Weird Wizarding World - Chapter 334

Chapter 334

Chapter 334 Don't want to be strangled by the throat

The full name of the complete set of witchcraft is called Temple Ring Binding, and the quality is the second-level low-level.

In contrast, the black mist net series witchcraft obtained from Axi earlier is also a lower-level second-order.

It's just that the net of black mist pays more attention to complementing each other and interlocking, which includes the part of body modification, the part of mind control, and the part of self-strengthening.

The three parts are interrelated and indispensable.

Tempel Ring Binding is different, it is simpler, the three witchcrafts are not strongly connected, but represent three different directions

Bound to flesh and blood, bound to spiritual body, and bound to elements.

This basically covers most possible target types.

Colin couldn't hide his surprise in his heart. If he had practiced all three witchcrafts to the point of proficiency, then he could basically declare that he no longer lacks control witchcrafts.

Among the witchcraft he currently masters, it happens that this kind of control-type witchcraft is lacking.

Didn't rush to check the details of Temple's circular restraint, Colin put it aside, and continued to check the rest of the highlightthe crystal that recorded the meditation thoughts.

As seen before, this is a complete meditation method that can reach the third level, and its full name is Hogia Meditation Method.

There is no history and brief introduction of the meditation method in the crystal, and Colin has no way of knowing its background.

But just looking at its content, you can also know that this is not a bad meditation method.

At least look at the content of the apprenticeship period, which is better than the circle meditation method of the Lapp school.

Even compared with the Xisheng Ming thought of the Xisheng School, it is not too far behind.

But if it is compared with the holy ring meditation method that I have mastered many times, the gap between the two is still not small.

The difference between different meditation methods, in addition to the speed of practice, is also reflected in the spirit and magic power cultivated.

Different meditation methods cultivate spiritual power and magic power with different attribute biases.

Some are as sharp as knives, suitable for fine manipulation of witchcraft, and some are as long as water, more durable in magic and spirit.

The circle meditation practiced at the beginning is relatively moderate, not outstanding in all aspects, and has no special bias.

But Xi Shengming has a different idea. In addition to ensuring the basic strength of all aspects, it can also allow practitioners to have more magic power than other wizards.

This can also be regarded as one of the guarantees that Colin was able to use witchcraft beyond the first step.

During the apprenticeship period, this bias is not obvious.

But as the level of meditation practice gets deeper and deeper, and the level of wizards gets higher and higher, this bias will gradually become prominent.

At the second level, the total amount of magic power of a wizard practicing Xi Shengming can usually reach a full half of that of a wizard of the same level, that is, 15%!

The Holy Ring Meditation idea also inherited this point, and at the same time, it has been improved because of the fusion and breaking the limit, reaching 180%, close to 20%!

The improvement of 45% may not seem like much, but meditation is a product of balance, and Xi Shengming is already the first echelon of meditation.

If it weren't for the fact that the golden paper breaking the limit was tailor-made for Colin, maybe it wouldn't be able to make such a further improvement.

In addition, the magic power is 189% more than that of ordinary wizards. It doesn't feel like much. In actual combat, it may often bring an overwhelming advantage!

After all, if an ordinary second-level wizard can release five kill spells, then the practice of holy ring meditation can release one more kill spell!

In a stalemate battle, this is undoubtedly a must kill!

However, Huoqiya's meditation idea is completely opposite to Xi Shengming's idea.

It is a partial meditation method, even in terms of improving the total amount of magic power, it is not as good as the circular meditation method.

In terms of spiritual explosion, although it is barely better than the circle meditation method, it is still not as good as the Xisheng meditation method.

This also means that it is mostly just a luxury for wizards who practice this method of meditation to cast spells across levels.

Neither magical nor spiritual will they allow.

Correspondingly, Hokia's meditation method can be said to be far behind the circle meditation method and Xi Shengming method in terms of the fine control of spiritual power and magic power.

Even the Holy Ring Meditation idea, which has experienced fusion and breaking the limit several times now, is not far behind.

But rubbing the crystal in his hand, Colin hesitated.

If you can use the gold paper to break the limits of Hogia's meditation, and then integrate it with the Holy Ring meditation, I'm afraid it will make it a step forward!

Now I have the idea of Xi Shengming in the second stage, and the day of advanced is just around the corner.

If you choose to spend time now to break the limit and integrate Hochia's meditation method, the day of advancement may have to be delayed by at least two months.

But if you wait until the advanced stage and then break the limit fusion... then you will not be able to enjoy the substantial improvement in the fine control of spirit and magic power that Hogia Meditation will bring when you break through the second stage.

Most of the bias changes brought about by meditation are left behind during the advanced stage.

Meditation and practice on weekdays will cause changes over time, but compared with the changes during advanced stages, it can only account for 30 to 40% at most.

That is to say, if you can break through the limit and integrate Hogia's meditation method before advancing.

Then advance.

Then the improvement of the fine control of the magic power and spirit brought about will be at least 60% more than when you wait until the second level and then integrate and practice the Hochia Meditation method.

The gap is not a small number.

Colin pondered for a long time in the bedroom, until Renee knocked on the door in doubt, and finally made up his mind.

This Hokia meditation method must be learned!

It is not for the pursuit of Hochia's meditation method to improve the fine control of spirit and magic power.

It is to give myself more choices in the future.

Hochia Meditation is a complete meditation method with three stages of content.

The third-order content of Xi Shengming's thoughts

He now knows next to nothing about it.

Can Lian be redeemed through contribution points? Or how many contribution points are needed to redeem it is unclear.

Colin does not have this authority. The highest he can see is the second-order part of Xi Shengming's idea that requires 100,000 contribution points.

I also asked in the Zhenzhi Association before, but the third-order stage of Xi Shengming's thoughts are not included in the Zhenzhi library.

If he wants to obtain the idea of Xi Shengming at the third-order stage, I am afraid that he can only go through the school.

There is only one way to go, and there is really no sense of security.

So, Huoqiya meditation method, he must learn it no matter what.

After all, the meditation method after fusion is compatible with the original meditation method of cultivation.

This is what he knew when he broke the limit and merged with the holy ring meditation.

Theoretically speaking, if he has the content of the second-level stage of the circle meditation, he can also use its advanced second-level wizard who is practicing the holy ring meditation.

If it is too harsh to obtain Xi Shengming at that time, then he can also choose to use the Huoqiya meditation method to break the limit to the third level.

Don't worry about being choked by the school, the pure-blood family... completely choked by the throat.

Put the two crystals carefully into the storage ring, and Colin stepped out of the bedroom.

The weather outside is clear, and it seems that the blizzard that lasted for a week has cleared all the clouds in the sky.

He came to the True Knowledge Association ahead of time, and at nine o'clock in the morning, he stopped practicing, opened the door of the laboratory and walked out, and came to the corridor.


The laboratory not far away suddenly made a soft sound, and a snow-haired figure slowly walked out from behind the door.

Shelley walked out of the laboratory on time as agreed with him.

Colin smiled slightly and walked over. He likes a punctual person like Shelley.

(end of this chapter)