Weird Wizarding World - Chapter 328

Chapter 328

Chapter 328 Curiosity

The cold wind howled.

After night fell, it began to snow again in Neustadt.

Before the snow became turbulent, Colin stepped through the gate and walked into his courtyard.

In the darkness, only the windows of the western-style buildings glowed with warm yellow light, like two lanterns, illuminating the flying goose feathers and snow.

Colin exhaled lightly, feeling a little more relaxed.

While walking towards the house, he meditated silently.

Mr. Atbold's words actually make some sense.

When personal ability cannot compete with the entire wizarding system, it is a better choice to adapt.

Maybe consider choosing a faction to join?

Came to the bathroom and soaked his body in the hot water Renee had just brought, Colin shook his head in his heart again.

For him, the question is not whether to join a faction or not.

It's whether the faction value is worth joining.

What are the benefits of joining? What are the disadvantages?

... If you want to weigh whether it is worth it, you may have to wait for the faction to come to recruit you and tell you the specific conditions before you can confirm.

It is useless to think too much now.

Putting this matter aside temporarily, Colin closed his eyes, and then thought of another question

That is the matter of advancing to the second level.

Has experience in the kingdom of elves, as well as the performance of some previous geniuses.

He advanced from a first-level junior wizard to a first-level senior wizard in just a few months. Although it is eye-catching, it is not abnormal.

But if it advances to the second level again in the near future... it will be a bit shocking.

There are not no second-order wizards who are twenty years old, and there are even younger ones.

But these geniuses are not only rare in a hundred years, but almost all come from large pure-blood families, or have the help of powerful senior wizard elders, and their growth trajectory is clearly visible.

There is only one exceptionthe lucky wizard who has a great adventure.

Because it is difficult to increase the level of wizards with external force, such cases are very rare, but this just reflects its preciousness.

The adventure is touching...

Moreover, one step beyond ordinary people is a genius, and the benefits it brings far outweigh the disadvantages.

But if you take one step forward, the disadvantages and dangers that follow will increase exponentially...

Slowly opened his eyes, amidst the steaming water vapor, Colin slowly stood up, revealing his chiseled body.

After becoming a first-level knight, his figure is perfect, every inch is like a sculpture.

The root of Qingjin Dou Qi is the sublimation of blood, without interference from other bloodlines, his body is not so much a transformation, but more like a sublimation of a human body.

Even those wizards who use the elven blood closest to human aesthetics to transform themselves are slightly inferior.

Clenched his fists, surging power emerged as always, which brought Colin a strong sense of peace of mind.

Waving his hands to dry himself with mental strength, Colin put on a soft gray bathrobe and made up his mind.

Advancement is inevitable, and you should not give up eating because of choking.

But he can't ignore the risks, he needs to find some cover.

Perhaps... it would be a good choice to find some witchcraft that can disguise one's level?

With the gold paper in hand, witchcraft was obviously his first choice.

The Golden Feather nameplate just happened to give him the power to choose witchcraft that matches his own strength twice a year.

'It seems that I have to go to the school tomorrow. ' Colin mused to himself.

Originally, I wanted to save the two second-order witchcrafts after breaking through to the second-order, but now it seems that it may be a better choice to use them in advance.


The cold wind outside is still howling, the winter night seems to be deeper than other seasons, many people have already lay down early.

However, for Colin, tonight was another sleepless night.

Stepping into the meditation room, he sat cross-legged on the warm cushion and slowly closed his eyes.

It wasn't meditation, Colin concentrated his mental power between his eyebrows.

In an instant, the content of Xi Shengming's thoughts at the second-order stage gushed out like a tide.

Before he went to visit Mentor Atbold, he had already glanced at the door roughly.

Now combined with the tutor's answer in the afternoon, I can basically read it fluently, and I have a clearer concept in my mind about the second level of wizards.

If it is said that becoming a first-order wizard is to germinate through the talent seeds, open up the spiritual sea, and obtain a real talent.

Then the second level is to further expand the spiritual sea on this basis and obtain the second real talent.

At the same time, the spirit will usher in a strengthening.

This kind of strengthening can make the originally loose spirit converge and solidify, making the shape of the soul clearly visible.

If they are ordinary people who have not practiced, their souls are more like thin mist, without a fixed shape, and relying on the body to survive stably.

"The essence of a wizard's advancement is the continuous growth and sublimation of the spirit..." Colin suddenly thought.

This is what the teacher of the Lapp school said in class when he first traveled here.

As long as wizards who have received orthodox basic education know this sentence.

Colin chewed carefully. This is a widely spread discourse, and it is also a discourse that directly points to the essence.

The so-called spirit is actually the soul, and spiritual power is the power of the soul.

Now think back.

In fact, the essence of true talent should be the strange changes that naturally occur when the soul is strengthened to a certain extent.

Wizards use talent seeds to make this change more controllable and powerful. At the same time, they can in turn open up the spiritual sea to further strengthen the soul.

Thinking of this, Colin suddenly became interested in the idea of meditation

How did those wizards in the past think of using talent seeds to open up the spiritual sea and further strengthen the soul?

If I don't have a talent seed and keep strengthening meditation, can I still advance to a first-level wizard?

In the past, in the Lapp School, although he received the orthodox school wizard education, it was obviously much worse than that in the city of Neustadt.

The history of wizards, the origin of meditation, etc., are all unfamiliar to him.

However... the most urgent task now is to prepare for the second step, and these curiosities can be left to be satisfied later.

Colin restrained his thoughts and continued to be familiar with the second-order Xi Shengming's thoughts, preparing for the subsequent breakthrough.

In his opinion, breaking through the second level is actually easier than breaking through the first level wizard.

The first level is the official beginning of the wizard's path of practice. The whole breakthrough process is like planting a seed in the ground, and then successfully making it break through the ground and grow into a sapling.

The second stage is to let the young saplings flourish.

In contrast, the former is obviously more difficult.

However, this does not mean that breaking through to the second level is an easy task.

Generally speaking, the probability of a first-tier wizard with ordinary talent successfully breaking through to a second-tier wizard is only 30% to 40%.

Difficulty mainly lies in expanding the spiritual sea.

The so-called spiritual sea is actually an extraordinary illusory structure located deep in the soul.

Here in his thoughts, Colin touched his lower abdomen inexplicably.

There is also an extraordinary organ that carries the Qingjin Dou Qi.

"The unknown is frightening...but it is also curious and even fascinating." He rubbed his lower abdomen and whispered to himself under the light of the bright crystal.

Putting down his palms, familiarizing himself with the second-order stage of Xi Shengming's thoughts again, Colin got up and practiced witchcraft.

Mainly the steel temperature-resistant force field and the dark red mark spell, which are small and quiet witchcraft.

Speaking of the Black Mist Web witchcraft that Atbold gave him two days ago, he still hasn't had time to check it...let alone learn it.

Time... is still the most scarce and precious thing right now.

Come to the chapter, please take half a day off. Recently, I am sorting out the settings, figuring out the outline, and the explosive update is brewing.

(end of this chapter)