Weird Wizarding World - Chapter 254

Chapter 254

In front of the treasury arch, there is also a half-person-high carved column.

On the upper plane of the column, like a water surface, pale golden ripples are constantly surging from the left to the right.

"This should be the place where the treasure trove checks the certificate." Lillian stepped forward slowly and said softly.

Without further hesitation, she took the lead in placing a strange stone like a dead wood in the storage ring.

Colin stared intently at the column, and at the same time looked around with his peripheral vision.

After a while, Lillian looked at the plane of the column, then looked at the unresponsive arch in front of her, and reached out and took back the strange dead wood stone.

She turned her head and gestured to Colin. Colin understood the idea and took out a blue metal piece from the storage ring that was screened out during the inspection just now, which may be suspected of being a certificate.

Put the metal piece on the post, but the result is still no response.

In this way, the two took turns testing the objects in their hands, and after about ten minutes, they completed the testing of all the objects that were suspected of entering the treasure house.

But nothing changed the square column, or the vault arch.

"We can only continue to test the rest of the objects in the storage ring." Lillian was silent for a moment and sighed.

Colin frowned as he looked at the arch ahead.

It doesn't make sense...The tree elf mixed blood will not tell such a lie for no reason. Since he said he has proof, it is naturally there.

According to the style of the high elves, the certificate should not be plain or even indistinguishable... How can it be so difficult to find the certificate?


Lilian was already placing the rest of the objects on the stone pillar.

Colin continued to think.

"It's your turn, Colin."

After a while, Lilian pursed her lips, took back the things on the stone pillar, and turned back to Colin and said:

And at this moment, Colin suddenly had a flash of inspiration, his lips moved slightly, and he muttered:

"Sister, everything in the storage ring has been checked by us. If you insist on saying that something is related to the elves, there must be only those two so-called entry and exit certificates!"

As he spoke, he walked forward, took out the golden-grained wooden hammer found on Lites from the storage ring, and placed it on the stone pillar.


When the wooden hammer touched the upper plane of the stone pillar, the golden ripples that were constantly surging immediately changed.

The plane seems to have become a real water surface, and those golden glows like flowing water are also stained with wooden hammers like real water waves.

Lilian's eyes lit up when she saw this, and her heart filled with joy and excitement.

When Jinmang completely wrapped the golden-grained wooden hammer, the changes on the stone pillars gradually stopped, and instead, the treasury arch began to light up with a pale golden light.

But it didn't take long for the two to be happy.

A pale golden light shot out from the door of the treasure house, accurately covering Colin, but it was retracted at a touch, and it was retracted in an instant.

And then, the golden light disappeared, whether it was the golden light of the stone pillar or the golden light of the arch, it all dissipated in an instant.

The dark red light swept in again, the joy on Lilian's face suddenly disappeared, and the two thin eyebrows suddenly touched.

Colin frowned slightly and moved his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything in the end, just put the golden-grained wooden hammer on the stone pillar platform again.

Then a thought moved.


A gorgeous black armor suddenly appeared on his body.

Lilian on the side was startled for a moment, then she reacted and looked at this picture with a little nervousness.


From above the arch, a golden light shone again.

But this time, it didn't stop at one touch, but slowly swept it from head to toe.

Then, the pale golden light was withdrawn and replaced by a soft white light - I don't know when, the treasury arch quietly opened, revealing a pure white swirling interior.

This is obviously a portal.

"Sister Lilian, I'll go first?" Colin breathed softly, restraining his inner surging, and asked back.

"Hurry in and avoid another accident." Lilian nodded and urged.

But at this time, as if thinking of something, Colin's footsteps paused for a while, but he suddenly turned around.

Although the door to the elf treasure house has been opened with the wooden hammer, Lilian also has the certificate obtained from Pard.

But this does not mean that Lillian will definitely be able to enter the treasure house of the elf. She has entered the treasure house herself, and I don't know if she will be able to return here

But no matter what, for him, being able to obtain treasures in the elf treasury is just the icing on the cake, but for Lillian, and for Atebold, the mentor who has helped him a lot, it is most likely the only life.

So he is reasonable, even if there is only a slight possibility of such a possibility, he is not willing to take this risk... or step back for the time being.

"Colin, why don't you go in?"

Lilian noticed his movements and asked in confusion.

"I haven't tried, senpai, whether your credentials can enter the treasury." Colin replied briefly.

Lillian was obviously stunned when she saw his move, as if she didn't expect Colin to make such a move.

She was silent for a while, determined to let Colin go in first.

But when I think of my grandfather, I think that the voucher in my hand has not been tested to open the treasure house. After entering the treasure house, I don't know if I can come back here... The road ahead is unknown.

Thinking of this, her throat seemed to be blocked, her lips moved slightly, but in the end she was speechless.

"Lilian-senpai, things will change sooner rather than later, so hurry up as soon as possible."

Colin said, but he didn't think much about it.

Repaying kindness and taking revenge for revenge is his standard.

"Yeah." Lilian took a breath, no longer hesitated, and walked towards the stone pillar.

"Junior Colin" But when she passed by Colin, she seemed to be thinking of something. She paused and took out a pale white crystal from the storage ring.

"Here is the knowledge about strengthening the foundation of the body... With your talent, you may be able to try to strengthen the foundation of the body now, to prepare for the second step."

"Sister Lilian..." Colin was slightly startled, but he didn't say much, raising his hand to take the crystal.

"Remember, Colin" But Lilian suddenly retracted the crystal and emphasized with a serious expression, "Do everything within your means, and always be alert to whether you are affected by knowledge!"

After she finished speaking, she stuffed the crystal into Colin's hands, and then took out a tube of transparent water-like potion from the storage ring, Likme's Examination Potion, and handed it to Colin.

After doing this, Lilian came to the stone pillar, took out the green leaves she had obtained earlier, and placed it on top.

The pale golden light on the arch shone again, dispelling the ubiquitous reddish shimmer in the elven kingdom.

Lillian, like Colin, summoned the same elf armor with the color of blue and gold.


The next moment, Colin couldn't help frowning.

After that golden light fell on Lillian, it was as easy as the first time...the treasury arch did not open either.

'Could it be that the leaf, like the previous dry branch, also requires a specific tree elf bloodline to open the treasury arch? '

'Is the required identity different between different credentials? '

Thinking of this, Colin suddenly had an epiphany and said to Lilian:

"Sister, maybe you can try your bracelet again! Like the wooden hammer and leaves, it has the function of entering and exiting the kingdom of elves!"

Lilian was stunned for a moment, and hope appeared in her heart again, and she took out the delicate lavender bracelet that had been in her hands.

Colin stared at the exquisite bracelet, and a new doubt suddenly appeared in his heart

These different types of certificates, apart from the different identity requirements, are there any other differences?

At this time, Lillian had already put away the leaves and placed the bracelet on the stone pillar again.

Colin carefully observed the stone pillars, the leaves and stone hammers were the same, they were all covered with golden light.

The current bracelet...seems no different?

The same process occurs again.

But this time, Lillian passed the test, and a pale white light came quietly

The arch of the treasury, opened!

Lilian was a little surprised rather than surprised.

She never imagined that the bracelet that her mother left for her would have such a function!

After a while, she exhaled in relief, turned her head and said to Colin:

"Colin, I'm going in."

"If we can come back here when we leave the treasury, we will each wait here for a day for each other. If not, we will leave first."

"Okay." Colin withdrew his gaze, holding back his curiosity for the time being.

At least in terms of external performance, there is no difference between these several processes.

He gradually calmed down in his heart, stared at Lillian, and continued: "Everything is going well, see you later."

"Yeah. Everything went well." Lilian nodded, no longer hesitated, put away the bracelet on the stone pillar, and walked into the arch of the treasure house.

Her figure gradually disappeared in the white light, until it disappeared completely.

, the thick and gorgeous arch was also closed suddenly.

Only Colin was left in the entire palace.

"Can the treasure house bring the elf in?" Colin suddenly noticed.

Lilian had just walked into the archway, nothing was left, and Bibi seemed to have followed suit.

"Good giant...Where is this?"

At this moment, Naxi in the hood suddenly made a sound.

Colin had previously given her a new heart of an ancient tree. After licking it for a while, she fell into a deep sleep, not even waking up when she fought Lites before.

At this moment, he suddenly woke up for some unknown reason.

The spiritual power spread away, and Colin saw Naxi's haggard face. Since he came here, for some reason, the elf has become more and more sluggish. At this moment, even the red wings behind his back have drooped down and lost their original luster. with texture.

"This is a palace above the blue sky, and I'm about to enter the elf treasure house now.

Nasi, hold on for a while, I will take you out of here after a while, and I will give you the biggest sugar gem at that time. "

Seeing Naxi's appearance, Colin was also a little worried in his heart, so he couldn't help comforting him aloud.

"Good giant, you are so kind..." When Naxi heard the sugar gem, her red eyes suddenly lit up a little, but the spirit just flashed by.

Almost for a moment, her two eyelids began to fight, and then she fell into a deep sleep.

Colin was startled at first, and then saw that Naxi's chest was still slightly heaving and the breath of life was weak but steady, so he calmed down for a while and continued to walk forward.

He placed the golden-grained wooden hammer on the stone pillar again, and the vault arch opened again.

With a little excitement, Colin no longer hesitated and walked into the arch.


The next second, the arch closed again, and his figure disappeared into the white light.

But a small dark red figure suddenly fell.

fell to the ground in front of the arch.