This is not for keeping secrets. After all, although he is sitting in a carriage, Colin can still clearly perceive the direction and distance of the carriage.

Just meet in another place.

About ten minutes later, the carriage stopped slowly, and Colin stepped down. He saw an ordinary house... maybe it was rented temporarily?

The female wizard from Darren's commission did not go in together. Under the leadership of the maid, Colin walked through the front yard and finally saw the client of this exclusive mission in the living room.

"Your Excellency the Wooden Demon." The client greeted him. He didn't wear a mask. He looked like a middle-aged man, except that his eyebrows and hair were white.

This kind of white is somewhat similar to Shelley, but it is far less smooth and shiny than Shelley's hair, and much duller.

"You can just call me Isidor." The white-browed wizard continued, and then went straight to the topic without greetings:

"Your Excellency is invited this time to say that it is custom-made witchcraft, but the specific situation is a little different."

As he spoke, he took out a confidentiality contract from his body.

"Specifically, please sign this contract, and I will explain it to you in detail."

Colin behind the mask couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Don't worry, your Excellency, the content of the contract is only to keep you secret from the next conversation, nothing else."

Isidor explained, seeing that Colin was still hesitant, he continued:

"You don't need to think too much, it's not a dangerous thing, it's just because it involves my personal privacy."

Colin frowned slightly, took over the contract from Isidor and examined it carefully.

If it is for personal privacy and confidentiality, it is understandable. Some people are indeed more particular about this aspect.

Of course, if it was just an ordinary entrustment with a reward of one hundred thousand magic stones, Colin would have got up and left long ago, but after all, this time it was half a million magic stones, so he was willing to pay more patience.

After carefully checking that there were no problems with the contract, Colin nodded slightly and signed the contract.

"Now you can tell me what the content of this mission is."

Isidore nodded, but didn't say anything directly, but asked, "I don't know if Your Excellency Wood Demon has researched ice elements?"

"Knows a thing or two," Colin replied.

"Your Excellency is humble." Isidore smiled, "The elemental life-enhancing witchcraft handed in by Your Excellency the Wood Demon last time, the ingenuity in it made me amazed!"

Colin smiled, thought for a while and said, "According to Darren's commission, this commission should still be related to elemental life, and you mentioned ice element...?"

"It is indeed related to the ice element, but the specific situation is a bit complicated." Isidor smiled, and then slowly stood up: "Please follow me, Your Excellency will know when you see it."

The two walked along the corridor to the depths of the house together.

Not long after, Isidor came to a black iron door, and Isidor pushed open the door in front of him.

A passage leading underground is exposed.

Isidor took the lead and walked underground, and the bright crystals on the wall lit up one after another, illuminating the gray and white stone stairs going down.

The light is not strong, and the basement is still a little dark.

Colin looked at the figure of Isidor in front of him, cheered up, and kept guessing.

"Related to the element of ice..."

However, before Colin could come up with any tricks, he had already walked down the stairs, his footsteps paused slightly, and there was some surprise in his blue eyes.

In the center of the wide basement illuminated by bright crystals, a huge blue round icicle about four meters high stands alone, the top almost touching the ceiling, white cold air rushing towards the face, and a layer of light white icicles adhered to the gray-white floor. Frost.

Isidor turned around slowly, and as he waved away the white cold air, the astonishment in Colin's eyes turned into inconceivable in an instant.

It turned out to be a young human figure in the huge icicle!

The face of a little girl about three or four years old, eyes slightly closed, seems to be in a sound sleep, small body, translucent like skin with a layer of hoarfrost, except for the face, the rest is just a rough human shape, without details.

At this time, she was obviously in the middle of the solid icicle, but she seemed to be in the water, her small body swayed slightly, and she seemed to be able to move freely through the ice.

"Is this... some kind of special ice element?" Corinth paused and asked, his eyes still on the icicle in front of him.

"Yes, but not." Isidore walked to the side of the icicle, rubbed it lightly for a moment, and said in a low voice, "I prefer to call her a miracle, a miracle brought to me by witchcraft."

Colin was a little puzzled, he looked at Isidor, and what he said next made his jaw drop in shock.

"She is alive, a truly independent being."

Isidor stared at the icicle, and the eyelids of the 'miracle' inside moved slightly, as if to wake up.

Isidor quickly removed his palm and waved gently.


Suddenly, the shaman formation shimmered in the corners around the basement, and a burst of cold air poured into the icicles in front of it, making the miracles within it silent again.

Isidor breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head to look at Colin and said:

"I know what you want to ask, indeed, as early as thousands of years ago, wizards lost the ability to summon real life, and now the witchcraft of summoning elements should actually be called puppetry.

We are creating elements, not calling them from somewhere. "

"But 'Miracle' is indeed a truly independent life. She was born in an ordinary experiment of summoning ice elements. I was learning the witchcraft of summoning ice elements. Witchcraft is just the most common Riker summoning ice elements... Cough, anyway, it was an accident, and I couldn't reproduce it no matter how hard I reproduced it...

But no matter what, I am 100% sure that the 'miracle' is an independent life! She showed amazing learning ability and self-awareness when I created it, yes, she has self-awareness! Real self-awareness, not the core of pre-set elements! "

Isidor's tone was a little fanatical, and his white hair kept fluttering with the shaking of his head.

"You mean, she has a soul?" Colin was stunned and asked in doubt.

This is astonishing, the creation of life has always been more of a gimmick than a hypothetical.

Wizards have long discovered that although they can create life that can move freely and even have thinking, they cannot really create souls.

If you want to create a life with true self-awareness, then the raw materials must include souls, just like those silent shadows. Strictly speaking, they are independent lives with souls.

"I don't know." Isidor restrained his expression when he heard his question, shook his head after a while and said honestly: "I can't observe her soul, it's like a cloud of fog, and I can't be sure if it exists or not. .

"So, it's just your speculation that she has a soul?" Colin was slightly relieved.

Compared with creating a real life, it is more acceptable to accidentally create a special ice element.

Isidore looked at Colin, opened his mouth, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, but he still didn't refute in the end.

Colin wasn't the first wizard he called, nor was he the first wizard to question whether Miracle had a soul... He didn't want to spend more energy to refute it.

Isidor looked at the icicles beside him, no matter what, he always believed that the miracle must be a real life and must have a soul!

There was a moment of silence in the basement.

"As you can see, Your Excellency the Wooden Demon." Isidor continued,

"Although Miracle is an independent life, it cannot maintain its own existence. I have been looking for a way before, but I still can't stop her from disappearing. I can only slow down her disappearance through the witch array and some rare frost treasures. speed."

"But it's just a stopgap measure after all." Isidore turned his head, "In fact, if the elemental life-enhancing witchcraft delivered by you hadn't been performed for the miracle, she might have dissipated."

"It is also because the elemental life-enhancing witchcraft is so effective that I came up with the idea of whether witchcraft can be used to completely solve the disappearance of miracles."

"So, Your Excellency the Wood Demon, the request of the entrustment is to solve the problem of the disappearance of miracles... no matter what method is used."

A little less, I'm sorry, I'm taking half a vacation, and the update will be early tomorrow!

(end of this chapter)