Weird Wizarding World - Chapter 264

Chapter 264

Chapter 264 Invisible Shadow

At the foot of the foot is the muddy and sticky dark mudflat, surrounded by low trees with intertwined roots, and not far away is the somewhat turbid sea water.

Slightly muddy waves crashed in, blurring the coastline.

Obviously, this is a mangrove forest on the edge of a small island.

It was evening, the sky was weak and the night sky was dark, but with his strong eyesight, Colin could still see everything around him clearly.

He turned his head and looked towards the sea, passing over the shaded trees, a simple brown wooden boat came into view, now floating not far away, swaying with the waves.

'Perhaps it was the boat on which the tree elf hybrid and Liar came to this island together'

He speculated to himself, and then vigilantly observed the surroundings again.

The damp mangroves are extremely quiet. The conspicuous living creatures that can be seen in the eyes are only the fiddler crabs in the trees on the left. The dark blue shell makes them integrate with the surrounding environment. If it is not moving, it is really bad. Find.

'This is a small island, I don't know where it is. ' Colin retracted his gaze and sighed slightly.

After used witchcraft to scout the surroundings again, he came to the brown boat, put it in the storage ring, and flew cautiously towards the sky.

Although the sky is dark now, just in case, Colin didn't fly at a high altitude, just to scout around a little.

The island here is not safe, and no one knows if anyone other than the tree elf hybrid and Liar knows about this island that can enter the elf kingdom.

Furthermore, he didn't know if the tree elf hybrid and Liar had other accomplices who knew that the two had come here.

So, the first thing we should do now is to get out of here as soon as possible.

As the height gradually increased, the whole picture of the whole island was also displayed in front of Colin.

This is a roughly droplet-shaped mini-island with a small area, no more than two kilometers from one end of the island to the other.

So the specific situation above can be seen clearly at a glance.

Sparse vegetation, bare reefs, this is the most common desert island at sea, the only special feature is probably the mangrove forest under his feet.

Colin withdrew his gaze and continued to look around in the distance.

It didn't take long for him to discover an island with lush vegetation that seemed more suitable for temporary settlement.

"Nasi, hold on tight." Colin said to Nassi behind him, then lowered his height and flew towards the island he had found.

At the junction of the sea and the sky, the dark red sunset is sinking, the golden light spreading out ignites the surrounding clouds, and the golden embers fall on the sea below, emitting sparkling waves.

Now, as a first-order wizard, he drives the Light Flame Soaring Technique and maintains a state of cruising. With his current magical power, he can fly for about half a day.

And if you use the flying flying dive technique, which is only a first-order lower level, the cruising time can be increased to one day, and the overall flight distance is longer.

Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but here Colin chose the soaring flame technique.

Without him, Flame Soaring is faster.

The sea at night is not suitable for long journeys, even for him, who is already a first-order wizard, this is also an extremely dangerous move.

extinguished the light of the flame soaring technique, and Colin blessed himself with the swiftness technique.

However, Wangshan ran dead horses, and Wanghai Island did the same.

It doesn't seem like a very far island, but when Colin arrived, there was only a trace of the sunset in the sky.

After checking the island, it was determined that there was no fresh water on the surface, no large beasts, and no traces of man-made, just a desert island with lush vegetation, Colin's tense nerves relaxed slightly.

He took Naxi and disappeared into the woods.

As the last light of the orange sunset slowly sank into the sea, night fell quickly.

Colin came to the top of the tree with a metal cone bullet suspended in his hand. He looked up at the starry sky and the cone bullet in his hand, and made a rough judgment.

'This place also belongs to the Southern Sea. '

Colin breathed a sigh of relief, jumped off the top of the tree, and returned to his temporary foothold on a sturdy tree.

Now that the location has been determined, and luckily it is still in the southern sea, then the next plan becomes simple

That is, just keep going north!

It's just... Colin has a faint worry in his heart.

Through the starry sky above, coupled with the simple compass made of cone bombs, the scope can only be narrowed down to the southern sea.

But the southern sea is not a small area.

And...this is where the war between wizards and gods takes place.

He thought of the two aliens who were beheaded by himself and Lilian in the elf kingdom.

A half-blood tree elf wizard, a Liar.


You must know that since the tree elves have fallen to the gods, Liar, who cooperated with them to overthrow the high elves, may also be inseparable from the gods.

An invisible haze enveloped Colin's heart, and he had a hunch that this trip back to the Siya continent might not be too peaceful.

'It would be nice if there was a sorcery that hides the body like Lilian's Hidden Moon Veil...' Colin had this idea subconsciously in his heart.

And the next second, he suddenly remembered that he might have such a witchcraft!

The next day.

The sky was dimly lit, and a faint white mist floated over the sea.

Standing on the top of the highest tree on the island, Colin glanced around the surrounding waters, and after confirming that there were no suspicious ships, he returned to his temporary residence.

When he realized last night that he might be in a dangerous area, he finally decided to set off in a hurry and make more preparations before hitting the road.

As for these preparations, the most important thing is to practice a hidden sorcery called Invisible Shadow that he discovered from the tree elf hybrid storage ring last night!

This should be the hidden sorcery used when the tree elf hybrid and Liar ambushed.

Unfortunately...I originally thought that this witchcraft should be at least a first-order lower-ranking, but I never thought that the quality is not high, just a zero-ranking upper-ranking.

And there is a fatal flaw

That is, dynamic objects cannot be hidden, and the subject will reveal some outlines when moving.

But correspondingly, the invisible light has a very strong static ability to hide. As long as the angle and position are selected, it can almost be compared to some first-order low-level concealment witchcraft.

'Better than nothing...' Colin continued to read the unfinished Invisible Shadow Witchcraft.

Even though this magic cannot hide dynamic objects, in the sea area, there are only some translucent outlines and no camouflage, the difference is still very big.

In the vast ocean, there is no camouflage, and it may be clearly discovered on islands several nautical miles away.

but only has a translucent outline. If you use some means to make it less humanoid, the possibility of being discovered will be greatly reduced.

In addition, wearing the crown of spiritual enlightenment at the moment, I just took this opportunity to test my specific improvement in witchcraft learning.

"...So, the invisible shadow essentially condenses the surrounding air through magic, so that the light is shifted at a specific angle, so that the light received by the object behind it bypasses itself and is transmitted to the observer, thereby achieving the effect of invisibility at the visual level."

After reading the last sentence, Colin discovered another disadvantage of Invisible Shadow

If the subject is in contact with an object, it is difficult for those contact surfaces that are blocked and have no light to be completely hidden by the invisible shadow.

As we all know, we can see objects because the objects reflect light, and those contact surfaces are not illuminated by light, invisible shadows, and naturally powerless.

But... Compared with dynamic movement, this is only a small disadvantage, which can be solved by flying and suspending without contact with the surrounding environment.

After reading the last paragraph of the book of witchcraft, Colin let out a sigh of relief, ready to start practicing.

He first quickly went through the entire knowledge and main points of the Invisible Shadow in his mind.

Under the action of the super brain, every character of the content just read appeared clearly... The only difference from before is that Colin recalled the knowledge of the invisible shadow witchcraft in his mind, and suddenly an inspiration suddenly popped up in his mind

"The ability of invisible shadows to interfere with light may change the real image played in the shadow crystal..."

Inspiration like this came out of nowhere, and the things related to it are also irrelevant... You must know that the production of photo crystals has been put aside by him due to lack of energy, and he has not continued to improve for a long time.

"Perhaps the use of light spells can make up for the defect that the invisible shadow cannot hide the place where it comes in contact with the object."

Immediately after, another sudden thought came to mind.

At this time, Colin finally reacted, his lips moved, and he speculated silently:

"Perhaps...this is the biggest function of the crown of spiritual enlightenment?"

(end of this chapter)