Weird Wizarding World - Chapter 258

Chapter 258

Chapter 258 Discovery

As he closed his eyes, the strange characters I remembered before gradually began to emerge.

Colin read in order, starting from the books found on the first floor of the stone tree, which are also the only complete books.

With the help of the crown of spiritual enlightenment, these originally unfamiliar characters became familiar at this moment, but due to the influence of some strange force, he was still very difficult to understand, resulting in a very slow reading speed.

About two hours passed before he was halfway through the first book.

And the content of this half of the book is mainly about the birth of the ancient tree of life.

"Existing in multiple planes... Born in the astral world..." Colin opened his eyes and muttered to himself, a little shocked.

If all the information recorded in the classics is true, then the Ancient Tree of Life is undoubtedly an existence beyond imagination, comparable to a god!

But she is not a god, and she is not born by faith. The real body exists in the astral world, and the daughters exist in multiple planes at the same time. The characteristic feature is that she will give birth to creatures called elves.

Information like made Colin feel that the ancient tree in the cave behind him was by no means the real descendant of the ancient tree of life in this plane, let alone the real ancient tree of life!

'But the existence of the ancient tree of life...what is it? '

He frowned and closed his eyes again.

This time, however, Colin did not choose to continue reading the subsequent parts of the first book.

Instead, he started to quickly go through all the characters left in his mind in the form of browsing to verify another conjecture in his mind!

So, about an hour later, Colin opened his eyes again, and his face was a little stunned.

'These books that exist in the stone tree are not so much the history recorded by the elves, but the memory of the ancient tree of life... or, the memory of the strange giant tree in the grotto behind. '

After pondering for a moment, Colin came to a conclusion

"It's more like the memory of the weird giant tree behind it."

The reason for making such a judgment is mainly because most of the records and descriptions in the classics are mostly in the first person, but they are not real, and some places are obviously derived from self-imagination

Thinking of this, as if to verify something, Colin slowly got up, glanced at the cave behind him, and walked outside the palace.

After about half an hour.

He returned to the blue sky and came to the largest stone tree.

In a room full of bookshelves, Colin stood quietly in front of the first bookshelf, his expression solemn.

'Sure enough, these books that had been taken away by myself and Lillian were all returned to the original bookshelf at this moment. '

He stretched out his hand and rubbed the book in front of him, then thought about it again,

"Although I don't know why, but on the bright side, at least those classics that I didn't remember before have a chance to read them again."

So for the next half of the day, with the help of his super brain, Colin recorded all the books that he could come into contact with in his mind without trying to understand.

Then he returned to the palace above the blue sky, where he began to read from the second half of the first book.

Nasi is in the grotto behind the palace, and Lilian may also return to the palace through the treasury arch.

In order to know these changes for the first time, he naturally had better stay in the palace.

Just like that, time flies by.

Colin spends almost all of his time reading through books.

But the further back, the more chaotic and repetitive the content of the classics, almost all nonsense, often a very thick book, and everything expressed in it can be summed up in just one sentence.

But the strange characters did not repeat at all... Or, under the influence of a certain force, he could not see such a repetition at all.

Under such circumstances, in order to avoid missing key information, Colin's reading speed could not be improved.

Until seven days passed, when the dark red wind was about to sweep in, he only read half of all the books.

However, even if most of it was just some gibberish, it was enough to get him some extraordinary benefits.

Colin stood up slowly, the crown of spiritual enlightenment above his head shrank quietly like a phantom, and finally left a pattern of leaves intertwined with gold and green on his forehead.

And such faint lines slowly disappeared under the skin under his thoughts.

Not only that, but the spirit armor he wears and the ancient tree fountain necklace he wears have also undergone the same changes.

They all disappeared quietly, making Colin at this moment back to be a handsome young wizard in ordinary clothes.

seems to be the invisible benefit of reading strange characters, and he inexplicably has a deeper grasp of the treasures created by these elves.

This change is not only the appearance that can be hidden, whether it is the elf armor or the crown of spiritual enlightenment, the power they can exert in the hands of Colin has also become stronger!


Colin's thoughts moved, and the elf armor reappeared on his body.

The unexpected harvest didn't make him very happy... He still couldn't find a way out.

He had already read through half of those books, and he had learned some hidden histories that he didn't know if it was true or not.

For example, in the beginning, there was actually only one king in the elves, and the ancient tree of life did not actually have too much self-awareness.

However, there is not much, if any, helpful information about the current situation.


Colin stretched out his hand and threw away the copper pocket watch, the pointer on it was walking non-stop.

"In two minutes, the wind of dark red pollution will come again." Colin silently stomped his feet and moved his body slightly to prepare.

His gaze swept across the vault arch in the center of the palace.

Seven days have passed, and Lilian still hasn't appeared.

Thinking of this, Colin took out the delicate small wooden hammer obtained from Lites and probed into it.

"The location used is at the foot of a high mountain... There, you can leave with a wooden hammer..." He confirmed again.

Just glanced at the looming mark on his wrist, and Colin dismissed all thoughts in his heart again.

Reading these days also let him know the function of the mark in his hand - that is, to limit the scope of activities.

Thinking of the previous experience, if it is not expected, the elf Naxi may have the same mark on her body.

And this mark can only be removed by the giant tree...

As for whether it can be lifted by killing the giant tree - no elves know.

There is no record in the tome composed of the memory of the strange giant tree.

Colin's face was silent, he glanced back, paused slightly, then turned and stepped over the phantom.

Although I don't know if I can remove the mark by solving the giant tree, so as to save Naxi and myself and escape from here, I don't even know how to deal with this huge giant tree...

But you can't just accept your fate and stay here as a so-called Shutel!

Through the phantom, the cave was the same as it was seven days ago, and Naxi was all normal, but kept in a state of deep sleep.


The wind that came from nowhere suddenly blew up, pulling up the golden hair on Colin's forehead.

"The wind of pollution... has begun." He let out a turbid breath, took out the magic ring and waited, and at the same time moved his eyes to the giant tree in the cave.

Although the giant tree had told him to stay away from it when the dark red wind was blowing... But the more so, the more Colin had to do, so as to find the life that might exist in it!

The pale blond hair began to flutter under the increasing wind behind him, and his vision was gradually dyed a pale red color.

However, there is less pollution in the mountains than in other places, and the current wind is not enough to cause too much impact on Colin.

However, it was only for a moment, just like in the stone trees before, a more intense dark red wind suddenly blew in the cave.

Colin's eyes narrowed and he quickly looked for the source!

"It's... the bulge at the bottom of the giant tree?"

I saw the dark red spots under the giant tree, and it was beating slowly like a heart at this moment, and the foul winds spread like waves.


Just as Colin was amazed, a huge human face suddenly appeared on the giant tree, roaring in pain.

Maybe it was because of the interference of the dark red wind, or maybe it was because he didn't care.

The face on the giant tree ignored the existence of Colin, roared as if it were a routine, then shrank a few times and moved to the top of the highest tree canopy.

plop, plop, plop

The long tree tumor below is constantly shrinking and expanding.

Colin gritted his teeth, trying to resist the wind of dark red pollution coming from all directions, trying to stay a little longer, hoping to see more changes.

The huge human face above the giant tree seems to be very afraid of these polluting winds. The green aura lights up from the canopy, trying to keep those dark red winds out.

The branch that originally carried the elf Nasi was also lowered separately, away from the canopy.

However, here, the winds of pollution that were blowing endlessly seemed to have a common goal, and they gathered together one by one and attacked the faces above the tree canopy.

A small tornado suddenly formed on the canopy of the tree, making the originally powerful emerald aura crumbling.


The human face emerged from the tree trunk again and roared.

The next moment, the deepest part of the tree trunk, where the dark red wind was constantly gushing out from the lower part of the trunk, gradually released a pale golden light.

These rays of light are so intense that they almost penetrate the dark mangrove tumor that wraps around it.

'This is? ! '

With the transmission of light, an extremely pure breath of life suddenly filled the entire grotto.

On the rock wall, a little bit of green crawled out of the gap, expanding wildly outwards, almost instantly dyeing the entire cave half green.

Looking carefully, these greens are some unknown plants, shaped like moss, and some with flowers of various colors

However, such a magnificent scene could not be maintained for a moment, and it changed its appearance under the influence of the dark red pollution wind that suddenly intensified.

The green color gradually faded, replaced by a dark red color representing pollution. The plants withered one after another, fell from the rock wall like gravel, and then turned into dark dust in the wind.

Colin clenched his teeth and stood with his feet firmly in place, struggling to resist the wind of pollution.

Somewhere, he realized that perhaps there may be ways to deal with the ancient tree in front of him, and perhaps the hope of escaping life is hidden in this very special change now!

Colin tried his best to widen his eyes, and through the dark red wind, he could clearly see the shape of the light under the burl!

"That's... a huge broken branch?!"

Before he could confirm it carefully, the dark red tumor suddenly swelled up, and then suddenly shrank with force.


The dark purple wind was squeezed out by the tumor like blood, and then spread out quickly like ink droplets into water.

Those golden lights were slowly obscured, and the huge face roared in displeasure.

But even though the golden light has disappeared, the green light emanating from the canopy where the huge human face is located is no longer shaky.

Although the scope is not large, after all, it barely protected the huge face from the pollution wind.

A delicate balance is maintained between the two.

But on the other hand, as those dark purple winds spread, Colin's condition was not optimistic.

"Amis... Eternal Wind... Magnificent Painter..." A strange whisper suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Cough cough" Colin's face suddenly flushed, and the **** breath rushed into his throat.

The heart beats like a drum, as if it was stuffed into a ball of flame, and the burning pain suddenly emerged in the heart, and then it became more and more intense, almost igniting the whole person!

'not good! ' Colin blinked his eyes, which were already full of dark red bloodshots, pursed his lips and hesitated for a moment, and finally gave the giant tree a stern look, and chose to retreat for the time being.

In order to prevent this situation at this moment, the phantom leading to the palace is just a short distance behind.

Colin turned around and urged the flying witchcraft to plunge into the phantom and came to the palace.

But he hasn't waited for him to react.

The heat in my heart suddenly rose for some reason!


Unpredictable, excited by the heat in his heart, Colin's throat became hot, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

He opened his eyes and tried to look around, but only saw a dark red wind that was deep and almost purple.

Endless frantic murmurs and whispers echoed in his mind, and Colin shook his head hard, almost losing consciousness.

Biting the tip of his tongue hard, he instigated the magic power of his whole body, pushing the flame soaring technique and swiftness technique to the limit, burying his head and striving forward!

After a long time, Colin gradually regained consciousness, and his brain also had extra reason to observe the surroundings.

At this time, he also realized that he hadn't flown very far at all.

just flew from the deepest stone wall of the Treasure Palace to the front gate.

However, despite such a short distance, the concentration of pollution is vastly different.

Colin looked up at the stone wall with the ancient tree of life carved on it.

Starting from the two pale gold thrones, the wind of pollution seemed to be compressed by some kind of force, and the color became dark and almost purple.

The wind of pollution kept blowing forward, blowing over the emerald throne, but was blocked by the stone wall engraved with the ancient tree of life, forming a dark red and purple "wall".

"Could this be the reason why the giant tree is reluctant to contact the outside world?" Colin wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and thought to himself.

In this way, a day is fleeting.

Colin walked to the Emerald Throne step by step and sat down gently with his legs crossed.

The wind of dark red pollution has stopped, and the entire palace has returned to silence.

But his heart didn't recover at all, so Colin couldn't help but close his eyes and meditate in silence.

(end of this chapter)