Weird Wizarding World - Chapter 274

Chapter 274

Chapter 274 Tail (4k)

The orange morning sun is gradually emerging from the sea.

The night has passed completely, and a new day has come.

Colin's attention gradually shifted from himself to the sea in the direction of Pahama Island.

'I don't know what happened to Anna and the others. '

As the sun gradually rose, a faint worry appeared in Colin's heart.

Pahama Island believes in the goddess of night and blood.

Every day at the darkest hour before dawn, all the believers on the island will go to the church to start the first prayer of the day.

And the plan of the two of Anna was to go directly to Lien's residence after praying to get the broken lightning pendant.

According to this, now is almost the time to act.

"It turns out that the sky is bright..."

The boy Ante stood up suddenly.

He looked in the direction of Pahama Island with a worried look on his face.

Colin didn't answer, just paused, and continued to practice Yiguang breathing.

"Leen's residence is on Baiwu Street, and there is a maid,

But I also know Sister Anna and the others, as long as you are careful, it should be very smooth..." The young Ante said to himself.


His right hand slowly swept through the air and his left foot stepped out. Colin meticulously practiced Yiguang breathing.

The heat flow in the body was gradually transformed and absorbed, the magic sea in the chest slowly but continuously increased in quality, and the blood energy was filled again, reaching the limit.

However, the blood energy cannot grow any more and cannot break the limit.

'Perhaps, we have to wait until the Yiguang Breathing Technique breaks the limit again? '

Colin guessed secretly and ignored Ante's words.

In fact, ever since he knew what the basis for strengthening his body was, a conjecture appeared in his heart

Knight's Breathing Method... Maybe after breaking the limit a few times, or breaking the limit again, it can also be used as a way to strengthen the foundation of his body!

The end of the knight's road...maybe not only the great knight!

On the other side, Ante saw that Colin didn't stop him, so he continued talking.

"As Sister Anna said, she just needs to pretend that Lean called her over, and I'm afraid she will be able to enter Lean's room smoothly.

And after entering, as long as the maid is solved, there will be no obstacles. "

He looked up at the sky.

"After the pre-dawn prayer, the next prayer is at twelve noon, when the sun is at its fullest...

And ordinary believers like maids, who have not meditated for at least three days, will be warned. "

Colin suddenly frowned and asked in a deep voice:

"Will all believers have a warning if they don't meditate?"

Ante was slightly startled, and quickly added:

"Only believers who are fixed on the island and cannot leave the island will do this!

Monks like Lean, and us fishermen, are generally not governed by anyone...

After all, above the sea, if we don't meditate on time, the idols will not continue to protect us. "

"So, Lord Leonard, you don't have to worry about us being exposed because we didn't meditate... well, don't worry about being exposed because of Lean's death.

Because only believers who have reached the level of priests will be noticed by the goddess. "

Colin nodded slightly, turned his head and glanced in the direction of Pahama Island, and said lightly:

"We'll wait until 11:30 noon at most... If the two of Anna haven't come by then, don't wait any longer. I'll take you forward and try to pass directly through the defense line of the gods and return to the wizarding realm."

"...Your Excellency Leonard!"

The young Ante was startled for a moment, then subconsciously shouted.

"I can't take such a risk, and neither can you, Ant."

Colin glanced at him and said lightly.

Ante's lips moved as if he wanted to say something, but he finally returned to silence.

'You are the only hope for the Barcelona family. '

He looked at the blue and empty sea, and suddenly regretted that he said the teleportation formation, which caused Sister Anna and Old Jack to take risks.

Otherwise, Sister Anna and Old Jack are just ordinary people, not wizards. Although it is impossible to say how free and good life is in a place ruled by gods.

But if nothing else, at least they are still alive...

Ante's mood couldn't help becoming low, and the heavy pressure almost made him firmly link his choice with the possible death of the two of Anna.

'I the murderer who caused Sister Anna and Old Jack to die? '

His complexion became paler and paler, and his body began to tremble slightly.

"Peace your mind!"

At this moment, Colin, who was beside him, noticed Ante's abnormality and shouted in a deep voice.

"Leonard... Your Excellency..."

As if he was suddenly awakened, Ante shuddered and reacted. He breathed slightly and muttered to himself.

"Did I just... I almost became alienated and depraved?"

"You haven't meditated for a long time. After meditating last night, your spirit was particularly sensitive, so you should pay more attention."

Now that he is a first-order wizard, Colin can see the specific situation of Ante at a glance, and he reminds him.

In the vast sea, especially in the sea area controlled by gods, there will be significantly more filthy ravings in the air than in other places, and you need to pay special attention to the risk of alienation and degeneration.

"Yeah." Ante nodded with lingering fears.

In the next second, he seemed to see something out of the corner of his eye. He turned to look at the sea in the distance, and suddenly exclaimed in surprise:

"Your Excellency Leonard, Sister Anna and the others are back!"

Colin's movements suddenly stopped, and he hurriedly turned his head to follow Ante's gaze.

In the distance of his field of vision, a familiar sloop indeed appeared. With his strong eyesight, he could clearly see the two familiar figures on the sailboat

It is Anna and Old Jack!

"Come with me."

Colin's heart was slightly relieved, he turned to look at Ante and ordered.

With the Flying and Diving Technique, he and Ante jumped down from the edge of the reef, dived into the sea, and began to approach the sloop that Anna and the two were riding on.

He didn't tell Anna and the two that he would be waiting for them there, but just gave a general orientation, so he needed to go over and take the initiative to receive them.

Of course, before responding, he also needs to check whether there is a little tail behind the two of Anna.

Under the cooperation of the invisible shadow and the flying and diving technique, he is like a mysterious swimming fish, only a faint outline can be seen.

Under the use of this period of time, the apprentice-level witchcraft of Invisible Shadow has been pushed to the limit by him again.

The effect of has also been somewhat enhanced.

Meanwhile, on the sloop.

As they moved away from Pahama Island, the sad expressions on Anna and Old Jack's faces gradually disappeared, replaced by uncontrollable surprises.

The process of getting the Lightning Pendant was easier than they thought.

That Lien's maid was just a weak and ordinary woman. In front of Old Jack, the great knight, it was as simple as sweeping away the dust to deal with her.

The whole process took less than a second, hardly causing any additional movement, and Old Jack simply and neatly put her into eternal sleep.

Later, when Old Jack was dealing with the body, Anna also easily found the lightning pendant that her father had been wearing on his body in the desk drawer in Lien's bedroom...

In short, everything went very smoothly, without the slightest accident!

"I don't know where the sorcerer will be waiting for us..." Old Jack suddenly whispered.

Ana raised her eyes and looked around, and said in a low voice:

"Perhaps already around, just checking to see if there's a little tail that's following us... no face."

Old Jack nodded.

Although he didn't think there would be chasing soldiers behind him, Colin didn't know their specific situation on the island after all, so he naturally needed to make sure.

The two of them waited quietly, continuing to sail in the direction they had discussed earlier.

But time flies, more than two hours have passed in the blink of an eye.

The two of Anna had sailed to the place where the fishing boat sank yesterday, but they still did not wait for Colin to appear.

"Miss Anna, are we...?" Old Jack asked in a low voice, looking at Anna under the gray sail.

"Sail as planned." Anna replied after a moment of silence.

According to their previous agreement with Colin, if they sailed to the place where the fishing boat sank, and Colin had not come to respond, then they would divert to the island with the teleportation formation.

"Yes." Old Jack nodded, got up and adjusted the sails behind him.


The sea breeze blew, and the gray sails swayed, and the boat gradually shifted to the left and forward in some directions.

The boat continued to sail, but the atmosphere on the boat was obviously not as happy as before.

A haze enveloped Anna and Old Jack's heart.

"Sister Anna!"

But at this moment, on a piece of brown wooden board not far ahead, there was an unexpected sound.


Ana looked at the sound and muttered in shock.

On the wooden shard, it turned out to be his younger brother Ante!

They adjusted their sails and quickly sailed to Ante who was floating on the sea.

"Get on the boat." Old Jack pulled Ante onto the boat.

"Ante, why are you here? That one..." Anna asked subconsciously.

"Sister Anna, the fishing boat sank, and I was lucky to survive by grabbing a piece of deck debris."

But Ante, who was beside him, interrupted her suddenly and hugged her excitedly.

Then she whispered in Anna's ear like a mosquito:

"Wizard Leonard found something unusual, there may be a little tail behind you."

Anna's pupils shrank suddenly, then quickly changed to an excited look, slapped Ante's back and said loudly:

"It's good to live, it's good to live..."

Old Jack on the side saw this scene. Although he was puzzled, he also vaguely guessed a few points. He used the ability of the great knight to control his body, and tried to squeeze out a few tears, then raised his arm to wipe it away, and patted Ante. shoulders.

In this way, the three of them reunited excitedly for a moment, and then sat down together.

"Dad, where are we going now?" Anna stroked her hair and asked loudly, as if she was still excited, her voice was a little loud.

"Go ahead, I have a lot of divine coins on a certain island, which is the capital for our comeback!" Old Jack also said loudly.

This is the order of the wizard-sama revealed by Ant during their hug just now.

Although I don't know why this is the case, the wizard must have his own considerations. The most important thing to do at this moment is to obey the order, don't think too much.

So the three of them controlled the boat and continued to sail forward.

"Sister Anna, is everything going well on the island, why did you keep up with a little tail?"

In the continuous conversation, Ante suddenly interjected in a low voice.

His expression did not change in the slightest. From the outside, it seemed that he was talking to Anna normally.

"Everything went well, and we didn't meet anyone. Old Jack didn't make any noise when he dealt with the maid." Anna nodded with a smile, "and to be on the safe side, we didn't leave the maid alive, not even the corpse. Cleaned up."

"As for the lightning was placed in the most prominent drawer in Lien's bedroom, and it was even half-opened. It wasn't closed tightly, so it was easy to find it."

"It can be said that apart from the lightning pendant, there is nothing missing in Lien's house, and nothing else has been moved."

Ante was slightly startled, it went so smoothly.


In an instant, his hair stood on end, and he thought of a possibility

So easy to get the lightning pendant

Is it because someone deliberately made the process smooth and easy?

Someone is using this lightning pendant and want to fish?

Once he opened his mind, more ideas and information appeared in his mind.

Leen... The reason why this ordinary gangster became a monk was because he somehow climbed up with a priest named Humphrey.

Could it be that the man behind the fishing is Humphrey?

Although there was no reason for this speculation, Ante's intuition told him that this was probably the correct answer.

He suppressed the anxiety in his heart to convey this information to Colin, controlled his expression, and told the two of them the speculation first.

and the other side.

Under the sea not far away, Colin followed the boat quietly.

His peripheral vision occasionally swept across the air about a hundred meters behind the boat.

There, under the vision of supersense, a figure emitting a dim light was quietly following the three of Anna.

no doubt-

The shadowy figure must be a believer of gods. This figure obviously did not expect that there would be an official wizard peeping in the dark, and the camouflage on the body surface was very rough.

However, depending on the intensity of the dim light on his body, he should be at least a priest.

Looking back, Colin continued to sail, waiting for the opportunity.

This is a decision he made after comprehensive consideration.

If that priest came to Anna and the other two, the battle was inevitable.

What he needs to do most is to flee quickly after finishing the priest.

After all, in the sea area controlled by the gods, the death of a priest will definitely be noticed by the gods.

Therefore, it is necessary to get close to the deserted island where there may be a teleportation formation, and even to wait until the priest takes the initiative to show up to make sure that there are no more believers around... It is the most reasonable for him to do it.

As for the worst case - the priest behind that has informed other believers, and there are more believers hiding in the dark...

'Then I can only give up on Anna'

Colin pursed his lips.

(end of this chapter)