Weird Wizarding World - Chapter 268

Chapter 268

Chapter 268 Possible Shortcuts

In the captain's room, after Ante's words were finished, there was an inexplicable silence.

Ante glanced at Colin cautiously, only to feel that the mysterious wizard's complexion was as gloomy as the sea in the middle of the night.

...Such a sudden performance made them dare not make a sound, and only dared to quietly wait for Colin's instructions.

'The elvesthe tree elves'

At this moment, Colin felt that his back still seemed to be trembling, and there was an inexplicable sour feeling... The white forearm was unconsciously tense, and the palm hidden under the loose witch robe was already clenched into a fist.

'The tree elves have taken refuge in the gods

Although I don't know exactly what gods are, but in any case, as long as they are gods, they are the enemies of wizards! '

'And the enemy's lackeys, will turn back and fight side by side with the wizard? ! '

Thinking of this, Colin felt like a heavy boulder was pressed on his heart.

Although there are still many doubts that cannot be answered, one thing is certain

This sudden appearance of the elves is obviously not an ally, but a spy!

'No, not necessarily, maybe some spirits who haven't fallen to the gods. '

subconsciously comforted himself, but the anxiety in my heart was like crumpled paper... It was always difficult to comfort.

"I promise you."

Without giving himself any more time to think wildly, Colin took a deep breath and looked at the three people in front of him and said solemnly.

For the war between gods and wizards, he has never had much personal experience.

If he had to say it, what he was most impressed by now was the golden **** he met when he was still very weak on Blackrock Island.

There will be no eggs under the nest, this war is about the life and death of the wizard group!

And now that he is a wizard, the success or failure of the wizard is also his own success or failure...

'This news has to be spread out'

His heart became more and more anxious, but Colin's face became more and more calm, waiting for the reply of the three in front of him.

Anna breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Colin's answer, but her face suddenly became a little lost. She paused, turned her head to look at Ante, and was about to ask one or two.

Ante shook his head, "Sister Anna, I won't go alone."

He turned to look at Old Jack again, "Jack, you know, after I leave, Sister Anna will never be able to escape Lean's clutches..."

Colin sighed in his heart, then hardened his heart, ready to interrupt Ante's words.

Now there is not much time delay, and there must be no extracurricular branches.

He understands the importance of the information in his hands now - this is the key information that may influence the outcome of this war today!

Being reasonable, the most important thing to do now is to pass this news to the Supreme Council!

"Master Wizard!"

But just when he was about to speak, Ante suddenly turned his head and fell to his knees with a plop.

"Ante?!" Anna's expression changed slightly and she shouted in a low voice.

Old Jack glanced at Anna, the girl who he had grown up with since childhood. A hint of hesitation flashed on his face, standing silently in the same place without moving.

As for Ante, he naturally ignored Anna's cry.

He raised his head, stared at Colin with pursed lips, and then said:

"Sir, I beg you to take the three of us away together, escape this sea area, and return to the wizard's territory!"

Colin was silent. If he didn't know the news of the elves, he might have agreed softly.

But now... Mastering this kind of news by himself is like carrying an invisible mountain, so that he does not dare to take any unnecessary risks.

Ante bit his lower lip and continued speaking.

"My lord, although Sister Anna does not have the talent of a wizard, she is a peak knight, and Old Jack is also a great knight..."

"Sorry..." Colin shook his head slowly.

Ante's complexion suddenly turned pale, and his expression suddenly fell.

At this moment, he even wanted to threaten the wizard in front of him by not seriously using the sigh blood crystal.

Unfortunately... He knew that this was the worst of the worst.

The brain was spinning rapidly.

In the next second, Ante's heart flashed, and he seemed to think of something. He bit his head and continued to say,

"Master Wizard, I also know a method that allows you to reach Quint Island directly without going through the battlefield defense line!"

'No need to cross the battle lines Quint Island? '

Hearing this, Colin swallowed the refusal he was about to blurt out. He subconsciously looked for the location of Quint Island against the chart in his head.

The name Quint seems a bit rare.

After a while, he found an island called Quint only to the southeast of Gupier Island.

I'm not too excited... Under such circumstances, people are most likely to tell lies, or words that they are not sure about at all.

Colin's expression did not change, he paused, stared at the young Ante in a deliberately stern tone, and asked in a deep voice:

"Are you sure... what you said is true?"

Ante swallowed his saliva and his body trembled slightly, but he still nodded and stumbled: "I'm sure, my lord."

He paused and then said: "However, to be precise, it leads to a hidden island next to Quint Island."

'Isn't Quint Island, but a hidden island... It doesn't matter, as long as it can reach the sea area controlled by the wizard's side. '

It's just... Colin's two sword eyebrows touched.

At least for now, Ant's performance doesn't seem to be lying.

"Ante, what are you doing?"

Anna couldn't help but ask in a low voice, she didn't know that the method mentioned by Ante existed...

Besides, if there was really a way to reach Quint Island behind the wizard without going through the front line, then they would have fled here long ago, and they would no longer have to rely on sighing blood crystals to support them here.

"Sister Anna, I didn't tell a lie, this is something I only found out by chance when I was with my father before..." Ante explained quickly.

Old Jack also seemed to think of something, frowned slightly, and fell into deep thought.

"So, do you know of a nearby teleportation formation, or some special portal or something? Tell me everything in detail."

Colin raised his brows, looked at the boy in front of him calmly, and continued to ask.

"Okay, sir." Ant nodded, his lips moved slightly, and he was about to explain in detail.

But Colin suddenly raised his hand to stop Ante.

"Someone is here." He raised his head, pointed to the captain's room, and then waved away the silence.

Stepped to the corner, like a puff of blue smoke, and disappeared into the shadows abruptly...

The young Ante watched the scene of Colin disappearing, and finally realized why Colin could know the identities of several of them...

He thought that when he was talking to Old Jack before, the mysterious wizard might have been by his side, and he was still a little creepy.

The same goes for Anna and Old Jack on the side of , and Old Jack observes hard, trying to find traces of Colin.

However, the guests who came to the captain's room did not give them such time.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

Just two or three seconds later, the knock on the door rang hurriedly, and at the same time, there was a low voice.

"Captain Jack, I'm sorry to bother you, but we... I'm afraid we've run into some trouble."

(end of this chapter)