Weird Wizarding World - Chapter 136

Chapter 136

Chapter 136 Theater

The law of the law

Knight Hayden, who was temporarily acting as a groom, pulled the reins with his strong arms, and the carriage gradually stopped.

Four European-style columns support the tall foyer, which is covered with a layer of pure white snow.

Here is the entrance to a small theatre in the Eastside of Newcastle.

At this time, the King's Knights of Eri were surrounding the place, not only outside the door, but under every wall stood knights in full armor and vigilance.

Wilder got out of the carriage.

"Your Majesty Wilder."

The commander of the Knights of Yili, who was wearing heavy armor, led Wilder to the interior of the theater.

Hayden followed closely.

Behind are Ivan and Anthony.

stepped through the grand and wide hall, followed by a long and dark passage.

The tall body of the Knight Commander almost filled the passage.

Wilder followed with a triangular crown, his expression was calm, but there was some worry in his eyes.

Eri Kingdom has been established for 500 years and has encountered countless extraordinary events, big and small. There are more than 100 records in the royal family's archives alone.

Even so, the level of madness and strangeness of this incident is also at the forefront.

He glanced vaguely at Ivan and Anthony who were following behind him, and sighed in his heart.

"Your Majesty, here we are." The knight captain turned back and said softly, then pushed open the narrow yellow door at the end of the passage.

Is the open semi-circular hall, neatly arranged red soft chairs, and the butter candle chandeliers inlaid on the walls are glowing dimly.

Wilder and his party walked out of the passage.

"Your Excellency Ivan, Your Excellency Anthony, please take a look." Wilder turned slightly to his side, gave up his seat, and raised his hand to signal to the two of Ivan.


After seeing the scene pointed by Wilder's arm, Ivan and Anthony invariably shrank their pupils.

On the wide stage with the color of logs at the front of the hall, a conical tower of flesh and blood was built by twisting and twisting countless stump limbs, with countless **** eyeballs on top.

"The Tower of Conner Reeves..." Ivan murmured, subconsciously asking Anthony next to him.

Although he has left the school for a long time, he has kept most of the knowledge in his heart... With such a typical feature of the tower of flesh and blood in front of him, it can basically be concluded that it is the Tower of Connor Levis.

"Not necessarily, let's go and check it carefully together." Anthony looked solemn.

Ivan nodded and walked quickly onto the stage with Anthony.

The dim light illuminated the stage, and they took turns to perform sorcery.

[Fine Vision], [Detect Evil], [Show Clues]...

Strange rays of light were constantly being emitted from their hands, twinkling around the tower of Conner Reeves on the stage.

also illuminated Wilder's calm face, but the bulging blue veins in his right hand, which was clenching his scepter tightly, revealed his worried heart.

It was snowing heavily.

Palace, a garden.

Inside the white five-cornered pavilion in the center, Connie was fascinated by the snowy scenery around her thick snow-white cape.

The colorful gardens in the past are now only white. The flowers are white, the grass is white, even the bushes and her are white.

After a while.



A figure suddenly fell from the sky.

The female knight behind Connie quickly pulled out the sharp arrow from her waist, stepped forward quickly, and blocked her from behind.

Through the gap in the back of the female knight, Connie's eyes showed surprise.

She stood up, motioned the female knight to step back, and asked suspiciously at the figure:

"Lord Colin, why are you back?"

"After saying goodbye to you, I rode out of the city on horseback. When I was about to leave the city, both my maid's horse and I suddenly fell to the ground and died violently."

Colin said briefly and solemnly.

"The horses...suddenly died?" Connie was puzzled and reached out to Colin a cup of steaming black tea, "But the horses at the royal horse farm will be checked regularly..."

Colin waved his hand to reject the black tea that Connie handed over, and did not answer the call, he just said quickly:

"Connie, I came to you to ask you to help me prepare two more horses, and I can pay for it."

"Okay." Connie replied without hesitation, and added with a smile, "But no payment is required, Lord Colin."

"Yeah." Colin nodded, not wasting time to shirk.

Connie smiled happily after seeing him accept it, and then asked, "Lord Colin, shall we go and choose now?"

"No." Colin shook his head, "I won't choose this time, you can help me choose two similar to the previous ones."

"Then you now..."

Colin didn't answer, but looked at Connie and asked in a deep voice, "Connie, do you know where the wizard we met in the stable today is now?"

Connie heard the words, a trace of doubt and anxiety flashed in the bottom of her eyes, but in the next second, she restrained these emotions very well.

Matters between wizards should be handled by wizards. Although she is curious, she also knows what to ask and what not to ask.

"Did you say Your Excellency Anthony..." She frowned and thought for a moment, then slowly speculated, "If I'm not mistaken, he should be in a small theater in the Eastern District with my father now."

Then she described the address of the theater in detail.

"Yeah." Colin nodded and turned to leave.

"Wait... Lord Colin."

Just then, Connie suddenly stopped him.

Then she gave a simple command to the female knight beside her, then turned her head and asked Colin:

"Can I go with you?"

Although she didn't ask anything, she already had a faint association in her heart.

The sudden death of Colin's horse, and Colin's aggressive inquiring about where Anthony is... It's hard for her not to connect these two things.

Facts are just as she thought.

After the horse fell to the ground, Colin initially detected nothing unusual.

But later, with the blessing of the scepter of stupidity, he still found some clues.

The death of the horse was not natural, nor poisoned or something, but more like a witchcraft curse

"Okay." Colin glanced at Connie and grabbed her arm.

"Get ready," he said softly.

The voice of did not fall.


He took Connie to the sky.

The air flow swept through the snowflakes that disturbed the sky.

In the sky.

Connie's eyes widened, looking down at the snow-covered buildings in Chanuca City under her body... These buildings that she was familiar with on weekdays, but now from a different perspective, they brought her completely different feelings.

Maybe her blood is full of adventure factors. When flying in the air, she didn't feel any fear, she just couldn't hold back the excitement.

For Colin on the side, such scenes are already commonplace... What's more, he is not in the mood to enjoy the beautiful scenery now.

The cold wind blows on his face, but his face seems to be three-point colder.

Another moment.

"Lord Colin, the theater is right there!" Connie pointed to a building below.

Colin looked in the direction of her finger.

A small theater came into view.

He adjusted his direction and dived down quickly.

(end of this chapter)