Weird Wizarding World - Chapter 150

Chapter 150

Chapter 150 Sale and Registration

According to Sophia, after half a month, the Xisheng School will have an exam.

It is worth mentioning that the test is mainly aimed at members of other smaller schools, or suitable members of the primary schools affiliated to them.

The second is the alien wizards who hold tokens.

And the content of the exam is mainly the basic knowledge of all kinds of wizards.

In addition, for senior wizard apprentices, there will be an additional assessment of at least three advanced knowledge items that they are good at.

As for the admission requirements of other schools... Colin should increase his knowledge.

After all, even the cheapest token... According to Sophia, buying on the black market requires at least 30,000 or 40,000 magic stones to start.

What's more, schools like the Ista School actually do not accept the participation of outside wizards like him at all.

The only ones that are accepted are ordinary children who meet various requirements and have not yet practiced witchcraft.

The white porcelain teacup was gently placed on the front desk by Sophia, she paused and continued to ask:

"Mr. Colin, do you need any other information?"

Now that the magic stone has been paid and the information has been told, if there is nothing else, she will continue to read.

Colin raised his head and glanced at Sophia, pondered for a moment and continued to ask:

"Do you have any recommendations for the most reliable trading market nearby, or an auction house or a **** shop?"

"A magic stone."

"Yes." Colin nodded.

After Sophia organized the language and began to speak:

"Whether you want to buy something or sell something, I recommend you to go to the copper rose block, where you can find everything you want on the central street."

"Furthermore, it is under the control of the Istar School. Although the price of goods and the handling fee for selling items are higher than other places, it corresponds to the excellent reputation of the chambers of commerce and auction houses there, and there has never been any viciousness. event."

Colin nodded, took out the magic stone and handed it to Sophia. After asking for the address of Copper Rose Street for free, he left the hotel and set out for it.

The city of Neustadt, the whole city is forbidden to fly... The fast Benz is also forbidden, unless you have special permission.

Otherwise, they will be punished with magic stones, and in severe cases, they will be expelled from the city or imprisoned in prison.

But, perhaps because of this, there are so many stagecoachs in Neustadt that they can be seen almost everywhere in the streets.

Colin raised his hand and stopped one casually.

"How many magic stones go to Copper Rose Street."

"One-half magic stone, sir."

In front of the black hood, the dark-faced groom replied respectfully.

"Let's go." Colin nodded and got into the carriage.

Such a price is quite reasonable, not as high as accommodation costs... Colin raised his eyebrows slightly.

Speaking of which, after Renee went out to buy ingredients last night, she also mentioned to him the price of ingredients in Neustadt City... Roughly estimated, it seems to be about twice the price of Bananka Island.

looks expensive, but compared to the cost of accommodation, it is not too expensive.

It seems that Neustadt City...the most expensive thing is accommodation.

The carriage moved forward at a constant speed, and the surrounding scene flew by quickly. In a trance, Colin inexplicably thought of the experience of drifting north in his previous life.

The feeling of having a headache and staying at the moment is somewhat similar to that at that time.

shook his head, Colin retracted his thoughts.

The reason why Neustadt City has such a high accommodation or house price is probably inseparable from its high concentration of magic energy.

more than an hour later.

Tinghai Chamber of Commerce.

Colin stepped in.

This is a chamber of commerce that he can entrust to consign ships and the like.

He intends to come and ask about the specific situation.

After all, Neustadt is not a small town. It is not easy to find a suitable buyer when you are unfamiliar...

Professional things are still left to professional people to do.

As for the chamber of commerce that directly recycles the ship, it may be because Neustadt City is not near the sea, so it has not been found.

After explaining his purpose, the waiter at the front desk took him to a meeting room inside.

A middle-aged apprentice wizard with long hair received him.

"Do you want to entrust our Tinghai Chamber of Commerce to consign a ship?"

"Yes." Colin nodded and asked him, "What is the specific consignment process? For example... Valuation and handling fees."

The long-haired apprentice nodded and said:

"That's right, our Tinghai Chamber of Commerce's consignment shipping fee is usually between 2% and 5%. Depending on the type of ship, the sale price varies."

Colin nodded slightly, if the discount is not much, then the 2% and 5% handling fees are barely acceptable.

After all, finding a chamber of commerce for consignment can save him a lot of time and energy.

And he can use the time he bought with the magic stone to prepare for the exam of the Xisheng School.

"If you can accept such a fee ratio, then we can proceed to the next step." The long-haired apprentice continued.

"I take the liberty to ask, do you have the ship you want to consign now?"

"If there is, please go to a suitable place with me to take it out, and then we will have a professional appraiser to estimate its market price for you."

As he spoke, he stood up.

Although he politely asked if Colin had a ship with him, in fact he was basically certain that the ship was carried by Colin.

After all, the city of Neustadt is deep inland, and there is no big river in the city that can carry the ships that Colin described to the receptionist.

The nearest big river around is also far outside the city, so you have to go outside to find it in the kingdom of Neustadt.

Colin naturally thought of this, and he didn't hide anything, and followed him on the steam locomotive of the Chamber of Commerce to a huge warehouse.

took out the Haiyan, and the appraiser who was waiting next to him stepped forward and turned around, cast a few sorceries, and then went up to test it with an unknown sorcery tool.

After a set of procedures, about half an hour passed.

The appraiser stepped off the boat and came to them.

"Kellogg, how are you?" the long-haired apprentice asked.

"The function is intact and the condition is very new." Kellogg put away the identification tool, paused and said, "In the past, the estimated selling price of this ship was between 11,000 and 12,000 magic stones. float."

"But now, due to the frequent arrival of the gods of the far sea in the south, the number of wizards who go to adventure has increased, and the supply of ships in the market, whether brand new or second-hand, has already exceeded the demand."

"So, I personally estimate that the boat can be at least 10% higher than the original price. If a suitable buyer is found, it is normal for the premium to reach 14,000."

Colin nodded calmly, but an undercurrent was surging in his heart.

The far south sea...isn't the south of the Siya continent the direction he came from?

God descends, he is no stranger to this, after all, he has experienced it.

But an adventurous wizard... These short words contain a lot of information.

"Your Excellency, according to the value of the ship you consign, our Tinghai Chamber of Commerce will guarantee that the final price is not less than 12,000 magic stones, and the handling fee charged is 2.9%, what do you think?"

"If it is appropriate, you need to temporarily deposit the ship with the Chamber of Commerce so that we can sell it. At the same time, the Tinghai Chamber of Commerce will advance the magic stone of 50% of the estimated minimum price to you in advance."

"Okay..." Colin converged his thoughts, nodded at the long-haired apprentice, and then changed the subject, "However, I think this fee can be discussed further."

Next, he bargained with the long-haired wizard, and finally reduced the handling fee to 2.7%.

After doing this, he signed a contract and accepted the advance payment of 6,000 magic stones. Colin turned and left, and went to the next place in the plan without stopping.

After about an hour or so.

Zion Street.

European-style white relief columns, gray and white smooth marble floors... Colin stood in front of a magnificent building and raised his head slightly.

At the very top of the entrance hall, two large swash characters of Xisheng are written in common language, the colors are intertwined with gold and silver, just like the feather badge he is holding in his hand at the moment.

Xisheng School... Or any school's exam, you can't wait until the day of the test to take the token, but you need to go to the school to register in advance.

Especially for senior apprentices, since they need to assess the three advanced knowledge they are good at, they need to come and register in advance, so that the school can set the corresponding assessment content at that time.

According to Sophia, almost all school assessments consist of two partsthe written test and the practical application.

The written test is easy to understand, similar to the test in the previous life, it is an assessment of some theoretical knowledge.

And the practical application is not limited to one type, it can be casting witchcraft, or it can be some wizard creation... In short, as long as it can show the knowledge that one has mastered.

Gently exhaled a turbid breath, and Colin walked in.

After showed off his feather badge, he followed the directions to the outside of the office responsible for registration.

Tuk Tuk Tuk.

raised his hand and knocked gently on the door.

"Please come in." A deep voice came from inside.

Colin pushed the door and walked in.

It is a simple office with a gray and white woolen carpet in the middle, a brown-red log desk by the window, and a khaki upholstered chair behind it.

On the chair, an elegant man with brown hair and a short ponytail put down the book in his hand, looked up at him and asked slowly:

"Are you here to register for the entrance exam?"


Colin didn't dare to neglect, he quickly replied respectfully, and walked to the table at the same time.

The elegant ponytail wizard in front of looked harmless to humans and animals, but the sense of oppression from his soul made him not dare to underestimate him.

I'm afraid... at least a wizard above the first-rank intermediate level.

"Give me the token." Matthew leaned back on the reclining chair and said lightly as he tapped his fingers on the table.

"Okay, my lord." Colin handed the feather badge to Matthew with both hands.

"Yeah." Matthew took it as he did, and after a simple test of his magic power input, he took out a dark silver round coin with a feather pattern engraved on it from a drawer beside it and handed it to Colin.

"Enter Magic Binding."

He glanced at Colin, and added: "...Senior apprentice, you also need to register the three kinds of advanced knowledge that you are good at."

As he spoke, he took out a form from the side, which was densely filled with various knowledge.

"Mechanical transformation categories: bionic machinery, large puppets...; Element categories: thermal energy radiation, elemental life...; life transformation: alien energy, fusion of monster bloodlines..."

Matthew handed the form to Colin and began to read the book on his own.

Colin took the form, but did not rush to fill it out, but took out three middle-grade magic stones from the storage ring with his backhand.

The 6,000 magic stones that Tinghai Chamber of Commerce advanced to him in advance consisted of five middle-grade magic stones, five low-grade magic stones, and 500 ordinary magic stones.

"Master Wizard, the students have some doubts and want to pay you for consultation." He held the form in one hand and handed three mid-grade magic stones with dim light to Matthew.

Matthew raised his eyebrows. He didn't rush to take the magic stone, but said lightly:

"You're a smart guy, you did your homework in advance."

"Unfortunately..." He shook his head.

Colin froze in his heart, looked up at Matthew carefully, and instantly realized.

secretly gritted his teeth in his heart, and he took out two middle-grade magic stones from the storage ring again.

"The students are stupid..." He calmly handed the five middle grade magic stones to Matthew.

"Not bad!" Matthew patted his shoulder with a smile, a glimmer of satisfaction flashing in his eyes.

Then, without hesitation, he reached out and took the mid-grade magic stone that Colin handed over. His movements were skilled and very clean.

What surprised Colin was that the greedy smile on Matthew's face and the philistine's action of taking the magic stone did not affect his elegant and decent temperament at all, but added a little more to his gentle and calm temperament. vivid.

Colin was slightly relieved when he saw this.

His move was not a whim, but an unspoken rule he learned from Sophia after spending twenty magic stones.

As for the effect... Matthew cleared his throat, looked at Colin and asked, "Which witchcraft are you best at? Just say the three you are best at. It's better to be different types."

After accepting the magic stone, his tone changed from the indifference he had used before. Although he could not say how enthusiastic he was, he at least had some expressions.

Colin pondered for a moment, then said, "Arrow shooting, fireball, steel armor."

"Yeah." Matthew nodded and took the registration form in Colin's hand.

took out a black pen from the log pen holder on the right side of the table, and while he was talking, he wrote a few new characters at the end of the registration form.

"How to use a magnetic field to accelerate metal arrows, an attempt to channel magic power into flames, force fields to simulate steel..."

Colin's heart skipped a beat when he saw what he had written.

This is simply to write those witchcraft in a different way... It is not at the same level of difficulty as the bionic machinery, xenomorphic energy research, etc. seen on the previous table!

Matthew looked up and handed the registration form to Colin.

"Okay, I'll say hello to there. Regarding advanced knowledge, these are the contents of your written test. As for the practical application, you can release the three witchcraft at that time."

"Now fill out the rest of the information on the form and you can leave."

"Thank you." Colin respectfully took the registration form, a flash of joy flashing in his eyes.

After being confirmed by Matthew himself, he couldn't hold back the joy in his heart. The distressed feeling he had caused by spending the magic stone was also dissipated like a bubble in an instant!

Walking out of the Xisheng School and standing in front of its grand and luxurious gate, Colin glanced around, holding the circular certificate in his hand, and felt a trance in his heart.

'The Haiyan consignment has been consigned...just waiting for the Tinghai Chamber of Commerce to find a suitable buyer. '

'The Tin Saint School...if the registered sorcerer hadn't fooled himself, he'd almost done it,'"

He exhaled lightly and whispered softly:

"Everything is available, then we just wait for the assessment."

(end of this chapter)